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A question for pretty much anyone. Doubly interested in "top 8'ers"


Slave to burgers
So I play shang. I picked him before the game was released. Since release, I've dabbled in most of the cast at this point... soul steal and all.

Now my question really applies to everyone. I am however, very interested in people who have made top 8 in any tournament. Majors even more so.

Q: How/Why do you play your main?
Q: What is your main?

Also, if you didn't pick your char because that one is your favorite, then why?

I've always liked Shang Tsung... Kinda didn't want Liu Kang to win Mk1,2... Ect. So he has really been my favorite, since he was playable way back when.
I don't like some of his quirks, but I keep at him.

Hope we can get some fun, entertaining or informative answers!!!

Thanks for your time TYM community.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
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NetherRealm Studios
I play Kitana because she's my favorite character. She's an awesome ninja lady with a neat weapon. She also happens to be a good zoner and keep away character, which suits my strengths as a player. It's nice how that worked out.


Dojo Trainee
I play Johnny Cage because he's a fantastic rushdown character. I've never had a whole lot of interest in Cage prior to MK9 and his effectiveness surprised me when the demo/game came out. Punching people in the nuts is fun too. I also like Mileena because of her versatility. I virtually have no character loyalty in MK games due to the fact that my favorites were either not be in the next game (MK2 ->MK3) and/or Midway would ruin my favorites in later games.
Now my question really applies to everyone. I am however, very interested in people who have made top 8 in any tournament. Majors even more so.
Oh, hey, I've done that.

I play Liu Kang. When I first got MK9 I tried out a few different characters, and when I found one I was winning with I kept playing him. That's been my policy for fighting games for a while now and what I've finally realized is that it leads to me playing low execution characters in every game I play, since those are the ones you can kinda pick up and be good with immediately. Maybe I need to rethink that policy. On the other hand it's worked out fine so far.

As for how I play Liu Kang? It depends on the matchup. If I feel I outzone the other character then I try to zone them, otherwise I try to rush down.


Main: smoke

Why? Im more of a defensive player I prefer to play hit and run. I played him when the game first came out and felt like he came up short when kung lao(one of smokes worst MU imo) was godlike so I moved on to reptile and NW. I liked reptile he was cheap at the time but NW is where I learned my own playstyle patient, anti-zoning, big damage, punishment minded. Once I found my chi with NW I went back to smoke due to the dash nerf hurting NW'S game substantially. Smoke has answers for everything hes a fundamentals character with awesome specials. With him and a rushdown oriented alt and a pocket reptile I feel I should have all the bases covered. Hopefully I can rid this bone ive had stuck in my throat since evo and stop choking.


"More stealthful than the night"
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I play cyrax because hes been my favourite videogame character as a whole for as long as i can remember, that really is all there is to it


Main: take a wild guess :)

How: It's funny how I stumbled upon Kano. I remember the first MK9 tourney here in Tampa. It was about 2-3 weeks after the game came out and I was still trying to find my main. I was shifting between Cage, Sub, NW, and Shang. The night before the tourney I went to a friends house to play and I used Kano for the first time. Next day was the tourney and Cage wasn't working out so I brought out Kano and went on to win the tourney. I've been maining him ever since.


I tried out the whole cast before I picked Kitana, it is unexplainable to say why I picked her, she is the perfect character for me. She is the most comfortable for me to use.

Back in UMK3 my favorite was Ermac, but in MK9, he just didn't click with me.


Slave to burgers
Oh sorry I didn't read the "top 8ers" part. =(
Dont stress. I am not excluding anyone. And its a question for knowledge's sake. I am, in particular, interested in top 8 people, just because because they have that tourny success, and wanted to know if many of them picked for someone having particular advantage or not. Thank you for your input :) And everyone else as well.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Noob Saibot:

-My favorite character in the story, has been since MK1.
-Is the brother of my other fav, Subbzy
-Posesses my favorite fatalities
-Badass dance for a win pose
-Sweep looks like the disco
-Has a shadow companion
-Easy to learn
-Longest grab range
-Was part of my favorite duo, Noob-Smoke
-1 of only 3 characters with a constant 50/50 game (Noob, Kabal, Reptile)
-Portals for bait, or as just cool play things
-Xray is brutal, and causes vomit (sigh...the fun of Bo Rai' Cho)
-Has a reset for damage or baiting
-Not popular, a wish to make him so
-Conditions his controller to not make mistakes
-Zoning--anti-zoning hybrid
-"...Ha ha ha"
-Serves the Kool-Aid Man
-Reaper costume
-Insane corner game
-I am a fan of random green fireworks :p


I'm a literal Sloth
I play Mileena because I played her back when I was a kid in MK2

Been using her ever since release of this game.

I tend to play as "gay" as possible with her, stay in your face or just zone you if I don't like the mu