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Fighting etiquette

I was playing against somebody yesterday and noticed that they didn't tech my throw. So I used my forward throw four more times in a row until they actually tried to tech it. Question is, is it a dick move to spam a move you know your opponent has trouble with or is it their fault for not learning to counter it?
Or another note: I was fighting a really good D'vorah yesterday. They were much better than me I'd say, but due to their attacks whiffing through me and sub-zero being so simple to play I ended up winning. I usually Mercy someone who I feel deserves the chance to win, but I don't know if that's even a good idea.
Sometimes people flat out leave in the middle of a match when they realise they aren't going to win, I've seen people say doing a fatality at the end of a match is insulting and some say that it's a sign of respect. Some complain their opponent didn't mercy them, some consider mercy an insult.
So, what's the proper way to fight in this game. I'm not demanding BOW TO EACH OTHER NO ESTUS but I'd like to know what the kommunity thinks on this.


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
The only etiquette I guess is to not do a fatality until you win the set, but that seems to be more of an unwritten rule.

Other than that, there's nothing that you're doing that should be frowned upon or is wrong. You goal is to win and your opponents goal is for you not to win. Employ any strategy to achieve this goal. If your opponent cant stop you from throwing him, keep throwing him. He'll eventually learn to duck, tech, wakeup, or just continue to get thrown. There's also nothing wrong with what you did in the dvorah situation either.


This is just my opinion so please don’t tell me I’m wrong but feel free to disagree with me.

1. Don’t do fatalities period unless playing with friends. Especially after someone just lost, they are probably feeling down already, no need to make them sit through a fatality to add insult to injury. If it was MK2 I would say by all means but fatalities in this game are too long and that’s frustrating for other player.

2. Mercy I think is ok because it actually gives them a chance. Especially if they’ve mercy’d me and I’ve made a comeback, I will mercy them for etiquette. But if you’re on 3-0 and you have 90% of your health, then just don’t. Just put them out of their misery cause they probably just want to move on to next match asap.

3. In relation to the repeated throws, while it’s probably annoying for the other guy, it’s fair as you do what it takes to win. Me personally, if I’m against a high level player and it’s working, I will do it. If I know it’s a low level player that I’ll likely win, I change it up and try not to spam projectiles or throws as I know it’s annoying and it’s not needed.

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
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Are you not entertained!?
This is just my opinion so please don’t tell me I’m wrong but feel free to disagree with me.

1. Don’t do fatalities period unless playing with friends. Especially after someone just lost, they are probably feeling down already, no need to make them sit through a fatality to add insult to injury. If it was MK2 I would say by all means but fatalities in this game are too long and that’s frustrating for other player.

2. Mercy I think is ok because it actually gives them a chance. Especially if they’ve mercy’d me and I’ve made a comeback, I will mercy them for etiquette. Unless you’re on 3-0 and you have 90% of your health, then just don’t. Just put them out of their misery cause they probably just want to move on to next match asap.

3. In relation to the repeated throws, while it’s probably annoying for the other guy, it’s fair as you do what it takes to win. Me personally, if I’m against a high level player and it’s working, I will do it. If I know it’s a low level player that I’ll likely win, I change it up and try not to spam projectiles or throws as I know it’s annoying and it’s not needed.

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
My opinion is the winner has the right to celebrate his win with a fatality. It's not like he got the win without puting any effort. Me personally, when i see losing is inevitable I quit before or after the last hit so I don't have to sit through the fatality.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
It depends on the context.

A. Is it a context where people gathered to have fun with the game, not care about the wins, and just play and enjoy each other?
(KOTH named "playing for fun", gathering of friends that want to play for fun etc)

Do you go in that context where everyone wants just to have fun, and you start spamming 50 throws or walkback cetrion boulders and teabag and fatality?

-> it's a dick move

B. It's a competitive environment where the goal is not to have fun, but to win the match?
(Ranked, tournaments, money matches, whatever)

-> everything goes, you can even strangle them with the ps4 pad cord if rules don't say you can't.


Clinch should be a command grab
I think this is a fantastic thread idea honestly. I'd like to see what other people think on this topic.

