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London UK casuals every week at Gamerbase

Firstly I get people cant make every week. Times are tough and its easily £30 if you are outside of the M25. I also understand people outside of London need warning, so I am not specifically having a go at that.

I am just trying to make a point about starting as you mean to go on. I dropped off this game because of the very reason the offline scene, although a good standard, became poorly represented quickly...and that when the game was new! First event 20+ players, 2nd event 30+ players and 3rd event 9 people and one setup! My initial experience was luke warm so good to see people respond to my post like they did.

I then read threads about WGC and people need to step up...but when there is an opportunity locally only a handful of people show for the first meet, just does not particularly get people enthused. Look at it another way - a new player might have come interested in playing the game, they go to the over 18s room and see 3 people huddled round a console they then pop their head round the corner and see 25+ people getting hype at Marvel...which game do you think might get their attention.

My opinion probably counts for nothing given my overall involvement with the game, but I am just trying to make people realise you get out what you put in! Sounds like numbers will be much better next week, so lets see. Of course these things need time to grow - I agree with you Omega.


"More deadly than the dawn"
Firstly I get people cant make every week. Times are tough and its easily £30 if you are outside of the M25. I also understand people outside of London need warning, so I am not specifically having a go at that.

I am just trying to make a point about starting as you mean to go on. I dropped off this game because of the very reason the offline scene, although a good standard, became poorly represented quickly...and that when the game was new! First event 20+ players, 2nd event 30+ players and 3rd event 9 people and one setup! My initial experience was luke warm so good to see people respond to my post like they did.

I then read threads about WGC and people need to step up...but when there is an opportunity locally only a handful of people show for the first meet, just does not particularly get people enthused. Look at it another way - a new player might have come interested in playing the game, they go to the over 18s room and see 3 people huddled round a console they then pop their head round the corner and see 25+ people getting hype at Marvel...which game do you think might get their attention.

My opinion probably counts for nothing given my overall involvement with the game, but I am just trying to make people realise you get out what you put in! Sounds like numbers will be much better next week, so lets see. Of course these things need time to grow - I agree with you Omega.
Mustard and i have attended EVERY mk tournament besides EGL. Every one of those times we've come from Norwich to do so.

I'm not bigging myself up, but i have done all i can to support mk In the UK. I understand that i cant say the same for others, but please realise that the two of us have done a fair bit to say the least. Mortal Kombat is only at WGC because of Mustard and i'm calling it now.


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
i agree completely that the scene needs to get stronger, and i genuinely believe these weekly sessions will do just that, dont have such a defeatest attitude already, things are now looking up again ;)

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
It would probably be useful if all of us added ourself on the member map too, just to get an idea of where everyone is based.
i agree completely that the scene needs to get stronger, and i genuinely believe these weekly sessions will do just that, dont have such a defeatest attitude already, things are now looking up again ;)
Hang on a second...I was certainly not calling either of you two out in my comments, or anyone in particular for that matter. Dont get so defensive Ketchup I know you put it in.

I defy anyone to tell me 4 people was a strong turnout though. I raised this to make people aware, to make them realise they do need to put it in to get what they want. Mustard/ketchup/Foxy...etc - I know you guys get what its about more than any. You guys have devoted yourselves to this game plenty

I achieved what I wanted here, to see people come and tell me to shut the fuck up as people will be there for future get togethers - this is good.

Anyway, happy to discuss this when I see people Thursday. I look forward to getting my arse kicked verbally or in game...or both.

See everyone Thursday.


Okay I think there have been some crossed wires today. I hope I haven't offended anyone, though mentioning people not attending WGC did look like calling people out, that wasn't my intent, but sorry if that's how it looked.

And I wasn't insulting anyone by suggesting someone should be a TEO, if anything I consider Mustard like a defacto leader of the UK community.

Im sorry I havent been to an offline gathering. How many people in the UK scene that post here can boast that? I work 6 days a week, sometimes 50 hours a week, 12 hour days, in a shitty job because there are no graduate jobs available at the moment. Saturday is like my one free day. I will try and come up one thursday, I promise. I've only been playing this game since late July, early August.

I say everyone step back, take a deep breath, and just see how the next 4 weeks go. Can't say fairer than that, eh?

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Mustard and i have attended EVERY mk tournament besides EGL. Every one of those times we've come from Norwich to do so.

I'm not bigging myself up, but i have done all i can to support mk In the UK. I understand that i cant say the same for others, but please realise that the two of us have done a fair bit to say the least. Mortal Kombat is only at WGC because of Mustard and i'm calling it now.
Where were you at UC9 :D

Nobody but me verbally ass kicks in our scene :(

Screamin on the mainstage n shit lolol


"More deadly than the dawn"
Hang on a second...I was certainly not calling either of you two out in my comments, or anyone in particular for that matter. Dont get so defensive Ketchup I know you put it in.

