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Anyone playing SWTOR?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I'm really interested in it, but I've heard a ton of bad stuff about it too.

Any first hand opinions?


The Free Meter Police
I played wow from release day until wrath was released. I was in the number 1 horde guild in the US, top DPS warlock back when the game was hard. I've beta tested at least 7 different MMOs and I have to tell you that this is the best one I've played so far. There's a lot of hate going around that it's just wow with star wars skins. That's not really the case. This game is very different. A lot of the features wow has were stolen from other MMOs. This one is by far the most fun I've played PVP wise. I'm not 50 yet so I can't truly comment on the end-game yet, but so far I'm having a blast.

Me and a couple of the GGA/chicago guys are playing on Nadd's Sarcophagus on the empire side.
I'd love to play this but my MMO plate is filled with DCUO :s

Don't hack it 'til you try it. Perhaps wait for a trial or play at a friend's place if you're still unsure. From everything I've seen however, it looks to be a great star wars themed mmo

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'd be willing to try it, if I had a comp that'd run it. I've heard that it's different enough than WoW to remain interesting; curious about the endgame content though.

This one is by far the most fun I've played PVP wise.
Vanilla WoW's world pvp was fun, as were BGs when people actually played them. Arena is LAME though. :hump:


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
A buddy of mine is playing it and he's level 21, says it's still fun. I installed it, then uninstalled it because I got access to Dota 2.