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Scary Movies


Ring and Grudge = Scary.
Hostel et al = Gross.

Slashers aren't scary, they're just over the top violence.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Scary movies are only scary when you're a child.

The last thing that gave me a good scare wasn't a movie, but that youtube video about Michael Jacksons ghost caught on tape at Neverland. I watched it late at night in the dark, and I knew what was gonna happen, but it still scared the shit outa me.


My blades will find your heart
Most of the good Horror movies are gross and or suspenseful, but almost always predictable. The Thing though, that one will scare you.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Oh Yea, I also remember watching the Grudge and the Ring.But the Ring was so scary I always forgot that I watched it unless someone brings it up.

Also , A F0xy Grampa, I googled "A Serbian Film" no fucking thank you.I thought Hostel was bad.I ain't watching a man rape his own son.How can someone think of something like that? That's just fucking sick.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Okay I gotta ask: why does everyone say the first Evil Dead is humorous? It's not humorous. The second one is, the first one is way more serious.
Well, the first is KIND of humorous, the 2nd one is straight up comedy imo though. The first still has that factor of it's mostly scary, but Bruce Campbell just manages to make parts of it humorous regardless lol


Head Cage
The Thing (1982 John Carpenter)
28 Days Later
Ju-on (original Japanese grudge)
Ringu (original Japanese Ring)
The Amityville Horror (1979)
The Omen (1976)
The Shining
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
House of a Thousand Corpses
Evil Dead

idky but house of 1000 corpses creeped me the fuck out!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
The Thing (1982 John Carpenter)
28 Days Later
Ju-on (original Japanese grudge)
Ringu (original Japanese Ring)
The Amityville Horror (1979)
The Omen (1976)
The Shining
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
House of a Thousand Corpses
Evil Dead

idky but house of 1000 corpses creeped me the fuck out!
You have a huge interest in the Jap culture.Why is that?Or are you just another anime freak?(lol jk...but srsly :|)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
You have a huge interest in the Jap culture.Why is that?Or are you just another anime freak?(lol jk...but srsly :|)
Nothing wrong with Japanese culture, lots of cool shit comes out of there besides weeaboos, anime and waifu body pillows. Select anime, sure...but most of the popularized stuff sucks ass.


Head Cage
You have a huge interest in the Jap culture.Why is that?Or are you just another anime freak?(lol jk...but srsly :|)
I used to be a anime nerd when I was in high school but quickly grew out of it senior year b/c I was sick and tired of all the new anime that was being released and said fuck it. I read Naruto once a week b/c tbh its a fun read idky but I enjoy it and I'm interested in One Piece b/c I hear great thing about it although I have been dissapointed b4.

Now to answer your question I don't really have that big of an interest in Japanese culture at all. To tell u the truth all I can tell you about japanese people is tht they educational system is very harsh, the arcade scene there is HUGE, I beleive their tech savy and their country likes getting hit with giant waves (....to soon?)

I just beleive that japanese horror is scariery than american horror. American horror is more gruesome gory and what not w/ a few exemptions. Japanese horror does horror in a psychological way (ie. Silent Hill) and by doing so their horror tends to be scarier in the long run. American films have got caught up in special effects and 3D that they lost touch of what made horror movies so good which was the gritty low quality budget they had. Fake blood, rubber body parts, cheesy lines, ect. They try to hard now that its actually depressing.

Don't listen to Phil on the streams he always makes fun of me saying im a Wapanese/ weaboo b/c of my handle and thinks I like everything Japanese which tbh is kinda ignorant on his part

I don't wear Naruto headbands on my head. I don't consistently eat Ramen and Poky. I don't down a whole box of Ramune once a day. I don't hahve an obsession with domo...I actually can't stand him. The worst of my love of the japanese comes from some of their games but we all love those same games like MGS, ZOE, Castlevania, Contra, etc...

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I used to be a anime nerd when I was in high school but quickly grew out of it senior year b/c I was sick and tired of all the new anime that was being released and said fuck it. I read Naruto once a week b/c tbh its a fun read idky but I enjoy it and I'm interested in One Piece b/c I hear great thing about it although I have been dissapointed b4.

Now to answer your question I don't really have that big of an interest in Japanese culture at all. To tell u the truth all I can tell you about japanese people is tht they educational system is very harsh, the arcade scene there is HUGE, I beleive their tech savy and their country likes getting hit with giant waves (....to soon?)

