[QUOTE = "Eji1700"]
Because licensing is fucking expensive and brand recognition both works and is a nightmare.
That was a rhetorical question. And also, thank goodness for f#$%^&*( expensive licensing.
Why doesn't SFV have any guest characters. Why is Capcom saying no to money?
Because, unlike WB, Capcom has the wisdom to understand that respecting the tradition and legacy of a franchise far outweighs any short term profits and is, in fact, more profitable long term. In addition, Capcom values Street Fighter as a gaming franchise with a fanbase than has grown to love the characters and story, and sees it as more than a money generation device, which is what MK appears to be for WB. I have a feeling if NRS owned MK things would be different and we wouldn't be subject to this deluge of guest characters. I am pretty sure most of the people on the dev team care about MK at least as much as the fans do.
Somebody in this thread, or another one, came up with the excellent idea of having an option in MK11 to turn off guest characters for all offline modes. I think that's a great idea and i would pay money for it. Something to the effect of, if those of us who want the "Mortal Kombat Experience" turn that option on, no guest characters would appear in the select screen, towers of time, classic towers, and the mode where you see characters endings and concept art and so on. Heck, that could even work for online modes. Let's say in the online menu, next to Casual Versus, add another option, MK Only Casual Versus. That way those of us who only want to play as, and against, MK characters can do so, and those who don't can choose the other modes. Can't be that hard to implement.