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MK11 Will Launch With 2 Variations Per Character For Competitive Play.


Part-Time Kano Hostage





Before the set starts Player b decides goes into custom.

Sets his abilities for one character. Then Sets his controller settings.


This should take less than 30 seconds. Both players do it - This should take less than 1 minute.

If anyone thinks that is too long...u are trippin.

You can even hit Triangle to show the opponent what you set your abilities to before the match starts (eventhough i dont personally believe you should have to)

The set begins.

Player a wins a match. It was player b who set a kustom variation earlier. Now before the 2nd match in the set, player b decides if he wants to continue using the kustom variation or counterpick, with a different one (or change character).

What u CANNOT do, is go back to the kustom variation menu since the set started. So if player b decides to pick a different character to counter pick, then you'd have to use the default variations.

This, imo, is the best way to have the best of both worlds in competitive play until NRS sets in the character select kustom variation UI menus.

Oh and lets say player a wanted to set up a kustom variation midset and didnt do so for a character BEFORE the set starts. Thats his loss. You get to set a kustom variation for one character only before the set starts.
What people's gripes are is the way they went about it.

It's as if they announced a new Smash Bros where they center the publicity around them finding a way to balance items into competitive play, then 3 weeks before launch they pull the rug under you and say "WELL you could use items in casual matches, but in competitive matches it's still not advized and/or possible".

For the record, competitive Smash players go years without casually turning on items "for fun". It's just not why they play the game.

I'm not saying this is exactly how MK11's variation moves will be though. Due to them saying that they will add variations as time goes by, I think it will encourage players to experiment with certain variation moves in order to request a variation for the future or something.
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In Zoning We Trust
Ummm... weren't people bitching that MKX should've had only 2 variations because one always sucked and was never used?

Now apparently two isn't enough and need more than 3?
Lol no, people were upset that characters had variations that were useless, not that they should have made only two variations. There's a difference.

If MK11 was announced and during the advertising campaign it was "we are creating two variations per character to provide the maximum experience", none of this would even be a conversation right now. You can't expect people to believe one thing due to massive implications, and then not feel upset or disappointed when they are given something else, regardless of how they feel about the game itself.


they need to just abolish variations, that was MKX's thing, customization is this games thing, what is wrong with just having custom builds for everything (casuals and tournaments) It was fine in the beta, but it seems like NRS is having trouble deciding on a vision for this game.


only 2? well if scorpion isn't mad buff on release or doesn't have a variation that comes with misery blade then it's gonna be a sad time for scorpion players


Lol no, people were upset that characters had variations that were useless, not that they should have made only two variations. There's a difference.
True that was said to some extent, but there was also a lot of talk of only having two variations. The idea being it would be easier to balance, less splitting of specials and less chance of shoehorned variations, like Kitana being Jade for example.

If MK11 was announced and during the advertising campaign it was "we are creating two variations per character to provide the maximum experience", none of this would even be a conversation right now.
But almost in the same breath it was said that preset variations would almost certainly be the tournament standard. It's not like this is a revelation that was just outed yesterday.


In Zoning We Trust
True that was said to some extent, but there was also a lot of talk of only having two variations. The idea being it would be easier to balance, less splitting of specials and less chance of shoehorned variations, like Kitana being Jade for example.
That much I agree with. I think 2 is easier to balance, and puts the characters in a place where you can have two "different" versions to switch between. Two will probably work out better competitively in the long run. Rewards the loyalist a bit more than 3. I like the idea, my main issue is with the false hope. I'm not really sure what went on behind the scenes to cause such secrecy behind something as simple as "you'll use two variations", but that was the huge bummer there.


Dojo Trainee
2 variations seems really bad. So many moves will be left out. But it seems they are pretty much rushing the game out. It was however good to hear augments wont fuck over online. I guess casuals is where it's at.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Here's something to think about.

If a move in one of the presets ends up being unbalanced, they can no longer edit the slot cost of the move or make it incompatible with another move in that preset. They would have to do it the old fashioned way: reduce damage, edit frame data, etc.

EDIT: Let's say Kabal's hook grab is a balanced move, but when combined with the low hook special and the extend hook reset he becomes too strong. If one of the presets has the hook grab, they cannot longer edit its slot cost or compatibility, so they have to nerf the move's numbers or properties.