I just beleive that japanese horror is scariery than american horror. American horror is more gruesome gory and what not w/ a few exemptions. Japanese horror does horror in a psychological way (ie. Silent Hill) and by doing so their horror tends to be scarier in the long run. American films have got caught up in special effects and 3D that they lost touch of what made horror movies so good which was the gritty low quality budget they had. Fake blood, rubber body parts, cheesy lines, ect. They try to hard now that its actually depressing.

Don't listen to Phil on the streams he always makes fun of me saying im a Wapanese/ weaboo b/c of my handle and thinks I like everything Japanese which tbh is kinda ignorant on his part
You do kind of look like a Wapanese though...sig , former avatar , current avatar , name , or is it just me judging a book by the cover?


Head Cage
You do kind of look like a Wapanese though...sig , former avatar , current avatar , name , or is it just me judging a book by the cover?
....I wear slouching beanies from zummies or tilly's which are skateboarding stores. I wear band t-shirts, brokentier shirts, and button down which I can roll the sleeve up. Slim fit jeans and Chuck Taylor's

If anything I got swag than dress like a wapanese kid.

My avatar is from Silent Hill 3. Its the save point...its called the Halo of the Sun and has to do with the religion behind silent hill, allessa, dahlia, and what not.....MY sig is noob saibot XD unless ur talking about my old on which is of Bad Girl from No More Heroes.

My fave game developer is Suda 51 (created Killer7, No More Heroes,Shadows of the Damned, Flower, Sun and Rain, The Silver Case, Lollipop Chainsaw, etc). He made my favorite game which most people look down upon titled Killer7. It was a bizarre political mind fuck shooter on rails. A story so complex reading a 200 page plot summary and digging into Japanese politics and creation of japan just made my brain explode XD

I praise his games b/c he makes games like their supposed to be. he experiment and does unique and inspiring things in each game he creates. Something that game designers have long forgotten about and just copy paste engines from previous games. He is the type of guy who isnt afraid of trying something different in each game he makes.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
....I wear slouching beanies from zummies or tilly's which are skateboarding stores. I wear band t-shirts, brokentier shirts, and button down which I can roll the sleeve up. Slim fit jeans and Chuck Taylor's

If anything I got swag than dress like a wapanese kid.

My avatar is from Silent Hill 3. Its the save point...its called the Halo of the Sun and has to do with the religion behind silent hill, allessa, dahlia, and what not.....MY sig is noob saibot XD unless ur talking about my old on which is of Bad Girl from No More Heroes.

My fave game developer is Suda 51 (created Killer7, No More Heroes,Shadows of the Damned, Flower, Sun and Rain, The Silver Case, Lollipop Chainsaw, etc). He made my favorite game which most people look down upon titled Killer7. It was a bizarre political mind fuck shooter on rails. A story so complex reading a 200 page plot summary and digging into Japanese politics and creation of japan just made my brain explode XD

I praise his games b/c he makes games like their supposed to be. he experiment and does unique and inspiring things in each game he creates. Something that game designers have long forgotten about and just copy paste engines from previous games. He is the type of guy who isnt afraid of trying something different in each game he makes.
Cool...I now know more about Hitoshura =D

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I don't see how gore scares people. I've seen A Serbian Film, Hostel (1 and 2), the Saw series, The Human Centipede (1 and 2), Men Behind The Sun, and others that I can't remember right now. It's entertaining, but that's it. That being said, the one movie that falls into that category I've REALLY been wanting to see is Martyrs. Maybe I'm just too desensitized, I've visited Documenting Reality and sites like that on a few occasions...... and 4chan.
Martyrs is alright too


"More deadly than the dawn"
tbh matyrs is very bad as a film, it has an ok storyline but it doesn't ustify the violence it has. If you wanna watch it as an exploitation movie like a serbian film then you can't go too far off.

My personal favourite horror movies are saw 1, the thing (john carpenter) and hellraiser.

The american remake of the ring is fantastic too, i actually prefer it to the japanese one. I've been winged at way too much for saying that lol.

Tim Static

Jaws is the scariest shit ever. of course i was like 3 or 4 years old when i saw parts of it. Still on occasion, have nightmares somehow Jaws related. OR even Tremors related LOL

Also, IT was scary as fuck as Pennywise is just not fucking cool man. I wish i could ban the user with Pennywise as his sig. :(


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
For a more current one, I thought The Strangers was frightening and tense as hell.