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Fighting the CPU on training purpose?

Hey guys

So thats the situatio: Im sitting here with no acces to the internet but a lame ass Internetstick that just cant be used for online play and the even more lazy-ass technitian of phone and internetshit will show up in 4 days...

But my hungre of learning techniques and combos and all sorts of strategys is on its maximum, as i am constantly watching the nice videos of these progamers giving themselves some nice battles on the tournaments.

So question is: Is it ok to fight the cpu at the hardest difficulty?

As i have done so i saw them using the EX Moves very often, sometimes it looks like they save theyr meter with the only cause to use theyr XRay... also they start combos at stance, low, or overheads and all that kind of stuff real people would do too.

So what you guys think? Shall i fight the comp guys to still my hungre? Or wait the 4-5<---ill days and play games like Skyrimor Castlevania?

Thanks in advance for your thaugtfull replies and with much love for this community,


P.S.: Did i spell purpose right?


TYM White Knight
fighting the cpu is good for things like, footsies. Practicing your AA's, and combos. But it is nothing like real matchup experience. The ai reads your inputs and reacts accordingly.


Dojo Trainee
Besides button reading as mentioned above, the CPU is impervious to mind games, so the only thing fighting them is good for is testing what you can do on reaction to what and improving those reactions.
Also, there are things that work against the cpu that wouldn't work against a human opponent.

And yes, "Purpose" is the correct spelling.


Thats how I started a few months ago. I've got all my combos down but I don't know how I'm going to do up against a real player. I haven't fought anyone that knows what they are doing. All my friends don't want to fight me because I "juggle" them in the air and haven't met anyone in my area that plays. I don't even spam or anything related to it lol. I don't consider myself decent at all. I can't sit there and play casually like everyone else in my town. I must learn the ways of the force.

Hopefully I can make it to the next NoVA event to learn from my mistakes.


Kuya Andy
Thats how I started a few months ago. I've got all my combos down but I don't know how I'm going to do up against a real player. I haven't fought anyone that knows what they are doing. All my friends don't want to fight me because I "juggle" them in the air and haven't met anyone in my area that plays. I don't even spam or anything related to it lol. I don't consider myself decent at all. I can't sit there and play casually like everyone else in my town. I must learn the ways of the force.

Hopefully I can make it to the next NoVA event to learn from my mistakes.
hey, you're actually really close to where a few of us meetup every wednesday for casuals:

also, the next MAK tourney will be january 14th

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I normally practice with the AI on Expert for a few reasons:

Muscle memory of combos and habits when learning a character
Reaction warm-up(AA's , etc)

What you wouldn't want to rely on when fighting AI:

Mix-ups(they read these, there's no point)
Mind games(same reason as above)
Match-up experience(All if not most of the character's AIs are played just like a generic Kung Lao, mash wake-up , react to everything.So no point in actually choosing which character to fight)

But messing around while fighting the AI is also good because just by fighting a long time you tend to discover new tech.Just like how I discovered Skarlet's hitbox could go so damn low.Or simple AI exploits like baiting wake-ups.
When I fight a friend online, then after all is said and done I usually practice against the character they were using. Not for long, but for a little while to get used to the matchup. It helps me alot tbh, as if after fighting the AI for a little while then going to online it can help as a warm up or a starter as if you just got on the game. It could be alot better, as the AI is a total fucking dumbass (lol) and NEVER leave full meter on. It's like a kid eats 30 pounds of sugar. All they do is xrays and EX moves lol.


Warlock Nerd
yeah the AI Kung Lao on expert is ridiculously lame. Once you knock him down all you gotta do is get just outside jump distance and duck. He will teleport almost EVERY time on wake up and eat an uppercut. im sure thats how one can prepare for a match with Perfect Legend lol


The AI will also hardly ever use breakers and is free to crossup jump punches.

Expert difficulty does help to train combos and hit confirms.