I defy anyone to tell me 4 people was a strong turnout though. I raised this to make people aware, to make them realise they do need to put it in to get what they want. Mustard/ketchup/Foxy...etc - I know you guys get what its about more than any. You guys have devoted yourselves to this game plenty

I achieved what I wanted here, to see people come and tell me to shut the fuck up as people will be there for future get togethers - this is good.

Anyway, happy to discuss this when I see people Thursday. I look forward to getting my arse kicked verbally or in game...or both.

See everyone Thursday.
I completely agree that 4 guys is a really really bad turnout, like i said. I can't vouch for anyone else but i know that i'm gonna be going to more.

There will be 4 of us from Norwich coming this thursday and i really hope to see some other guys from tym turning up. It'll be a shame for it to be that some guys are all talk lol.


Okay, it turns out I'm not working at all this thursday so I shall I try and get up.

Does anyone need me to bring anything up? I have a qanba fightstick and a madcatz fightpad, I use both but I'm better on the pad. I'll bring both up if someone fancies taking the stick for. A spin. My stick is dual modded, but the pad is 360 only. Will I need a converter? What about bringing up an extra copy of the game?


Get staffed bro
Okay, it turns out I'm not working at all this thursday so I shall I try and get up.

Does anyone need me to bring anything up? I have a qanba fightstick and a madcatz fightpad, I use both but I'm better on the pad. I'll bring both up if someone fancies taking the stick for. A spin. My stick is dual modded, but the pad is 360 only. Will I need a converter? What about bringing up an extra copy of the game?
Nah its all 360 so you should be good. Bring both if you can just in case people turn up without pads etc. If you don't mind lending them at least.
After all my bitching and moaning I wont be down Thursday...or any subsequent Thursday for that matter. My apologies for jumping back in with masses of enthusiasm and then going full circle. Apologies also for moaning about commitment to get togethers when I am going to show no backbone whatsoever here.

My reasons are simple...after an afternoon playing, the current state of this game drives me bonkers. So I play a Mileena. By the time I get in I land a hit she breakers, we repeat. I play a Kitana. fans, fans, fans...sub zero lands a hit...breaker...repeat. Oh a Jax...oh he can compltely outzone me! Ah Kabal...oh whats that run stop to build meter, when I walk forward...of course...outzoned. Right, now something new, Freddy. Shit I am outgunned again. Doubleshit, he is building meter like a madman...finally in...but breaker....and chip....more meter...I made it....breaker.

Ok so I could learn a new character, but Im not bothered by the other characters in this game. I could learn the match ups more too, but even then with the one chatacter I like playing I feel outgunned and out resourced. I am not near his level or most of your guys levels but I understand a little why Tom Brady has dropped Sub Zero.

This is not a plea for support or encouragement, but simply to be honest about what I am doing and my u-turn. I hope you all get the scene the way you want it. Good luck.


"Strength isn't everything"
If the same people return from the first week in the 2nd week we should have 9-10 people right?

We got the twins, myself, smokey and temjiin coming down next week. And Omega maybe?

Some good competition there.
Il be letting everyone know if and when I can make the next one, Il see if 1Man3Letters can make it too. Should cost us both £70 minimum to come from ireland for the day. But I guarantee il make it soon. I really hope 12Gauge makes it out too.


EX Ovi should launch
After all my bitching and moaning I wont be down Thursday...or any subsequent Thursday for that matter. My apologies for jumping back in with masses of enthusiasm and then going full circle. Apologies also for moaning about commitment to get togethers when I am going to show no backbone whatsoever here.

My reasons are simple...after an afternoon playing, the current state of this game drives me bonkers. So I play a Mileena. By the time I get in I land a hit she breakers, we repeat. I play a Kitana. fans, fans, fans...sub zero lands a hit...breaker...repeat. Oh a Jax...oh he can compltely outzone me! Ah Kabal...oh whats that run stop to build meter, when I walk forward...of course...outzoned. Right, now something new, Freddy. Shit I am outgunned again. Doubleshit, he is building meter like a madman...finally in...but breaker....and chip....more meter...I made it....breaker.

Ok so I could learn a new character, but Im not bothered by the other characters in this game. I could learn the match ups more too, but even then with the one chatacter I like playing I feel outgunned and out resourced. I am not near his level or most of your guys levels but I understand a little why Tom Brady has dropped Sub Zero.

