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Dr. Cheesesteak

pygophile and podophile
The microtransactions, krypt, towers, etc, I don't mind. The uninspired character builds I can accept cuz I love playing MK. But as a PC player, what is frustrating me is just the poor ported product. Even from trustworthy QLOC. And even the later-than-console release doesn't bother me. Just this other disappointing stuff:

  • not an up-to-date balance patch
  • some menu navigation isn't compatible w/ controller
  • crashing when tabbed or w/ Steam in-game
  • Tournament variations not even being default or selectable for Training, requiring Kustomize first just to lab Tourney variations (global "feature")
Honestly, the last 3 points are tolerable after a while, especially once the Kustomization is done for all chars (tho doing all of that was infuriating as fuck). But that first point. What in the actual F? Guess Saturday at my local I'll just have to play footsies or just try to cross reference videos that show PC-safe combos. Can't trust my own labbing. :(

I hate to say it, but this may be my final NRS product on PC.

Who the hell did NRS get to handled the Switch port? Seems like they fucking scuffed it badly lol
Shiver did Switch port. QLOC did PC port.


Im straining my eyes reading the fine print on kombat kards. Most of the time i dont even know who im fighting online
This too. When i first saw the hit/damage count in MK11 i thought "shit that's big", then for whatever reason they decide to make kombat card text super small. Like WTF. You can either read something from space or you need a microscope.

The game doesn't know the difference between regular and revenant skins during dialogues and it's extremely annoying when the last game had this in place.

So much color swap 'skins' that the person in charge said "fuck it, I don't have time for that!"
Yep, to both of those. I'd rather have had 2 or 3 distinctly different skins (like MKX) and 1 or 2 colour swaps, over the 3 vaguely similar skins and 100 colour swaps.

Kitana's outfits are all either revenant (bleh), or riff's on that not so flattering superhero onesie. What happened to the inspiration that brought us her MKX designs? Even some of the concept art is better than what is in the game.

People shit on MKX a lot, but the UI and overall polish of the game to me seemed better. Kitana always having her fans out - even when getting pummelled! - even though almost every other character seems to be able to draw/summon their weapon as required. The online menu with the expanding boxes and images seems overly designed (and slightly annoying). Things like this, and the way characters looked at each other in fights and turned around after jumps etc. Just seemed better in MKX.
The training mode options seem really limited. Why can't I set the AI to do a simple quick high or mid after block? I just get a list of half a dozen specials/throws.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
I find myself hating the game more and more every single time I play.

Unfortunatly I'm in the same boat.

  • Playing online ranked feels gimped by the lackluster fixed variations.
  • the more I play the more the gameplay feels, I don't know, shallow
  • I usually don't play single player at all but I'm forced to do it because it's the only way to unlock stuff.
  • Towers of Time are not fun at all and mostly fell like a chore when not completely unfair.
  • All the various currencies, auguments, stats, consumables, RNG drops make it feel like a mobile game.
I was hyped as hell before release but now after just a few days I fell less and less enticed to play. Honestly if I hadn't digitally bought the premium edition I'd be seriously thinking about trade it back in.
this game is so good it is interfering with my master thesis. I mean, please NRS, why didn't you wait to release the game in like June or something
Unfortunatly I'm in the same boat.

  • Playing online ranked feels gimped by the lackluster fixed variations.
  • the more I play the more the gameplay feels, I don't know, shallow
  • I usually don't play single player at all but I'm forced to do it because it's the only way to unlock stuff.
  • Towers of Time are not fun at all and mostly fell like a chore when not completely unfair.
  • All the various currencies, auguments, stats, consumables, RNG drops make it feel like a mobile game.
I was hyped as hell before release but now after just a few days I fell less and less enticed to play. Honestly if I hadn't digitally bought the premium edition I'd be seriously thinking about trade it back in.
I haven’t returned it because most of my friends got the game and want to play. Your summary basically summarized how I feel, not feeling as excited to play it as I anticipated
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i really regret buying into the hype and getting baited. i already bought it with the expectation i'd drop it in a few months after nrs nerfs the fun stuff (i played summoner quan and aftershock tremor in mkx,) but i'm super shocked to discover that i cant even find any 'fun stuff' that will later be nerfed.

i wish i didnt spend more than 2 hours on it so i could've refunded but unfortunately i need longer than that to make sure my opinion is at LEAST semi-accurate for a fighter.. but with only 5 hour playtime i can clearly see the writing on the wall because these chars are some of the most bland and limited designs ever. i don't think these fighting game chars would have been considered creative if mk11 was a game made in 2009, even.


I just wanted to say that Cetrion is a fucking shit show of a character. Not a fan of one Elder God having so many elemental powers to be honest. Kind of renders Raiden and Fujin a bit shit, only specifying in one. Also feels like they wanted Tremor and Rains movesets in the game but didn't want to go the full mile of including them. Her design is super uninspired in my opinion, and her role in the story is pathetic. Oh, and she doesn't even play well. Such a wasted slot.

Also, I know you can change the controls and I have, but whoever thought it was smart having R1 be the button to amplify moves when it is also the button to use stage interactions needs their design license revoking. Let me just use Subs slide amplify, oh shit, thrown a bucket of meat instead. Fuck off.
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