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So - who are the last 8 characters?

Reptile can't make it, Sektor or the other Cyborgs can't make it, Mileena can't make it, Goro/Kintaro isn't happening, Ferra/Torr is extremely doubtful....

So everyone I want that's not named Havik or Ashrah has a very low shot of making it in.

people these days....rest a bit and enjoy what you "got" instead to look already forward for new stuff.
Or do both!


Agent of Chaosrealm
Reptile can't make it, Sektor or the other Cyborgs can't make it, Mileena can't make it, Goro/Kintaro isn't happening, Ferra/Torr is extremely doubtful....

So everyone I want that's not named Havik or Ashrah has a very low shot of making it in.

Or do both!


Agent of Chaosrealm
The undisputed KP that would sell better than any other one:

  1. Reptile
  2. Ermac
  3. Smoke
  4. Mileena
  5. Rain
  6. Cyrax
  7. Sektor
  8. Kintaro
The likely KP because it's awful:

  1. Li Mei
  2. Nitara
  3. Dairou
  4. Kai
  5. Ash
  6. Michael Myers
  7. John Wick
  8. Harley Quinn
See, here's the thing … I think that NRS has a completely different … attitude, concerning DLC characters than say, Bandai Namco has.

I mean, let's check out Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC: They put Broly (twice) who is one of the most popular villains, Zamasu and Jiren (the main antagonists of the most recent arcs), Goku and Vegeta, Vegetto and Gogeta, Kefla (the most popular fusions), Cooler and Janemba (most popular movie villains) and Ultra Instinct Goku (the most powerful fighter in the franchise right now) … generally, you see they picked popular characters and important to the series.

NRS doesn't roll that way. They prefer their DLC to be niche choices (Bo Rai Cho, Sheeva), or characters with a cult following (Fujin, Tanya, Shang Tsung). Guests are very popular by nature, of course. At any rate, NRS seems to avoid putting MK characters who are considered must-buy by their fans (Scorpion, Noob, Reptile, Mileena). Which is why I don't see them putting Reptile, Mileena and Smoke as DLC. I think they're saving them to be must-buy game characters in the next MK game.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
At any rate, NRS seems to avoid putting MK characters who are considered must-buy by their fans (Scorpion, Noob, Reptile, Mileena). Which is why I don't see them putting Reptile, Mileena and Smoke as DLC. I think they're saving them to be must-buy game characters in the next MK game.
Exactly ... what best way to push sales for a new mk game ? I tell ya: just make some fan favorites chars absent on the previous games, for the next, to bring them back in all glory, the same shit strategy they did in MKX ..... putting Kabal, SIndel, Nightwolf and Jade as shit revenants npcs or totally absent from that game, only to bring them back in MK11 ....

this is the new politic and business marketing plan of NRS, so, for MK12, you can expect Mileena, Kenshi, Ermac and Reptile to come back, only to have others MK characters, to be out, and the cycle will repeat itself over and over, haha :p

BTW, Kano is dead in MK11, both young and old version, so, perhaps he is one of that will be 100% absent out of MK12 :D


Thrill Kill
My list:

  1. Reiko
  2. Hotaru
  3. Havik
  4. Sareena
  5. Tanya
  6. Nitara
  7. (guest)
  8. (guest)
I think Mileena, ninjas, Ferra/Torr, Goro, Kintaro, Motaro (lol) and crappy characters like Hsu Hao, Stryker and Mavado have no chances at this point.

Sektor and Cyrax still have a chance. Kinda.

It's interesting how this game took so many characters from the MK3-UMK3-MKT era, they could borrow a few from MK4 too.

I think it's a shame to not have Shinnok alongside Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. Villains unite!

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Hasn't he been delayed for the 2nd time now? Pretty sure the leaks had him in KP1 and then swapped with Joker.
NRS dropped the ball with all the leaks and continually showing his name in the fine print on various in-game ads.

They are simply waiting to reveal him last to try to squeeze the money out of those last few Evil Dead fans that may not buy the game otherwise.


who I want...

1 - Reptile
2 - Havik
3 - Stryker (unlikely with Robocop)
4 - Quan Chi
5 - Reiko
6 - Nitara
7 - Guest/ New Character
8 - Guest/ New Character


My personal list would be:
  • Havik
  • Ashrah
  • Sareena
  • Rain
  • Li Mei
  • (guest)
  • (guest)
  • (guest)
Would include Tanya in this list if I could since she's my favorite MK character buuut we all know how it works at this point lol

Don't really care about the guests, but I would like them to include more females, like, it's been barebones in the DLC. I would love Bayonetta, Kamiya even hyped it publicly on Twitter, even though he could be faking, which I think he wasn't. I realize it's wishful thinking though, Bayonetta belongs to Sega actually and is kinda niche when compared to pop culture horror movie icons, and also MK has been avoiding sexualized females a lot.


Honestly I kinda doubt we will be getting 8 more characters. I know there are placeholders but I'm still not sold yet. Fujin and Sheeva were leaked literally before the game came out, and we've known about Robocop being rushed into the game to replace Ash for like a month or so. We also knew about Deadpool, Soul Chamber, RetroKade, and Friendships for a while.

