Yes, they play it safe with Star Wars now because they can't afford to mess it up again. Battlefront 1 was a disaster and they had to go into damage control mode. They even had to recognize their blunder at E3 on stage.Everybody hating on EA, yet Battlefront 2 dlcs are all free, and one of their last titles (Jedi Fallen Order) will never have a single dlc. Companies change.
Speaking about changes, the abusive dlc policy has only gotten worse and worse in mk title after title since Warner controls the saga (I don't even want to think about the obscene amount of money all the dlc content in 11 will cost to the user that doesn't wait for the complete). I think a change would be a blessing indeed.
But then there are all the sports titles. Or even Sims 4, where you have to pay around $40 just to get cats and dogs in your game.
Not to mention they have had problems with getting their own IPs to take off. Anthem was a flop and they are completely remaking the game apparently. I'm a fan of Mirror's Edge but they missed the mark with the sequel, Catalyst. Even Battlefield seems to be having a rough time, it doesn't seem that BF1 or even BFV took off the way they had hoped.
Yes, I have my problems with WB. The season passes are too bulky and microtransactions aren't needed. But at least the microtransactions feel pointless and there is no need or pressure to buy them, and you could argue that even though they are bulky that at least the season passes are of value (in MK's case anyway). Point is it could be a lot worse. And I'm 99% sure EA would be a lot worse.