This would make the hook grab less desirable in custom loadouts, when in fact the move wasn't the problem, its synergy was the problem.
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The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Now that's been like this, I'll compete, while sleeping. Variations = too predictable, and with a few strategies to consider, while autopiloting. zzzZZZzzz


'ello baby, did you miss me?
@pure.Wasted @SaltShaker

Is the fact they aren't using all the moves really a bad thing?

Do you think every single one of the variation moves are useful enough that they should have to force a bad move into an okay variation, thus making it a bad variation overall?
I mean, it sounds like that's exactly what they're doing anyway, the only difference is we only get 2 of the variations now and the rest come later.

And yeah of course it's a problem that some moves aren't in, because what if those aren't the bad moves, what if those are the good moves? Or what if those moves aren't essential but open up a completely new playstyle for your character that is otherwise not possible? For example, a lot of characters' combo potential seems to rely on key moves, e.g. Baraka with Gutted, Noob with the Tele-Slam, Kano with Snake Bite and the string extender. If those moves aren't in, which there's a good chance since there are only 2 variations, then players interested in combos are going to be so fucking disappointed.

You know this better than most already... I've read your posts in Kano GD. :(


it sounds like they just already had a set plan for ranked/competitive. unless they are quick to do something about what characters can pair what moves with what; i'm not trying to fight kabal with low hook, restand hook, and nomad dash cancels


Searching for an alt.
This all appears to me that they didn't have the time/wherewithal to get tournament ready customs all set before launch. The game seems, by all I can see, designed for that exact plan. It is disappointing that they missed this goal, and a huge bummer that they didn't just tell us that months ago. The contradicting statements, the slow but steady backtracking, and the general lack of commitment was frustrating to watch. Then the stress-test and beta happening before this information made it worse, personally I feel like I had this awesome game and then it was snatched away. Something we all played for a week plus has been, basically, downgraded.

All that being said. Starting with 2 presets, then adding more, and hopefully getting customs is not the worst thing in the world. I'm really glad the community backlash at least had them finally give us a definitive statement on the matter, and appears to have also demonstrated that they need to move all the way to tournaments with customs to satisfy their hardcore players, which are a big public face on the game after all the launch advertising falls off.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
If the variations are purposeful the way @RYX mentioned in his thread, this could still be kinda cool. In USF4 I chose my Ultra based on the MU and I would enjoy having a similar thing here.


The only thing I'm worried about is not being able to challenge a good player to a FT10 in player match, using tournament variations. Tyler said "We're also exploring the option for custom variations in ranked and tournament play in the future."

I'm happy with their decision as long as I can challenge players in any mode using tournament settings, I think it was the right approach. I wasn't expecting NRS to allow custom variations on release date, and for sure not before Evo 2019. It might take them several months but I'm fine with it to be honest.
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Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
They made their decision on kustoms but I'm glad they responded quickly and comprehensively. We'll see how the presets feel but I do hope they try to get kustom variations in there at some point.

And like others said this might help the game out longevity wise. In a weird way balance patches can be hype because it's just something different. This gives them more ways to mix it up down the line.


A changed man...or shokan master lol.
Every tourney i run will allow kustom variations based on the format i mentioned earlier:


So as a community we need to make a stand and include them in our own way that benefits everyone and that saves as much time as possible.

So this is my start with my local community.



Life is a block string with no gaps.
Every tourney i run will allow kustom variations based on the format i mentioned earlier:


So as a community we need to make a stand and include them in our own way that benefits everyone and that saves as much time as possible.

So this is my start with my local community.
I love the energy.


I just hope they don’t put moves like baraka’s flag shitty moves or jade’ delia dance in those variations. Most people are pissed that kustom won’t be a thing, now imagine having to play with shitty versions of characters we alteady know can be awesome with a good setup.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I think they are just doing this for balance on day one and eventually intergrating custom later on after everything is as balanced as it can be.
I don't think only having 2 variations is a good idea though. 1 man's best preset is another man's worst.

Not trying to judge a book by its cover but they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this could get very sloppy and underwhelming if it's only 2 variations per character and I hope it's fixed soon. Here's hoping NRS knows how to pair the right moves together!


PSN: Cansuela
You’ll just never be happy.

Player matches allow custom variations and no augments or cheese. Ranked and tournament play will see variations added as time progresses. They are working on making custom variations competitively valid.

You and so many people crying about the variations and here NRS is doing right by everyone and you’re still crying. Sums up most of the critics.