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What is your favorite WB Advertisement in the Mortal Kombat games?


Resident Cynic
When you really look back, WB Advertisements have had a massive impact on the sale of MK games.

Just this fall we can look forward to 2 Major adverts --- Terminator and the Joker! Both of them have movies coming out too! Think of the consumer interest, tons of new ppl will be playing MK. I was personally looking forward for Sindel, but it would be irresponsible of me as a member of the core audience to look forward to Sindel selfishly, instead of patiently giving WB's advertisemnt a chance to shine first.

Isnt that what we REALLY need? At the end of the day, you shouldn't care about "legacy" Mortal Kombat characters. MK shouldn't be about your core audience, it's about BRANDING MK TO THE MASSES. Last time I checked, no one gives a shit about your precious Sheevas or Mileenas or Ermacs, or any other washed up old timer.

Look forward to more WB Advertisements in the future, we can look forward to lots of growth in the fighting game community because of them. In fact, i hope the next fighting games like Guilty gear and such would benefit from having Hollywood guests as well. 1/3 of all DLC should be adverts.

The FGC needs adverts. It's time to let your favorites go. I'd like you to post your favorite WB advertisemnt in the past MK games, and reccomended another one for KP2!

Personally, Leatherface was a great addition to MKX.


Thrill Kill
I mean, I think guest characters from other fighting games OR characters that somehow fit in the "warrior/fighter" archetype would be way better options than every guest they put in after Kratos.

Somehow japanese franchises are doing this crossover thing way more exciting.


Resident Cynic
I don't care honestly. I am playing MK for MK characters. Call it selfish, it's my prerogative.
When i was growing up playing MK, there were no GuEsT ChArActRS!
Listen here, old timer. That was different back then, fighting games a re so much bigger now. If you'd like them to continue to grow you would stop the selfishness and tweet out:

"I cant wait for Terminator! You're killing it NRS! Oh and the Joker too, I haven't seen him since Injustice 2. Cant wait to see what you bring in MK11 #kpHYPE"


It has begun
I think most people here are forgetting what made MK so appealing in the first place. I don't remember where I read this, but I felt it captured the spirit of MK perfectly. Also slightly paraphrasing since I'm typing it from memory.

"MK is so good because it reminds you of that time you and your friends grabbed a bunch of random action figures and made them fight".

Guest characters 100% fit both the spirit and the theme in the game. That said, I completely understand it if people are against them because "they're not in the lore/they clash with the lore".

But let's cut both NRS and WB some slack here. NRS are doing what they're told by their owners (which is how companies and subsidiaries work), and even though you'll never see me actively defend corporate culture, truth is, without WB we might not even have had MK anymore.

For me personally, I'm willing to give Joker a shot. If anything, this swap all but confirms that there's gonna be a second pack, meaning... Shokan time!


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
"MK is so good because it reminds you of that time you and your friends grabbed a bunch of random action figures and made them fight".
Holy shit yes this. UMK3 was one of my favorite games of all time for so long cause I could be a robot, an ice ninja, an undead fire ninja, a military chick with onion rings, a deadly assassin princess with fans, a native american shaman, a cop, a 4-armed stripper, a burn victim that runs really fast, etc. Shit was bonkers cause all the characters clashed SO much yet somehow fit together SO well. As much as I disliked a lot of MKX, that was the first time I felt that magic again and I feel that same magic with MK11.

Murderous backstabbing bug girl?
Aztec sun worshipper with pillow pecs and a serrated sword the size of Cloud's buster sword?
Ice ninja who can summon ice weapons on the spot?
Sassy millennial military girl with glowy powers and cool tech?
God of lightning?
Cocky shaolin monk who uses a bladed hat as a weapon?
And now we're gunna throw in Spawn, the Joker, and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator?

Holy fuck does that awaken my inner child awe. MK has always been a hodgepodge of insanity which is what has always made it unique. Throwing in the likes of horror or action movie icons as well as badass comic book characters just fits that mold so well.