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Where to get a cheap stick or pad?


Robot Blueberry
So i really want a fight stick for mortal kombat, and I was very interested in getting a hitbox (I know its not a fightstick but it looked pretty cool.) The problem is all of the sticks i saw were around $150. I don't play THAT competitively, and I saw some madcatz SF4 SE pads for $70, but they don't make them anymore. Where can i get a decent fight stick for less than $100?


Dojo Trainee
I'm in the same boat as you. The route I went was I first got a Mayflash Arcade Stick and put in a Sanwa stick and buttons. Not counting the PS2-to-360 converter I also got, the stick ran me around $80 total. Keep in mind that I also had the necessary wires and tools already on hand.

There's also a great series of tutorial videos on YouTube for modding that stick in particular. There's a bit of grunt work involved, but it still a relatively easy process.

That being said, MK isn't really a game where you need a stick. Unless you feel like the pad is holding you back, I wouldn't invest in a stick at all unless you plan on playing more than just MK.


Robot Blueberry
I'm in the same boat as you. The route I went was I first got a Mayflash Arcade Stick and put in a Sanwa stick and buttons. Not counting the PS2-to-360 converter I also got, the stick ran me around $80 total. Keep in mind that I also had the necessary wires and tools already on hand.

There's also a great series of tutorial videos on YouTube for modding that stick in particular. There's a bit of grunt work involved, but it still a relatively easy process.

That being said, MK isn't really a game where you need a stick. Unless you feel like the pad is holding you back, I wouldn't invest in a stick at all unless you plan on playing more than just MK.
Thanks a ton for showing me this! The only other option I was thinking of was buying a cruddy WWE Brawlstick and modding it, but since that starts at $80 retail, it was still gonna be a pretty expensive ordeal. I think im gonna order one of these right now. Only other question i got is what kind of stick/buttons should I get? Is Sanwa the only brand I should really consider?


Dojo Trainee
Thanks a ton for showing me this! The only other option I was thinking of was buying a cruddy WWE Brawlstick and modding it, but since that starts at $80 retail, it was still gonna be a pretty expensive ordeal. I think im gonna order one of these right now. Only other question i got is what kind of stick/buttons should I get? Is Sanwa the only brand I should really consider?
That's a question for the more experienced. I went with Sanwa because there parts are good and priced reasonably, plus they have the most information available on them.

You'll probably also want to grab some quick-disconnects to make reconfigureing the stick for other games easier if you go this route, along with some .22 gauge wire. You'll also need a soldering iron and some type of file or drill to make the button holes slightly larger. The Sanwa buttons are 30mm while the stock ones are 27mm or some other measurement that no one else uses.

Also, here's the fist video in that tutorial I mentioned:


Robot Blueberry
I saw the button config on the default stick, and I was wondering if it is possible to change that? Or is it only possible to change with mods? Also there was a setting on it that said D-Pad/Stick, but there is no d-pad on the controller...


Dojo Trainee
I saw the button config on the default stick, and I was wondering if it is possible to change that? Or is it only possible to change with mods? Also there was a setting on it that said D-Pad/Stick, but there is no d-pad on the controller...
The way the buttons on the Mayflash are connected to the PCB, you can only change the button configuration by modding it. You don't want to be using the default buttons anyway. They operate using pressure pads, so they are far from precise.

I don't know what you are talking about with d-pads.


Robot Blueberry
The way the buttons on the Mayflash are connected to the PCB, you can only change the button configuration by modding it. You don't want to be using the default buttons anyway. They operate using pressure pads, so they are far from precise.

I don't know what you are talking about with d-pads.
I watched a youtube video on it, and in the top left corner of it
at 3:13 he points to it.


Dojo Trainee
I watched a youtube video on it, and in the top left corner of it
That's not the same stick I linked you to. I don't know what stick that is. It might be an earlier or different molded, but the one I linked you to (the one I bought and is in the tutorial video) has none of those turbo switches. It just has one turbo button.

Though if I had to guess, I would imagine that switch determines which input the stick is emulating.


Robot Blueberry
All right so i actually watched all of the modding tutorials start to finish, and I kinda feel like its not gonna happen... I'm only 15 (I know that "too young" to be playing MK), and honestly, even though this sounds stupid, my mom won't let me spend around $100 on all the materials i need, bc its possible that I screw up and have to start over...

If you're on PS3, get this. $35 shipped and it rocks. Perfect for MK and much better than the standard PS3 controller. Some idiot gave it 2/5 stars on Newegg but I use this thing exclusively for MK and it's an awesome product.
How does this work with other games? like street fighter, blazblue, KOF stuff where you need to make 360's. Ive been wanting to get a new pad for a long time but dont know which are good. I play ps3 btw.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
How does this work with other games? like street fighter, blazblue, KOF stuff where you need to make 360's. Ive been wanting to get a new pad for a long time but dont know which are good. I play ps3 btw.
Well, I admittedly don't play SF and KoF much, but it performs fine for DQCs; far better than the DS3 pad. I haven't had trouble with any execution period with this pad.
Well, I admittedly don't play SF and KoF much, but it performs fine for DQCs; far better than the DS3 pad. I haven't had trouble with any execution period with this pad.
thanks for the reply man, but I think I'll just go ahead with the big ben wired pad, which has an 8 way dpad. much more suited for 360's I think and its less pricey. My brother in law threw the ps3 pad on the ground out of frustration lol, so we need to replace it.