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Possible Krypt expansion?


Months ago (before we knew about Aftermath) I’m sure there was a ‘leak’ that said Shang Tsung was meant to be in the story mode/have story mode chapters but got cut. They also spoke about how NRS were planning to expand the krypt but scrapped it.

I’ll try and track where this was said down later, but just something that occurred to me.

Do you guys reckon we could potentially get some kind of expansion for the Krypt? Couple of new areas?


Thrill Kill
The best part of the new Krypt is the exploration, the easter-egg stories and the puzzles! They should add more puzzles!!

But the worst part is the gambling and some crappy awards for high prices. Like, you open a chest expecting kosmetics or concept art, and you receive a fucking tower konsumable.

And when I spend 7000 koins in the Shrine Slot Machine only to receive a card background I get really angry

All in all, I hope they add new areas and things to do!

MK Dragon

Dojo Trainee
Not sure we need anymore work on the Krypt given how the lootbox system works, the lack of skins and gear after finishing all of them. Rather they focus on something else. Maybe they find a way to include Deadpool and Soul Chamber area explored in story mode, but it needs something completely fresh for me to be interested. Skins for DLC, Friendships in the new area, new music / theme, announcer etc.

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
I would personally rather them use areas already in the krypt as stage backgrounds. IE...the Pit, Warrior Shrine, etc. I always thought they should have done this with the Krypt in MKX too. I'm sure there will be updates to the krypt like with the new characters and such with Aftermath. But there is so much they can do with the primary aspect of the core fighting game. For example, like in MKX and MK9 how you could change the color/daytime/night to stages. They could do that easily with Kronikas Hour Glass. Have it be all sorta of colors. They could also add different colored Kronika balls with maybe we can buy with all of our thousands of hearts and soul coins. Or perhaps add Krypt Events every day with past KL stuff plus give people the option to buy them. just ideas.


TYM's #1 L taker.
Think there was some information months back about a possible expansion into the living woods, might have been from datamining.

I wouldn't mind an expansion that has some more puzzles and stuff. Some more MK museum artifacts and easter eggs, with some cameos in there would be nice as well.

Art Lean

I would personally rather them use areas already in the krypt as stage backgrounds. IE...the Pit, Warrior Shrine, etc. I always thought they should have done this with the Krypt in MKX too. I'm sure there will be updates to the krypt like with the new characters and such with Aftermath. But there is so much they can do with the primary aspect of the core fighting game. For example, like in MKX and MK9 how you could change the color/daytime/night to stages. They could do that easily with Kronikas Hour Glass. Have it be all sorta of colors. They could also add different colored Kronika balls with maybe we can buy with all of our thousands of hearts and soul coins. Or perhaps add Krypt Events every day with past KL stuff plus give people the option to buy them. just ideas.
Would absolutely love day and night versions of Shang Tsung's Island Ruins and Shirai Ryu Fire Gardens especially.

But speaking of day and night cycles... wish the Krypt had one too. Would love to visit the island with a rich blue sky like in MK1.

Deleted member 5032

The less time and resources they waste on the Krypt, the better. I'd rather have them focused on balance updates and bug fixes than working on that rng-based garbage. It if belongs in a shady f2p mobile game, I want it nowhere near my $60 console experience.

Art Lean

The less time and resources they waste on the Krypt, the better. I'd rather have them focused on balance updates and bug fixes than working on that rng-based garbage. It if belongs in a shady f2p mobile game, I want it nowhere near my $60 console experience.
I liked the Krypt initially, I liked the little puzzles, discovering the new areas and I LOVED having a 3D walk-around Mortal Kombat 1 as if it was an updated version of Deception's Konquest mode (made even better with Cary Tsung's narration). During the early discovery days, it actually had some gameplay to it and there was some lovely heritage fun to be hand in wandering around Shang's island whilst the best Shang ever welcomed you to his realm and scolded you for your insolence.

It just sadly very quickly had nothing new to reveal and became a slot machine.

If they concentrated on enhancing the elements of it that had gameplay in a Krypt-meets-Konquest way, in providing more areas to explore from the old 16-bitters, whilst giving more to unlock whilst also expanding the actual story of where MK is at now, it'd be wonderful... and just make it clear how everything can be unlocked more readily (eg. seriously why are so many variation icons still locked for me? They may be stupid, but there's some I'd like for skins and variation names I've made that the right icon for would just be the cherry on top); it would be a wonderful little diversion from the main game.

As it stands, after emptying it REPEATEDLY (to the point it literally gives me nothing but konsumables), except for variation icons I have no idea how to unlock a year later, it's just a worthless walk around. So if I do still need to walk around a worthless place, can I at least see how it looked in MK1 with the sun shining rather than a perpetual night to at least get some additional nostalgia out of it whilst I go hunt for Golden Krypt Events on the second console profile to unlock all the skins and gear the main profile has because I can't play local 2 player with the same gear for some reason! :mad:

Me - "Hmm I could go with Queen Tits herself; Sindel in her black and purple-hued slut gown, full MILF makeup and gorgeous centre parted flowing locks... but I'm going choose Chernobyl Skarlet in nothing but a trench coat, suspenders and her KGB thigh high sex boots."
Player 2 - "Woah, damn the girls in MK11 look amazing... well then if you're not choosing her then I'm taking Queen Tits herself Sin... er, wait, what, why's mine dead, covered in armour and looks like Lilly Munster on 'Faces of Meth'?"
Me - "Oh yeah, sorry bud, unless I spend a year unlocking all the same shit twice, you have to play with the horseshit defaults. Anyway, shut up here comes my intro, god I love that trench coat...."
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Dojo Trainee
I think it would be great if they not only added a new area but added enemies to fight and give the krypt guy a few combos. It’ll give it the konquest mode feel.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
I like the entire concept of the Krypt this time around but I found it a little too short, which is why I definitely think that it deserves to be expanded, plus more Shang lines pls