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KL Season VI Leak


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Ey, I'll be honest, if a dude is not able to defend versus a flurry of boulders, i'm not gonna bother doing anything else. There are enough challenging games out there, when I see a freebie, I take it, no remorse.
Only dudes play MK11? :eek:

But yeah, I feel the same way lmao if you can't block my optic blast or low gunshot, I'm gonna keep doing it.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I keep forgetting that dudes is not a gender neutral Word. Almost all your damn english words are gender neutral, why this one is different mofos
HAHHAHAAHHAHHAHAA cause 'Merica! (I'm French Canadian). And ALL our words are gender-specific.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Just realized, so this new upcoming season 6 Kombat League will have more character skins than previous? Because if you count the characters there's 6 skins in total. Geras, Kotal, Kollector, D'vorah, Kitana and Shao Kahn? So will we be getting like 2 now or an extra for completing the regular rank challenges or perhaps two skins for Demi God or something?:confused:

@cavemold Hey dude just realized is your guy the same with a different skin? lol