@Metzos, it's all good dude.

I always find your posts helpful. You're a cool, respectful guy , is we may be referring to two different things entirely but hey, we all learn something new every day right?

I noticed you did something I don't do much many months ago that I did a few times here and there but it does come in handy with the TKS, dash, uppercut into TKP. That's a good trick to get them away in the TKP.
One thing I like to do is jump, do the air blast near the ground and buffer into the TKP. This trick works great against Sub's who hide behind clones and try to dash in lol. His TKP can be implemented in so many ways it really is mind boggling when combined with tactics and mind games.
But at any rate, we both agree that KL's teleport is nonsense online at times and inconsistent. Offline so much easier to deal with.
@charielie, yeah I was about to ask you the same thing dude lol. "Walk" out of it? Wouldn't you get hit if you did that though? There are times I've ducked it and jumped back or as Metzos said, backdashed but the way you worded it "walk out" .