Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I have a ton of respect for players who stick with their character because they have a passion for their main character. But what I'm seeing is several players sticking with a character they feel is garbage and because of this they have a very distorted view of other characters and their own.
Always use the character you have a love for I'm not saying don't have fun but you should pick up other characters that fit your playstyle and buffs out your weaknesses as a player.
There are so many interesting, cool, fun characters in MK11 and sometimes you just have to experiment with other variations. If I only played the popular variations on characters I wouldn't have a main today. Most of my favorite characters are not in this game like: Cyrax, Smoke, Reptile, Kenshi, Mileena, Sektor.
Not to say I don't like characters in the roster, they just aren't my favs with the exception of Raiden, Kotal, Terminator, Joker, Spawn and soon to be Sindel.
Even though Raiden and Kotal are in the game I don't feel they have what I need even if they are viable.
Many characters have what is known as the "Go To" best variations. I personally think they are boring. I mostly like setplay and footsies. Despite terminator having mostly brawler moves his wavedashing makes him a footsie character and his unpopular 3rd variation Final Judgment has grenade setups which are so much fun. Sure Dark Fate is easier but I feel Final Judgment fills my gaps as a player and is the funnest var with so much potential.
If any of you are playing a character you feel loses far to often I suggest picking up new characters and variations and you might be suprized. I cycled through most of the cast starting out feeling X, Y and Z characters where broken because I mained Kotal at launch to now but after learning the characters as a main/co-main I started to realize many of my perceptions of Top Tiers where wrong.
I encourage everyone to pick up other characters and use every variation at least for a week both Online Ranked and in Offline High level sets if possible. You may just find a new character that you love and a different perspective on the roster and game meta.
Always use the character you have a love for I'm not saying don't have fun but you should pick up other characters that fit your playstyle and buffs out your weaknesses as a player.
There are so many interesting, cool, fun characters in MK11 and sometimes you just have to experiment with other variations. If I only played the popular variations on characters I wouldn't have a main today. Most of my favorite characters are not in this game like: Cyrax, Smoke, Reptile, Kenshi, Mileena, Sektor.
Not to say I don't like characters in the roster, they just aren't my favs with the exception of Raiden, Kotal, Terminator, Joker, Spawn and soon to be Sindel.
Even though Raiden and Kotal are in the game I don't feel they have what I need even if they are viable.
Many characters have what is known as the "Go To" best variations. I personally think they are boring. I mostly like setplay and footsies. Despite terminator having mostly brawler moves his wavedashing makes him a footsie character and his unpopular 3rd variation Final Judgment has grenade setups which are so much fun. Sure Dark Fate is easier but I feel Final Judgment fills my gaps as a player and is the funnest var with so much potential.
If any of you are playing a character you feel loses far to often I suggest picking up new characters and variations and you might be suprized. I cycled through most of the cast starting out feeling X, Y and Z characters where broken because I mained Kotal at launch to now but after learning the characters as a main/co-main I started to realize many of my perceptions of Top Tiers where wrong.
I encourage everyone to pick up other characters and use every variation at least for a week both Online Ranked and in Offline High level sets if possible. You may just find a new character that you love and a different perspective on the roster and game meta.