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Have you ever felt like you "Hit a wall" where your play plateaus?

I feel like I have. It's like the more I play, I'm not getting any better, I'm just doing the same things over and over and getting blown up/angry with the game. How can I "reset" and get back on the road to improvement?


Bone and Metal
Sometimes, but dicking around in training mode will sometimes even net me some misc. combos that are just fun to do. It's what happens when you don't have any offline scenes to go to and your XBL account isn't gold and you just start randomly throwing out crap to see where it leads you.

Will you find some awesome new tech like an 84% corner combo with two bars or something that just looks flashy and is fun to do on the CPU or to finish someone off? That's what I've been doing the last three or so months after my account reverted with my main and secondaries.


i Use a modded cyber now
I feel like I have. It's like the more I play, I'm not getting any better, I'm just doing the same things over and over and getting blown up/angry with the game. How can I "reset" and get back on the road to improvement?
try to take a break from playing for a bit. It used to happen to me in Marvel when i played it all day. When you play consistantly you tend to form habits and get into a funk. After a bit of not playing you'll come back feeling a bit refreshed and your thought process will be a bit different when you try to approach the same situations that piss you off in the first place.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Come play more against me at my place, lol. I think it helps to just talk through matches sometimes, and that is impossible to do online. Also, I think it would be a good idea to put smoke down for a little while and maybe hit the training room playing some other characters. Not to use them or anything, but just to learn the match-up more by playing as the other characters. I get more out of that than just reading about the match-ups in the forums or playing people online because half the time people play one time and leave....
try to take a break from playing for a bit. It used to happen to me in Marvel when i played it all day. When you play consistantly you tend to form habits and get into a funk. After a bit of not playing you'll come back feeling a bit refreshed and your thought process will be a bit different when you try to approach the same situations that piss you off in the first place.
This is great advice. I have been playing quite a lot the past few days; a break will do me nicely.

Come play more against me at my place, lol. I think it helps to just talk through matches sometimes, and that is impossible to do online. Also, I think it would be a good idea to put smoke down for a little while and maybe hit the training room playing some other characters. Not to use them or anything, but just to learn the match-up more by playing as the other characters. I get more out of that than just reading about the match-ups in the forums or playing people online because half the time people play one time and leave....
I'll be over more when I'm home haha, but that won't be until spring break probably. We'll level up some more


"More deadly than the dawn"
I felt very similar after take all comers in the UK. Even though i placed 2nd i still felt very demoralized for some reason. I think it was because of the turnout we had, i didn't feel like there was a point playing it and i was actually very close to dropping the game. Because of how i felt i was playing like trash for about 2 weeks straight.

I just took about a week break or so and i was fine. Don't worry man, we've all had times like that :)


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Stop doing the same things over and over would be my suggestion.


Go to hell.
I feel like I have. It's like the more I play, I'm not getting any better, I'm just doing the same things over and over and getting blown up/angry with the game. How can I "reset" and get back on the road to improvement?
Yes. I take a break, a couple of days, where I play no MK. I go out, I acknowledge my friends, I play other games. Dead Space 2 is phenomenal. When I come back, I am better than when I left. It's worked like this for every competitive game I've ever played.
That's what I'd do bro, because that is what I do.


when that happens... it's time to hit the lab and try out new possibilities.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Same thing happened to me but on other games, last time I played Halo 3 was the day before Halo: Reach came out.Then comes my friend's b-day a year later and I got like 10000000000 times better.

but a break could also mean just mess around with other characters.You'd be surprised of what you'd find.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Honestly i havent played SSF4/AE in almost a year till december and then we randomly we put it in and after 3-4 games after i remembered stuff i felt i was playing better then than i ever had.

Im not saying take a 9-10 month break like i randomly did from SSF4 im just saying it can and will help

made me wanna get back into AE

B W1zZ

After Devastation I involuntarily quit playing MK for a few months because my Xbox E74'd on me...a break from the game does help break certain bad habits and makes you think outside of the box more. At this point I feel I've leveled up tenfold since Devastation.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I've temporarily quit MK. So yeah, I've definitely hit that wall....pretty hard.

When I last played 2 weeks ago, I felt I was getting consistently better because I stopped playing Ranked and going to lobbies, and instead had sets with people from my friends list. Helps a lot. The minute you play someone who either sucks or has a shitty connection, you pick up really bad habits, like consistently going in for jump-in combos.

B W1zZ

I've temporarily quit MK. So yeah, I've definitely hit that wall....pretty hard.

When I last played 2 weeks ago, I felt I was getting consistently better because I stopped playing Ranked and going to lobbies, and instead had sets with people from my friends list. Helps a lot. The minute you play someone who either sucks or has a shitty connection, you pick up really bad habits, like consistently going in for jump-in combos.
From an offline perspective I think working on fundamentally adjusting your gameplay to your opponents is key to overcoming plateaus. Generally players that can adapt very well and have strong fundamentals shine the hardest.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself "what am I doing wrong?" and formulate a strategy to overcome your weaknesses.