First, I never said every single MK feature was derivative.
Strings that come out on whiff are a staple in 3D games (where they work better, because hit confirming isn't an issue).
Jailing air punches = anti-airs into juggles? Common since Super Turbo ('94).
Breakers = Bursts, standard fare for "combo games" since Guilty Gear XX (2002).
Regenerating defensive meter is just a variation of the Burst/Overdrive meters seen in GG/BlazBlue/Arcana Heart, etc. Most of which can also be used offensively.
Environmental interactives... are common in arena fighters, but I doubt they are a huge selling point for MK. They were toned down from Inj 1 to 2 and even more in 11, so there's that.
I'll give you non-clashing projectiles and chip normals, which, while problematic in some cases, make for an interesting change of pace.
Again, NRS games play like a curious mixture between 2D and 3D. That's part of their charm, but it also holds them back. The sum of the parts don't quite come together to make a whole, which is a fairly rare FG issue these days.