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My Starting 5 Rotation.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

As has been proven by the results of the top fighters diversifying their rosters, while character loyalty may be a noble characteristic, it isn't as beneficial as having several useful options at your disposal.

I have 4. I have my Pettite, my Mussina, my David Wells, and my El Duque.
Cyrax/Cyblax, Ermac, Quan Chi, Sub-Zero. Ready to go for Winter Brawl.
But going into the playoffs, I can't decide who's gonna wear the #42 and be my closer.
This is where my indecisiveness will be the death of me.

There are 3 that I have in mind. Only 3. That suit me and make me smile when they shed blood.
And one of these 3 and I are gonna be spending a lot of time together in the coming weeks.
But I havent the foresight to wisely choose between the 3.
Help me, friends.

Mileena - She holds the advantage in that I already know how to use her, her mixups, her uber-fucked-up combos, spacing with D4, the B2 Sai trick, all the goodies...but having become so accustomed to knocking people out of the sky with Mac and Cy, I hate the fact that her jabs really aren't all that spectacular.

Kenshi - This blind bastard has done too much damage all around since NEC to not warrant some attention. I'm not that fantastic a zoner, but the more I think about it, the more I think tutelage under his sword may be just the thing I need to fix that. Sub taught me the value of defense, Ermac taught me proper, sadistic punishment, perhaps Ken shall be the one to show me how to become death from above...er, in front...with jabs from nowhere...dammit, the man's zoning is awesome, and I want it.

SEKTOR - I love Sektor. To ittybitty robot pieces. Since forever. Tele-Uppercuts, flamethrowers, that insipid little laugh, utter destruction cast into blood red metal...the biggest highlight of MK:Armageddon for me was finally getting to play Sektor again. Any excuse I can get to use him, I will take, but in the few times I've tried him out, I have not fared well at all. Swift Tom Hanks, you make this fellow look too damn good for my own good.

So who's gonna wear #42? Who do you think would be the best choice of the 3?


Dojo Trainee
Mileena seems to be the most obvious. You seem to know the most about her already anyway. She's also a counter-pick for, like, half the cast.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

16 Bit = I used to think the same way, but I'm getting to the point that I can actually bounce between people and still feel comfortable no matter who's skin I'm in (as in playing through with Quan without trying to TKS people, Cyblaxing and remembering not to attempt Cyrax resets, etc.)...before NEC, Cy was the only one I had any confidence in, but then I went at it with Maxter for a bunch of sets with Sub-Zero and realized putting all my eggs in one basket may not be the best plan, which is how I ended up running the gamut with Ermac, who plays the same kind of wait-and-bait style, but with much bigger rewards. The rest just fell into place...there's a lot of matchups nowadays that no amount of character loyalty can overcome, so everybody seems to be coming to that point of keeping extra people in their pocket.

Foxy - I've been noticing that a lot, the similarities. Noob/Shang Tsung, Mileena/Quan Chi, Sonya/Cage (kind of)...like you said, it all comes down to fundamentals, because no matter how powerful your choice may be, you're still gonna get an arrow in the knee if you don't know your shit pre-fight. So my hope is that diversifying the rotation and cycling all the different fight styles will further up my fundamental ante and make me more capable of wanton violence come Winter Brawl/ECT/the future of Box in general.

Romeo - I've been leaning that way, too. But I had a better plan. I'm about to hit the books and start memorizing frame data/figuring out my unfamiliar fights (Sheeva? Yeah, I THOUGHT I had that one under control...20 fucking Low/Air Grabs later -_-; ...), so by the time I'm through, I'm hoping to have a general feel for everyone...which means I have no excuse left not to reacquaint myself with everyone's favorite skull-summoning son of a bitch, Mr. Shang Tsung. But in the meantime, it's gotta be Mil. Too few bad matchups not to give her a good tune-up.

Thanks, you guys. Boxy loves good advice :D.


Dojo Trainee
16 Bit = I used to think the same way, but I'm getting to the point that I can actually bounce between people and still feel comfortable no matter who's skin I'm in (as in playing through with Quan without trying to TKS people, Cyblaxing and remembering not to attempt Cyrax resets, etc.)...before NEC, Cy was the only one I had any confidence in, but then I went at it with Maxter for a bunch of sets with Sub-Zero and realized putting all my eggs in one basket may not be the best plan, which is how I ended up running the gamut with Ermac, who plays the same kind of wait-and-bait style, but with much bigger rewards. The rest just fell into place...there's a lot of matchups nowadays that no amount of character loyalty can overcome, so everybody seems to be coming to that point of keeping extra people in their pocket.

Foxy - I've been noticing that a lot, the similarities. Noob/Shang Tsung, Mileena/Quan Chi, Sonya/Cage (kind of)...like you said, it all comes down to fundamentals, because no matter how powerful your choice may be, you're still gonna get an arrow in the knee if you don't know your shit pre-fight. So my hope is that diversifying the rotation and cycling all the different fight styles will further up my fundamental ante and make me more capable of wanton violence come Winter Brawl/ECT/the future of Box in general.

Romeo - I've been leaning that way, too. But I had a better plan. I'm about to hit the books and start memorizing frame data/figuring out my unfamiliar fights (Sheeva? Yeah, I THOUGHT I had that one under control...20 fucking Low/Air Grabs later -_-; ...), so by the time I'm through, I'm hoping to have a general feel for everyone...which means I have no excuse left not to reacquaint myself with everyone's favorite skull-summoning son of a bitch, Mr. Shang Tsung. But in the meantime, it's gotta be Mil. Too few bad matchups not to give her a good tune-up.

Thanks, you guys. Boxy loves good advice :D.
why are you not typing in yellow? IM SCARED.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

It's easier on Konqrr's eyes. Lol.
I switched to red for a while, but after picking up Quan Chi and realizing that random bouts of color can be quite a pain to read, I figured I'll just stick with white, and I won't be breaking my color rule.

Dammit. I feel like 9.95 staring down the barrel of Liu Kang right now.
Because if I go through with it...it means I have no choice but to spar alongside Johnny goddamn Cage.
Fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -_-.


Cock Master!!
I just use sindel then kano as back up

But I guess the 5 I use most in order.

1 - sindel
2 - Kano
3 - kitana
4 - quan chi
5 - ermac

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Mileena if you want to win, Sektor if you want to have fun, Kenshi if you want to kill yourself :p

i dont have five characters yet;

kung lao
noob saibot
liu kang

ordered by how well i use the character


i Use a modded cyber now
5 isn't too much at all. I myself have 4 tournament viable characters that I would gladly use in the right matchups.

Cyber sub
Quan chi

I guess that's 5 since cyblax is different. Boxy why don't you just go with mileena. She gives everyone hella problems.

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My blades will find your heart
My five are as follows:

Cyber Sub

And yes, I am literally addicted to playing low tier charactersXD


Joker here~
My four that im very comfortable with playing are:
Sub Zero

I got Sheeva, Quan, Skarlett and Kitana in my back pocket too though lol

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Since everyone started randomly listing their top characters, mine are:
1. Smoke
2. Freddy
3. Kenshi
4. Sub-Zero

There's a fine gap between my skill level with Smoke and every other character I'm most comfortable with. Trying to get Freddy at that level. I only care to use these two characters competitively.