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Jump in kicks/punches problem??

Ok first off, forgive my lack of FGC lingo, I’m still fairly new to the vocabulary, so I’ll try to explain myself as best I can.

After updating MK11 on my XBOX Series X, it seems like I’m no longer able to do something I always did when I played previously,... it has to do with jumping in (or OVER the opponent actually) and then abruptly kicking or punching in the opposite direction you just jumped (attacking towards the opponent). It seems like I can’t do this anymore?

In truth, it seems like all jump in kicks and jump in punches seem like there’s a delay in the button press or like half the time the kick/punch doesn’t even happen? What am I missing here? Please help me out because this in addition to something else I can’t quite put my finger on seems to making the game feel EXTRA slow and sluggish and it’s driving me INSANE.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
What exactly was the change that took it out?
From the patch notes: "On block or flawless block, jump kicks can no longer be immediately followed with air special moves, ground special moves, or ground normal attacks."
I have the same issue with autofacing. It’s annoying but I imagine it’s NRS way of balancing the strength of close-range jump attacks. You have to delay your attack giving your opponent time to react to the jump
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He's asking about crossing up. It seems he isn't autocorrecting when he jumps over the opponent.

@Divided Spirit just delay your attack longer and it should autocorrect to the right direction
THIS! Autocorrecting! I knew there was a term I had heard tossed around to refer to this kind of input. Thank you so much that shit was driving me CRAZY because I had no real definitive way of articulating my problem.

But yeah, so now that we know what my issue is, can this be attributed to one of the recent patches? Because I was definitely always able to do this before. I have taken a break from the game since around the Aftermath release though. I mainly used autocorrect for jump-in attacks though, usually as a combo starter, and now it’s like any combo I attempt to start this way just whiffs or the attack doesn’t trigger at all. And like I said, it almost seems like jump-in attacks in general aren’t triggering on input half the time, and to be clear I’m not talking about special moves here, I‘m just talking about something simple like a jump-in 1 or jump-in 2, with or without the cross up.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
I have never seen this problem in MK9, nor MKX. Unless I am too old to remember lol.

Here, when I cross up with Kabal, and do late JK and buffer air buzzsaw, the opponents model falls one side, and the projectile flies the other.... that's how this works here lol
Ok so this morning I had a random 2gb update... am I crazy or has this issue been partially corrected? It seems so much smoother just out of nowhere??