My point is that I think there's a chance we could be getting a few more characters later down the road, but I don't really think there's a ton more content lined up anymore because if there was, it probably would have been datamined by now lol. But I guess we'll see when the Aftermath update drops.

But still, if there are 8 more characters, these are my bets:
  1. Havik
  2. Reiko
  3. Sareena
  4. Li Mei
  5. Takeda
  6. Ash Williams (maybe he was just delayed?)
  7. Horror character, maybe Pennywise or Michael Myers.
  8. DC character, maybe Deathstroke.
I feel like these are the safest bets. For the MK characters, we are probably not getting Ermac, Reptile, Rain, Smoke, and Mileena considering Shang Tsung and Kitana have their moves now. There are some characters they could try to redesign like Kai, Daegon, Taven, Drahmin, etc, but I think the ones that I listed have more potential. We knew the devs still like Havik, Reiko played a big role in the comic, Sareena and Li Mei had cameos in the MKX story similar to Bo' (or more recently Sheeva in MK11) who got upgraded to be playable, and Takeda was one of the more popular new characters from MKX that was absent in this game for some reason.

Ash Williams already leaked, we know horror characters are safe bets as DLC so Pennywise or Michael Myers isn't reaching, and another DC character is probably on the table since Joker seems to have been a success. Deathstroke is one of the few that I think could fit the game because he's a big enough name, would fit right in with the gear system, seeing him do Fatalities wouldn't be crazy and unacceptable, and he was already in NRS' other game Injustice.


Dojo Trainee
MKX did packs of 2 guests (leather face, alien, predator and Jason) 1 returning character (Tanya and bo rai cho) and 1 newly playable MK character (triborg and tremor).

I hope they do 1 guest per pack though and do two returning fighters instead

I’d like to see:

  1. Havik
  2. Reiko
  3. Khameleon (to satisfy reptile fans)
  4. Serena or Li Mei
  5. Hydro (robot fans)
  6. Either Ermac or Smoke (for an additional ninja)
  7. Horror guest (Mike Myers, Pennywise)
  8. DeathStroke (or... I personally think Black Manta would be good fit too)


Anyway, I really hope to be wrong, and, if is that so, if there is a bit chance of more content and future more DLC characters, my little guess and 2 cents for the remaining characters, could be this :

Michael Myers

I dunno if will be more than 4; but these seems more realistic to be added in the final KP for MK11 :p
Honestly at this point with all the other gun toting characters in the game, I really don't see what Stryker could do that would make him stand out from the rest. Especially with Robocop using a riot shield and I think he even has a baton.


Yeah, honestly, the store listing almost implies that this is the last of the DLC for MK11:

"Experience the original MK11 story and Aftermath, the brand new story conclusion"
"Play the entire MK11 roster incl. new fighters Sheeva & Fujin"
"Includes every guest feat. newly added RoboCop and Kombat Pack's Terminator, Spawn & The Joker"

Like IDK but even the way that they are marketing this seems very similar to MKXL which was the last content for MKX.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

What I'm about to type, I am 90% confident it is accurate.

According to the Reddit leak thread I was shown, which could be old for all I know and you all may have already seen but also covered the entirety of what was shown in Aftermath, the last characters are as follows:

Quan Chi
John Wick

Supposedly, there's not going to be any Ash because they couldn't come to a deal.

If all of this proves to be true:
  1. I cannot put in words how happy I would be to have Ashrah AND Deathstroke in tandem.
  2. I've thought since forever that Kai is the guy in the Krypt because he's the only character out of all the guys in MK it could be if it wasn't a brand new character.


"Experience the original MK11 story and Aftermath, the brand new story conclusion"
"Play the entire MK11 roster incl. new fighters Sheeva & Fujin"
"Includes every guest feat. newly added RoboCop and Kombat Pack's Terminator, Spawn & The Joker"
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It's being marketed like that because - it is the new story conclusion, because the original one was the first conclusion. How else can you describe it.. "Another chapter" then people get ideas in their heads about more to come, then get the shits when it takes too long or doesn't happen.

Play the entire roster, yes because that's what you're getting - the entire roster to this point.

Includes every guest... as above, to this point.

How many people here would actually forgo buying the is expansion now if they knew there was an "After the aftermath" coming in 12months time... That's a long time to wait just to save a few $$$ so you can have the complete ultimate final edition for a fan of the game.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
These kind of lists are hard as there is a big difference between a "wish" list and a "list you think might actually happen". As "actually happen" lists are boring as fuck.. here is my next 8,

(unordered, assuming no guests)
  • Ashrah
  • Motaro
  • Styrker
  • Quan Chi
  • Takeda
  • Reptile
  • Cyborgs (variation chooses which one)
  • Serena
As for Guests, here are some of my picks?
  • Ash Williams
  • Wolf (from Future Man, no chance as Disney own Hulu)
  • Snake Plissken
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • James Bond
  • He-Man (Or you know... make a completely new game in the Masters Universe)
  • Mike Myers
  • Damian Wyane


Thrill Kill
What I'm about to type, I am 90% confident it is accurate.

According to the Reddit leak thread I was shown, which could be old for all I know and you all may have already seen but also covered the entirety of what was shown in Aftermath, the last characters are as follows:

Quan Chi


The rest aren't bad choices. Daegon can be re-worked into something better.

Why Quan Chi and not Shinnok