Living Corpse
I blame Batman. He's the obvious link.
Bats immune systems are actually being studied to make us have stronger immune systems. While bats carry diseases they rarely get sick from them. The only reason we call them diseased is because they carry virus and microbes that effect us. You wouldn't call a person diseased if they carry microbes that don't harm us but harm other lifeforms. A forest was devastated by a man just walking in because the fungus on his shoes was not native."This health crisis must serve as a wake-up call for the need to end unsustainable use of endangered animals and their parts, as exotic pets, for food consumption and for their perceived medicinal value."
This was my favorite part. Perceived medicinal value, how ironic. Morons....
It's a perspective thing, a lot of people don't care about something or think about it till it effects them. Right now environmentalists are having a hard time protecting vampire bats cause while other bats spread seeds in their poop, pollinate flowers, or even prevent some diseases by eating bugs that carry them, vampire bats don't do anything we benefit from, they just drink blood. Which is a pretty selfish way to look at things, they aren't trying to spread rabies or take over the world, they just want to live like us. Some will even share blood with another starving vampire bat, they look out for each other.