I think the context and location matters;

In tournament anything goes. If your mind games involve t bagging, throw spam whatever you do it.

Playing with friends you can be a little cheeky sometimes, a little t-bag here and there if you're good friends and they know it's in jest. Maybe the odd fatal but doing it too much just pisses people off because of how long and repetitive they can be.

On ranked I assume you're there to improve. Even if you're not, you should be. It's what ranked should be for and you should always do your best. Leaving early is being a bad sport, basically quitting before 'FINISH HIM' is being a bad sport but if you just quit to skip fatalities I can understand.

If I'm feeling bad about going so hard or I want to give them a little second chance I might mercy. When I mercy it's never meant as an insult.
Fatalities I will only ever go for if I feel like you were being a dick, I want to be a dick to you because you annoyed me or I the match was particularly close and I want to do a little virtual pop off.
I will only T-bag those who T-bag me first and if you do that I'm definitely gonna fatal you too.
On the rare occassion I may stance change dance just to be a silly goose and I'm only meaning to send you the lightest amount of BM lol. It's like a T-bag to me but less disrespectful.


Fatalities are me getting my own back or popping off a well deserved win.
Mercy I USUALLY only give to the weak but not as BM. Sometimes just do them for fun, never do I mean disrespect.
T-bagging is for dicks and dicks get T-bagged.
Stance dancing is for silly geese.


Bonafide Jax scrub
If someone just wants to talk shit to u on the mic then teabag away cuz they're just asking for it, I usually don't fatality ppl unless I'm super tilted (fuck the Jade community and their downplaying whack ass no offense, idk why I hv a massive grudge against Jade players) or if they're being a jackass or Scorpion players (let's be honest no one fucking likes Scorpion players anyways, not even Scorpion players like Scorpion players) I'll leave the game if I know I've already lost because I'm tryna play my next match and not deal with some dickhead teabagging me for a good 30 seconds or so like the massive [ban incoming] he is irl

In all seriousness in a tournament setting anything goes, like if u gotta spam to win then spam. Do what u gotta do


I was playing against somebody yesterday and noticed that they didn't tech my throw. So I used my forward throw four more times in a row until they actually tried to tech it. Question is, is it a dick move to spam a move you know your opponent has trouble with or is it their fault for not learning to counter it?
Or another note: I was fighting a really good D'vorah yesterday. They were much better than me I'd say, but due to their attacks whiffing through me and sub-zero being so simple to play I ended up winning. I usually Mercy someone who I feel deserves the chance to win, but I don't know if that's even a good idea.
Sometimes people flat out leave in the middle of a match when they realise they aren't going to win, I've seen people say doing a fatality at the end of a match is insulting and some say that it's a sign of respect. Some complain their opponent didn't mercy them, some consider mercy an insult.
So, what's the proper way to fight in this game. I'm not demanding BOW TO EACH OTHER NO ESTUS but I'd like to know what the kommunity thinks on this.
The proper way to play this, or any fighting game, is doing whatever the fuck you want. If the opponent can't deal with it, it's on their side, not yours. Stop giving a fuck about e-feelings


I was playing against somebody yesterday and noticed that they didn't tech my throw. So I used my forward throw four more times in a row until they actually tried to tech it. Question is, is it a dick move to spam a move you know your opponent has trouble with or is it their fault for not learning to counter it?
Or another note: I was fighting a really good D'vorah yesterday. They were much better than me I'd say, but due to their attacks whiffing through me and sub-zero being so simple to play I ended up winning. I usually Mercy someone who I feel deserves the chance to win, but I don't know if that's even a good idea.
Sometimes people flat out leave in the middle of a match when they realise they aren't going to win, I've seen people say doing a fatality at the end of a match is insulting and some say that it's a sign of respect. Some complain their opponent didn't mercy them, some consider mercy an insult.
So, what's the proper way to fight in this game. I'm not demanding BOW TO EACH OTHER NO ESTUS but I'd like to know what the kommunity thinks on this.
Spamming only pertains to projectiles. Throws can easily be fixed by removing the 50/50. As far as fatalities go, there's no reason to do them and they're a complete waste of time. Brutalities are fine because they're quick. I made it a habit to quit before the 'finish him' screen. Most of the time the other guy continues his 15 hit combo like a jackass even though I'm already dead. Just end it dude.
Plus, I noticed most trolls would rather do a fatality than tbag this time around unlike MKX. Just quit before the set ends and move on.


