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I'm a lover, not a fighter
I am off to Europe for just off 2 months in April and I was hoping to hit some of you guys and girls for any advice you may be able to give me. It will be my first time there and I am really excited. I am definitely going to Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome and Prague. I am also likely going to Barcelona (almost certain). I am also considering Berlin and taking a train trip from Milan to Zurich.

So... I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on these places. Are there things that you think are "must do's"?
Are there other places I should consider? Are there places I should not go? Areas to stay in / places to go.

If you can advise me about any of these questions (even just 1) or anything else you think is helpful it would really appreciate it.

Thanks for your help !!!

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I am off to Europe for just off 2 months in April and I was hoping to hit some of you guys and girls for any advice you may be able to give me. It will be my first time there and I am really excited. I am definitely going to Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome and Prague. I am also likely going to Barcelona (almost certain). I am also considering Berlin and taking a train trip from Milan to Zurich.

So... I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on these places. Are there things that you think are "must do's"?
Are there other places I should consider? Are there places I should not go? Areas to stay in / places to go.

If you can advise me about any of these questions (even just 1) or anything else you think is helpful it would really appreciate it.

Thanks for your help !!!
London - Rave. That is all


1 2 3 drink
amsterdam, because
I am off to Europe for just off 2 months in April and I was hoping to hit some of you guys and girls for any advice you may be able to give me. It will be my first time there and I am really excited. I am definitely going to Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome and Prague. I am also likely going to Barcelona (almost certain). I am also considering Berlin and taking a train trip from Milan to Zurich.

So... I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on these places. Are there things that you think are "must do's"?
Are there other places I should consider? Are there places I should not go? Areas to stay in / places to go.

If you can advise me about any of these questions (even just 1) or anything else you think is helpful it would really appreciate it.

Thanks for your help !!!
Im going to Milan next month, deffenatly good choice!
If ur in europe and u like to drink beer, well, belgium has the best beer in the world :p


EX Ovi should launch
Getting stabbed or shot in london is a pretty unforgettable experience.

Nah the underground music/party scene atm in london/england is really blowing up, if you happen to see some shifty looking fellows wearing sunglasses in the dark, follow them and buy whatever they are selling, you WILL enjoy your night.