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Any WoW Players?


EX Ovi should launch
Have only just got my account after like quitting a year ago, i havent got the new expansion. I dont really play alot either, but im on Doomhammer -eu horde, got a rogue called Noitcere that i play most :D
Ah, Cataclysm is quite good. The new expansion will be out next year, anyway :).

I kinda suspected you would have said Horde, as there's more horde players than alliance. How long have you been playing?

I'm on Runetotem - EU and I have an 85 Druid, 85 Mage and a 60 Resto Shammy.


EX Ovi should launch
since about 4 or 5 months before TBC, then quit after finishing TBC. Then got it again when WOTLK came out, then finished that and quit . THey dont make enough challenges anymore, its just gone to baby mode so they sell more copies to casuals :/

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Dear Blizzard, I'd like my 4 years back. Thanks.

Best thing that every happened to me was the hassle of someone repeatedly hacking my account; wish I could send that guy a thank you card. Finally got me away from that damn game. I have heard that Cataclysm is a pathetic joke and full blown casual mode though.


My wife and I both love to play... it's a great way to relax and spend time playing video games together.

We play both Alliance and Horde... Alliance realm is Eredar, Horde realm is Cho'gall
I play. I don't like the new Dragon Soul raid - it seems to be far too easy so currently I'm in the process of getting one of each race to 85 and having at least one of each class. So far I'm at five 85's with one 74.


Dojo Trainee
Only played wow due to RL friends. Raided up to muru in sunwell TBC before the nerfs. After TBC the game went downhill fast.

O yeah I was on Tichondrius. Best pvp server up until wrath where everybody went horde blackrock.


Dojo Trainee
At times, I felt WoTLK was a nice median; didn't require tons of hours to put into raids but eh...from what I've seen in Cata they just practically hand you shit though.
Wrath was pretty retarded. The game indirectly forces you to do both 25 and 10 man version of the same raid in the same week and at times you have to do the heroic version and the non-heroic version all to keep pace with a decent guild. That upward 4 raids of the same instance a week, all of which quickly lead to burnout. Also the introduction of dailies was retarded. Not only that, heroic mode was basically "Now instead of dicking around, do the fight correctly and we inserted more dmg".

My SWP guild in TBC wasn't even that hardcore, we raided 3 hours for 3 days. No DKP, no heavy min-maxing. Just don't fuck up, don't be a dick and have fun.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Wrath was pretty retarded. The game indirectly forces you to do both 25 and 10 man version of the same raid in the same week and at times you have to do the heroic version and the non-heroic version all to keep pace with a decent guild. That upward 4 raids of the same instance a week, all of which quickly lead to burnout. Also the introduction of dailies was retarded. Not only that, heroic mode was basically "Now instead of dicking around, do the fight correctly and we inserted more dmg".

My SWP guild in TBC wasn't even that hardcore, we raided 3 hours for 3 days. No DKP, no heavy min-maxing. Just don't fuck up, don't be a dick and have fun.
Ah yeah, I forgot all about that - you're right...way too big of a commitment keeping up with that shit. I did that for a few weeks and then just accepted that I wasn't going to get that far ahead, fuck that lol
At times, I felt WoTLK was a nice median; didn't require tons of hours to put into raids but eh...from what I've seen in Cata they just practically hand you shit though.
I kind of agree. Wrath was a very easy expansion for all roles, except for maybe heals. However, since it was so easy it wasn't all that hard to get a decent pug going and at least clearing out the first wing of a raid. When Cata came, that obviously all changed until now, because the game is easy again because players cried to make the game easier. WoW is kind of like MK9 in that sense where if the players don't like something they cry on the forums and it sometimes gets changed.


EX Ovi should launch
I played WOTLK to the end , with HC 25 LK kill. When i played that though was when i was in college 3 days a week and working mornings the rest. If i did that now though, i could probably have finished deathwing by now, the guild i used to run with are now finishing dark soul heroic and most of the guild quit after wotlk, including myself :p
I play. I don't like the new Dragon Soul raid - it seems to be far too easy so currently I'm in the process of getting one of each race to 85 and having at least one of each class. So far I'm at five 85's with one 74.
Yeah, it is pretty easy the new DS raid. Even without using Raid Finder it's easy. Vanilla will always be the best. However, a lot of players have now quit due to the fact they don't like the upcoming expansion, MoP.
Yeah, it is pretty easy the new DS raid. Even without using Raid Finder it's easy. Vanilla will always be the best. However, a lot of players have now quit due to the fact they don't like the upcoming expansion, MoP.
I'm really excited for MoP. Most people feel it will add a childish feel but I doubt that; all they see are animated pandas.


I played from day 1 Vanilla to about a month before TBC came out. Came back at the ToC update to WOTLK, left AGAIN a month or 2 after the Lich King was killable...came back for a few months for cataclysm, got to 85 and quit again....might come back for the new expansion but I dunno...none of the buddies I made online play it anymore which is why I always went back in the first place =( We shall see though.

Vanilla WoW was the best, I hated the casual crap they had when I came back from my first huge break ( vanilla to late wotlk ) Tier armor should only be for the hardcore raiders and they should still have random drops, not tokens and shit like that. When everyone is running around in tier whatever the current tier is but just a different color it makes it much less desirable /sigh


PTH | Korpse
ended my subscription the fucking hour that panda xpac was announced and i have no intention of coming back despite the countless hours and money i spent on that game
I'm really excited for MoP. Most people feel it will add a childish feel but I doubt that; all they see are animated pandas.
I agree. The thing is, there have always been complaints and such when Blizzard have brought out a new expansion, it's nothing new. There's more to it than just Pandas. And, as you can see they've been an idea from the very beginning...

  • Chen's Empty Keg: Refers to the secret pandaren brewmaster hero Chen Stormstout who aided Rexxar inWarcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • An NPC child, Justin, who walks around Stormwind and fishes with two other NPCs tells unbelievable stories, one of them includes him saying "It's true! People have seen them! Pandaren really do exist!"