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I found this video

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So this guy is walking around here freely and nobody gives a fuck. Does admin of this website knows about this? Anyone?
Who fucking sells a frame data? How retarded you have to be?
EDIT: fuck censorship. Apparently word "ret- -ard" is worse than FUCK? Does logic exist in this place at all?

Not only frame data, even OPINIONS and COMBO VIDEOS
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End Of Humanity
About selling frame data . He just made an offer , no one is forcing you to buy it . You can sell what you want. People sell their used pants or socks on ebay. Not defending him or anything , just my point of view . There were players giving lessons in mk for money and no one cared about it . Its your money , if you want you can buy frame data lol
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This thread serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Closed. Save this kind of nonsense for Reddit.
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