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Okay guys, making this thread about the bad things that happened because of patching of mk9

Here is a list of downsides of patching the game, of course there are a lot of good things about patching but I made this thread to discuss the downsides, this is in no way or any form of NRS bashing, please save the tissues.

- some top players doing less wel, if you patch someones main it hurts their strategy/game. while some characters werent even that great like some people said they were and now characters like kung lao, subzero, reptile, raiden are hardly being played in top 8 majors.

- top players leaving the game, which is very damaging for the longevity of the mk community: floe, justing wong, aris, PL, Jop, which were all incredible players and the best during the first few months of the game.

-patching the wrong things: dash nerf, cyrax nerf, which turned into a buff, overbuffing, overnerfing, too much armor, leaving resets in the game, universal wakeup invincibility frames patch, some characters needed it, mostly teleport characters, but they shouldnt have made it a universal thing, look at cyrax.

these were just a few examples. please discuss other downsides


(i like the dash nerf)

every top player that picked up Kung Lao and raiden in the beginning knew how great they were. They couldn't stay that way forever, what did they expect was going to happen?

but ya, NRS is a little to quick on the nerf and buff/nerfed some things seemingly at random


- some top players doing less wel, if you patch someones main it hurts their strategy/game. while some characters werent even that great like some people said they were and now characters like kung lao, subzero, reptile, raiden are hardly being played in top 8 majors.
Meh. Sounds like they couldn't adapt and / or didn't want to pick a new character. Same thing happens without patching when someone discovers something new.

-top players leaving the game, which is very damaging for the longevity of the mk community: floe, justing wong, aris, PL, Jop, which were all incredible players and the best during the first few months of the game.
Are you aware of any that left due to "broken" things? Perceived or real? Seems like NRS is in a lose / lose position.

-patching the wrong things: dash nerf, cyrax nerf, which turned into a buff, overbuffing, overnerfing, too much armor, leaving resets in the game, universal wakeup invincibility frames patch, some characters needed it, mostly teleport characters, but they shouldnt have made it a universal thing, look at cyrax.
Ya, it sucks when NRS makes changes that seem unnecessary. It'd be nice if they explained why they changed something no one was complaining about. But maybe their testing found something that required the change. But it is what it is, and I think they are done.
Meh. Sounds like they couldn't adapt and / or didn't want to pick a new character. Same thing happens without patching when someone discovers something new.

Are you aware of any that left due to "broken" things? Perceived or real? Seems like NRS is in a lose / lose position.

Ya, it sucks when NRS makes changes that seem unnecessary. It'd be nice if they explained why they changed something no one was complaining about. But maybe their testing found something that required the change. But it is what it is, and I think they are done.
there is a limit to how much a character can be nerfed, I don't have anyhting to complain since I play scorpion and smoke but I really liked watching Kung lao at high level, its sad really. 1.04 Kung lao and raiden were far from overpowered, nowhere near kitana, kabal and jax of this version of the game.
(i like the dash nerf)

every top player that picked up Kung Lao and raiden in the beginning knew how great they were. They couldn't stay that way forever, what did they expect was going to happen?

but ya, NRS is a little to quick on the nerf and buff/nerfed some things seemingly at random
1.04 kung lao and raiden weren't overpowered at all. they should have been more careful with the buffing and nerfing, jax is just crazy
whyd jop and aris quit?
well both of them have stated their opinions on this game and there are obviously some huge flaws in this game and all the patching didn't help either I think. the community would be a lot better off if they kept playing, they are all great fighting game players


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Some players complain with a feasible reason .... while others, cry a river for drama .... hehe :D

It's all about "point of views" .....

It's a matter if some of them are adaptative/adaptable ... or let themselves reach a limitation stage/level regarding some specific moves, and don't feel an urge to change their gameplay.

Some of them won't be missed, while a new generation of players come in, an try to play this game, the way it is.