This is not a plea for support or encouragement, but simply to be honest about what I am doing and my u-turn. I hope you all get the scene the way you want it. Good luck.
And yet sub zero still shits all over me, any character i play. Dark horse sub zero, just because Tom Brady thinks hes shit, it doesnt mean hes right....

If you do happen to pick it up again, you know where we (and hopefully more and more and more people) will be, and everyone im sure will be good to give plenty of help if you struggle against bullshit :D
Appreciate that Smokey given my excuses filled post!

Last Thursday was my first vs experience in 6 months so felt fresh, but had limited match up exposure - Kitana, Sub Zero mirrors and some Johnny Cage mainly. Yesterday though, I played for about 5 hours solid so got much more insight into how the last patch and DLC has changed things. IMO the game is now too in favour of who can use the most specials safely. Clone in too many matches is easy to react to and punish (with a teleport move for starters) and not much use without a lead or conrnering folk and too many characters have better projectiles now, moves with armour, or fairly safe teleports and don't need to be concerned too much about Iceball as it does no chip. So if Sub plays a character that wins the projectile war...and lots of characters do, then breakers kill his ability to really hurt or corner. The amount of times I outplayed someone, won narrowly or lost narrowly, but had no pleasure in doing so given the effort I needed as opposed to the easy mode of spamming projectiles, running away and then getting broken the instant I get a sniff. So not only are you taking chip to get in, your opponent is building meter and being able to keep you off more than you can keep them off. So Sub then needs to rush (not what he is designed for), but his normals seem to loose up close to too many characters that can keep him out...cough, Kitana/Mileena/Kung Lao...cough!

I want to like the game, I really do. The design and art style visually is great and the game is responsive. It just feels flawed as it stands right now for me personally and the character I want to use. I played Honda in SF4 before this so intense zoning is not a problem, but when at the end of it, people can get me off for no risk (I mean that breakers are not baitable like a DP or reversal) and be able to do so again the next time I get in...that is frustrating to say the least.

Like I said good luck with the game and the scene.


EX Ovi should launch
Appreciate that Smokey given my excuses filled post!

Last Thursday was my first vs experience in 6 months so felt fresh, but had limited match up exposure - Kitana, Sub Zero mirrors and some Johnny Cage mainly. Yesterday though, I played for about 5 hours solid so got much more insight into how the last patch and DLC has changed things. IMO the game is now too in favour of who can use the most specials safely. Clone in too many matches is easy to react to and punish (with a teleport move for starters) and not much use without a lead or conrnering folk and too many characters have better projectiles now, moves with armour, or fairly safe teleports and don't need to be concerned too much about Iceball as it does no chip. So if Sub plays a character that wins the projectile war...and lots of characters do, then breakers kill his ability to really hurt or corner. The amount of times I outplayed someone, won narrowly or lost narrowly, but had no pleasure in doing so given the effort I needed as opposed to the easy mode of spamming projectiles, running away and then getting broken the instant I get a sniff. So not only are you taking chip to get in, your opponent is building meter and being able to keep you off more than you can keep them off. So Sub then needs to rush (not what he is designed for), but his normals seem to loose up close to too many characters that can keep him out...cough, Kitana/Mileena/Kung Lao...cough!

I want to like the game, I really do. The design and art style visually is great and the game is responsive. It just feels flawed as it stands right now for me personally and the character I want to use. I played Honda in SF4 before this so intense zoning is not a problem, but when at the end of it, people can get me off for no risk (I mean that breakers are not baitable like a DP or reversal) and be able to do so again the next time I get in...that is frustrating to say the least.

Like I said good luck with the game and the scene.
With respect to you breaking from the game for a while, i can only guess that youre facing the same crisis that all subs faced, he has to work harder than most for wins. Hes not at all bad though, his mixups and up close game, and his D4 is frigging awesome. Theres really nothing wrong with the character, its just his playstyle is worn and very predictable. The subs who trouble me are in my face, forcing me into the corner, without fear and without consequence. I get blown up by sub, hes really really underplayed in my eyes, i really cant fault the rushdown sub has, its very strong and probably one of my worst matchups to fight, despite what people think.


After all my bitching and moaning I wont be down Thursday...or any subsequent Thursday for that matter. My apologies for jumping back in with masses of enthusiasm and then going full circle. Apologies also for moaning about commitment to get togethers when I am going to show no backbone whatsoever here.

