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first casting for upcoming mortal kombat movie

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Makes sense Subzero would be the first official casting. He's by far the KOOLEST character in the game.


Oh, my days !
I am very happy !
An actor with martial arts/stunt experience. I hope Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Scorpion and the special forces character actors are of the same fighting background !


Not trying to bring the good news down with negativity, but I'm soooo burnout on MK movie talk. Like bringing MK to the big screen has been in development hell for so long that I'm pretty sure I won't see a MK movie til like I'm 30 something with kids lol

MK:Legacy was cool and all, but it was merely an appetizer compared to the main dish...


This gives me so much faith in the movie since he got cast. This dude is awesome in The Raid and The Night Comes For Us

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
MK shouldn’t be a movie, it should be a Netflix series loosely following the MK 1-3 stories and each episode or “chapter” centering on a different character. The character the episode is about could get their backstories fleshed out as the overall plot continues


casual kahnage
I hope it stays with the 90s cheese. A little cheesier than the first movie but not as ballsack cheese as annihilation was.

A boon cameo would be great, he has to die in it though. The first fatality. Maybe one of the random fighters that realizes “I fucked up” when the crazy shit goes down.