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Ermac and his new design... DLC?

Unlike Reptile he got a new design in the Krypt. Why should have he got one of he isn't planned to be released?

Dunno about Kenshi cuz I can't spot a difference in his design


Agent of Chaosrealm
It is possible. Though I would prefer to see as DLC characters who weren't in MKX, like Havik, Hsu Hao, Kintaro, Smoke/Enenra, Sheeva, Sindel ...

My interest in Ermac deteriorated in MKX. This whole telekinetic mummy sorcerer thing just doesn't sit with me very well. Kudos for making him original, but I don't really care for him now.

Don't forget that Rain got new a design in MKX. Baraka got a new design in MKX. Neither of them were playable.

And Ermac's costume in MK11 could easily be a Skarlet skin reject.
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casual kahnage
That’s his old mk9 design. At least that’s what I thought when I saw it... it looks similar.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
MK9 Ermac was up there in character usage, I think top 5. In MKX he dropped below the 50% percentile.

Turns out nobody likes noodle arms. They need to drop the WoW lich shit.


I don't know why they insist on mummy Ermac. Sure, it fits another archetype, well done. But he is boring as fuck now to look at. MKX Ermac made me gag everytime, disgusting shitty design.

Make him at least SOMEWHAT look like a ninja again, and none of this floating nonsense please. Have him be grounded and only going into float mode for certain moves (telekinetic slam etc).

He could be DLC if they end up doing 3 Kombat Packs like some people think, but his mask is one of Skarlets as far as I'm aware (with the black X on it), and his costume isn't particularly that detailed. It's very similar to one he had in MK9, so maybe it's an unused variation of that.

Basically, don't get too excited.


MK9 Ermac was up there in character usage, I think top 5. In MKX he dropped below the 50% percentile.

Turns out nobody likes noodle arms. They need to drop the WoW lich shit.
Reason for that has probably more to do with his gameplay. They didnt do a good job with him in that regard in MKX and they were to many broken ass characters that could do what he could better.

He was way more fun to play in MK9. His variations were either a total joke (Spectral) or lacked. That he floated was also retarded.

I liked the hooded costume though... it was really awesome. I didnt mind the pharaoh outfit but i agree that he shouldnt be a living mummy...

And if he miraculously makes it s DLC... i hipe he doesnt look like the dude in the Krypt. That was fake Ermac... look at him... outfit looks like his grandma made it lol


I doubt it. As NothingPersonal points out above, Rain got a redesign in MKX and he never became playable.


I doubt it. As NothingPersonal points out above, Rain got a redesign in MKX and he never became playable.
Tanya got a redesign and was playable fam. Bo Rai Cho got a redesign and was playable breh.

Still though, don’t get your hopes up mate. Stay calm kid.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
Random knowledge no one cares to know:

I've never smoked anything in my life weed or otherwise, nor done any drugs, and have only tried alcohol enough to know it tastes disgusting.
Exact same (thought it was my rootbeer in a simular cup LmAo) and I edited my previous statement


... Breh?

Anyways, point is, Redesign =/= DLC.
Fujin also got a redesign, and he also wasn't playable in MKX.
You been living in a cave? T’is a popular term....breh.

And yes, you’re right, it doesn’t mean DLC for a fact. But it doesn’t rule him out either.

Title of the OP worded it like a possibility. Which it could be (doubtful though).