My reasons are simple...after an afternoon playing, the current state of this game drives me bonkers. So I play a Mileena. By the time I get in I land a hit she breakers, we repeat. I play a Kitana. fans, fans, fans...sub zero lands a hit...breaker...repeat. Oh a Jax...oh he can compltely outzone me! Ah Kabal...oh whats that run stop to build meter, when I walk forward...of course...outzoned. Right, now something new, Freddy. Shit I am outgunned again. Doubleshit, he is building meter like a madman...finally in...but breaker....and chip....more meter...I made it....breaker.

Ok so I could learn a new character, but Im not bothered by the other characters in this game. I could learn the match ups more too, but even then with the one chatacter I like playing I feel outgunned and out resourced. I am not near his level or most of your guys levels but I understand a little why Tom Brady has dropped Sub Zero.

This is not a plea for support or encouragement, but simply to be honest about what I am doing and my u-turn. I hope you all get the scene the way you want it. Good luck.
This is all the more reason to come Thursday. We'll have a chance to talk to and play against players, better than us. They're there to also help us level up.

I go through phases where this game pisses me off, and sometimes I just need a few days off.

Im concentrating right now on 4 mains, Kano, Baraka, CSZ and QC. Near as I can tell, SZ has advantage over three of those characters at least. I'm not going to know how to do better against SZ until I play someone like you in an offline setting.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Appreciate that Smokey given my excuses filled post!

Last Thursday was my first vs experience in 6 months so felt fresh, but had limited match up exposure - Kitana, Sub Zero mirrors and some Johnny Cage mainly. Yesterday though, I played for about 5 hours solid so got much more insight into how the last patch and DLC has changed things. IMO the game is now too in favour of who can use the most specials safely. Clone in too many matches is easy to react to and punish (with a teleport move for starters) and not much use without a lead or conrnering folk and too many characters have better projectiles now, moves with armour, or fairly safe teleports and don't need to be concerned too much about Iceball as it does no chip. So if Sub plays a character that wins the projectile war...and lots of characters do, then breakers kill his ability to really hurt or corner. The amount of times I outplayed someone, won narrowly or lost narrowly, but had no pleasure in doing so given the effort I needed as opposed to the easy mode of spamming projectiles, running away and then getting broken the instant I get a sniff. So not only are you taking chip to get in, your opponent is building meter and being able to keep you off more than you can keep them off. So Sub then needs to rush (not what he is designed for), but his normals seem to loose up close to too many characters that can keep him out...cough, Kitana/Mileena/Kung Lao...cough!

I want to like the game, I really do. The design and art style visually is great and the game is responsive. It just feels flawed as it stands right now for me personally and the character I want to use. I played Honda in SF4 before this so intense zoning is not a problem, but when at the end of it, people can get me off for no risk (I mean that breakers are not baitable like a DP or reversal) and be able to do so again the next time I get in...that is frustrating to say the least.

Like I said good luck with the game and the scene.
Sub-Zero is an absolute pain to play. Last night I was playing really badly with him and then today I was playing well with him. Sub is now 100% footsies (which he always was), but you cannot rely on your ability to control the pace of a match as much anymore; armour, teleports and projectiles with fast recovery will blow you up otherwise. I am inclined to agree with Smokey, Sub is a real dark horse these days. His faults are known by pretty much everybody but I still believe the character can win in the right hands. He has to work hard but I actually like that about him. I enjoy the way he plays, i just don't enjoy some of the bs in the game right now. If some of the more oibvious bs gets removed from the game, Sub will be really good again...

Stick with it and contemplate picking up another character or two to cover those matchups you just don't feel up to playing with Sub right now?


Is it an option to stroll into Gamerbase at any time or is there a deadline?

I'm working far out of London, with an absolute mong tomorrow so will more than likely be late.


Get staffed bro
Is it an option to stroll into Gamerbase at any time or is there a deadline?

I'm working far out of London, with an absolute mong tomorrow so will more than likely be late.
I believe it runs from 630 - 1100 so turn up any time. Its only a few quid to play so its not like you'll lose out much if you turn up at 7 or 8.


I was just wondering about times myself. I might hafta leave a bit earlier than 11, but I can probably get there for 630 or 7.

Damn, im kinda psyched and nervous at the same time for tomorrow! :D

ANd Ben, hopefully we'll have a proper few games tomorrow. Internet fate was just not for us the other night


Get staffed bro
I was just wondering about times myself. I might hafta leave a bit earlier than 11, but I can probably get there for 630 or 7.

Damn, im kinda psyched and nervous at the same time for tomorrow! :D

ANd Ben, hopefully we'll have a proper few games tomorrow. Internet fate was just not for us the other night
Don't worry its only casuals so should be a good learning experience. I fully expect to get bodied lol.

Yeah that online game was a joke. I couldn't even land a jip. I think we must have been going via a US server or something.