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So - who are the last 8 characters?


Ok, so here's something to think about.
We all know they said years ago that they wouldn't repeat DLC and so far they haven't. So if we go by that, that means that they tend to stick to these promises. I can't think of any that they've broken.
They also said that, after MKX, there wouldn't be any non-playable characters in story mode.

This leaves Sektor and Cyrax in a weird paradox.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
So if your predictions are correct, MK11 would have a grand total of 7 guest characters.

If it turns out to be true I honestly hope the franchise dies again until another MK9 comes and makes it good again.


Triborg Enthusiast
So if your predictions are correct, MK11 would have a grand total of 7 guest characters.

If it turns out to be true I honestly hope the franchise dies again until another MK9 comes and makes it good again.
At this point, I prefer to not give them the opportunity to force another guest into the roster and leave it as it is now.
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haha, funny that people still hope for more MK content. It's not gonna be anything besides this Aftermath thing, calling it now

If Aftermath does well (and from the forums I visit, lots of people who never had MK11 are going to jump in with the kollection), why would they not do a KP2?

Some of y'all be tripping major fucking balls.

Remember when Ed said they'd support the game for YEARS? In a VERY RECENT interview? Not a trolling tweet, a professional interview.

MK11 sold very fucking well, very very well. Aftermath will add a resurgence, after which they'll want to then sell more to new players brought in via Aftermath - hence a KP2.


It's funny how you guys think the 3D characters are coming back , when the reboot was specifically to get rid of them.


Havik is the only other one I see having a small chance . I say small , because it would make much more sense to put him in a game title that has a story dealing with ChaosRealm. And unless it's featured in the story expansion , I don't see it happening.

Don't get me wrong . I would much prefer 3D characters or new faces over trash tier guests . But I don't think the odds are in our favour.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Thank you @Nickolaidas

I'd love it if they add 8 MK characters, but probably half of them will end up being guests.

Havik has been rumoured a lot. Not on my top 10 but it'd be cool to have him back. Hotaru, Sareena and Reiko are great too!

Tanya was awesomly redesigned in MKX. She became one of my favourite characters thanks to that game.

Naginata ftw
I would do everything to have even the slightest chance of Tanya being back somehow, but all I can do is to be in a lot of sorrow about it...


sektor and cyrax will be unlockable like frost in the expansion story mode and the rest will be the four ninja turtles separately, splinter and april. :coffee:

MK Dragon

Dojo Trainee
I am only going to do 6 since the next KP will likely be 6 and if we do get 42 characters than I'd say it might be just some bonus characters like Sektor and Cyrax:

  1. Havik
  2. Mileena
  3. Stryker
  4. Michael Myers - new movie, it just makes sense
  5. Simon Phoenix - new Demolition Man coming, owned by WB
  6. Candyman

Deleted member 59910

Li Mei
Krypt Guy
Ash Williams
John Rambo

Elder God

NRS copy SFV anf TK 7? long support during years??
8 chars right? 4/4 pack? more history?
Only time will tell, but Ash willians its sure to me, the saw sound in the past is not for nothing.
Millena is a strong candidate, good to see Reiko, Li Mei and a new char.