If someone just wants to talk shit to u on the mic then teabag away cuz they're just asking for it, I usually don't fatality ppl unless I'm super tilted (fuck the Jade community and their downplaying whack ass no offense, idk why I hv a massive grudge against Jade players) or if they're being a jackass or Scorpion players (let's be honest no one fucking likes Scorpion players anyways, not even Scorpion players like Scorpion players) I'll leave the game if I know I've already lost because I'm tryna play my next match and not deal with some dickhead teabagging me for a good 30 seconds or so like the massive [ban incoming] he is irl

In all seriousness in a tournament setting anything goes, like if u gotta spam to win then spam. Do what u gotta do
Jade can uppercut you from midscreen, jump in or not.


Clinch should be a command grab
Spamming only pertains to projectiles. Throws can easily be fixed by removing the 50/50. As far as fatalities go, there's no reason to do them and they're a complete waste of time. Brutalities are fine because they're quick. I made it a habit to quit before the 'finish him' screen. Most of the time the other guy continues his 15 hit combo like a jackass even though I'm already dead. Just end it dude.
Plus, I noticed most trolls would rather do a fatality than tbag this time around unlike MKX. Just quit before the set ends and move on.
What do you mean spamming only pertains to projectiles? Are you saying it's a bad thing to do with projectiles or are saying the term only applies to it?


What do you mean spamming only pertains to projectiles? Are you saying it's a bad thing to do with projectiles or are saying the term only applies to it?
I worded it wrong. To me personally, spamming is abusing projectiles, not throws or anything else. It's not a bad thing though. Play however you like. It's when people actually have the nerve to say stuff afterwards that baffles me.


I miss you
a lot of people feel like getting mercy'd is kind of teabagging, and honestly i understand it. So if you give them mercy and they respond with a fatality, the fault is on you


Clinch should be a command grab
I worded it wrong. To me personally, spamming is abusing projectiles, not throws or anything else. It's not a bad thing though. Play however you like. It's when people actually have the nerve to say stuff afterwards that baffles me.
Ah fair play, I getchu now. I thought as a Skarlet main I was being attacked <\3

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
Throwing is encouraged so no. But you can always reach out to these people if you can you encounter online and let them know how to stop it so they can get better. And I love it when I get owned by someone that is largely consider bottom tier by the community.
I feel that there's none during the game, but 1 thing that should really be in the mind of players set like a stone is time respect. I have no time to see your ass pop for a fatality every matches.. If you wanna be really skilled and pop just do a brutality, they are awesome and i love doing them and even receive them.
For me, etiquette only involves non gameplay things.
  • Post Win hijinks (T bagging, FB....etc) are poor sportsmanship.
  • I feel a fatality is ok to cap off the winning set, it feels appropriate from both sides. (Doing it after first set is just wasting time...)
Otherwise, use any tactics you want during the actual fight. (Spam etc)

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
There's no such thing as etiquette in MK.

The only rule is, don't be an ethernet puller. That way people get credit for their matches played.

If someone can't deal with a certain tactic, keep doing it until they show you they can stop it. If not, enjoy the defeat. Don't go easy on someone and take every victory with, as the saying goes, no mercy. (and I mean the mechanic of "mercy" here as well, fuck that, don't give them a chance for a comeback).


I remember someone made a similar thread like this in MKX regarding fatalities and one person responded:

"If the man says 'FINISH HIM', then I'm going to finish him."

In all serious though, if your opponent can't adapt then you should keep doing it. If I'm playing a zoning character, I'm going to keep zoning, there's no reason to stop. Although, if it's a lower level player I'll practice whiff punishing jump ins and footsies. I personally don't do fatalities, since they take too long. Maybe at the end of a set, but I'm usually playing to learn honestly.

As for mercy, I didn't know so many people see it as a way of giving the opponent a second chance in a good way haha! I thought it's mostly a sign of disrespect in most cases, which I'm okay with. I don't mind my opponent giving me a second chance haha.