While MK11 is about to be released, the KP1 is already set in the stone, but maybe not the KP2. So now is probably the best moment to give NRS some ideas, so here's mine for a guest character :
The Nemesis-T-Type or simply known as « Nemesis » is the main antagonist and final boss of Resident Evil 3. Nemesis is a special type of B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) created by Umbrella Corporation with the T-virus mixed with a « Nemesis » parasite for military usage. In RE3, Nemesis has been sent to Raccoon City during the zombie outbreak that occured in the city to track down and kill the members of the local special forces group, the S.T.A.R.S.
Nemesis has many abilities in combat, including great strength, he is capable of using heavy weapons, such as a rocket launcher, tentacles which can be used to hurt or infecting people with the T Virus and the ability to create strategies to defeat his opponents.
Moveset :
Here's some ideas of how his moveset would look like :
Since we still don't know yet how the default variations will work in MK11, I will take MKX's variation system as an exemple.
Universal moves :
T-Type charge : Nemesis charges at the opponent
T-Type slam : Nemesis grabs the mid-air opponent and slams him on the ground.
Amplified : Nemesis steps on the skull of the opponent, dealing great damage
Default variations :
#1 : Shooting S.T.A.R.S. - Gains rocket launcher based moves and abilities
Base moves :
B2 : Nemesis uses his rocket launcher for ranged overhead that hard knocks down
D4 : Nemesis uses his rocket launcher for extra range on his d4, unsafe on block
Special moves:
Straight rocket (BF2 or DB2) : Nemesis shoots a rocket at the opponent, high projectile
Amplified : Shoots an extra rocket to the opponent, hits high. Can only be amplified if the first rocket connects or is blocked.
Up rocket : Nemesis shoots a rocket upwards as an anti air, allowing for a juggle at close distance
Low swing : Nemesis swings his rocket launcher to the legs of the opponent. Hard knocks down
Amplified : Nemesis shoots a rocket to the knocked down opponent sending the opponent back to jump distance
Overhead launcher swing : Nemesis swings his rocket launcher to the opponent, hits overhead,
Amplified : Shoots a straight mid rocket to the knocked down opponent (or the blocking opponent, hits mid if blocked), sending the opponent back at jump distance
#2 – B.O.W. to me : Can summon Hunters and lickers
Hunter slash : A hunter is summoned by Nemesis, the hunter jumps into the arena, hitting overhead, then leaves.
Amplified : The hunter deals extra damage on the opponent while lying on the ground
Hunter trap : Can summon a hunter that stays on the arena for a few seconds, attacking the opponent if the approches him too close, (there is a very small window where you can block the trap), knocks down.
Amplified : The summoned hunter stays a few extra seconds on the arena (smaller window to block the trap). If trapped, the hunter will allow to throw the opponent afar or closer
Licker rush : Summon a licker that crawls through the arena, hitting mid
Amplified : The licker stuns the opponent on hit, allowing for a follow up
#3 – T-00 Mutation : Gains grabs moves and abilities
Tentacle choke : Nemesis grabs the opponent to the throat with his tentacles, choking him and throwing him to the ground.
Amplified : Nemesis uses his tentacles to infect the opponent with the virus, dealing damage over time.
T-00 Charge : Enhanced version of the base special move T-Type charge (replace it, same input). Nemesis charges the opponent, safer than T-type charge
Amplified 1 : (During the charge) Nemesis will grab the opponent instead of hitting him (acts like a command grab) and smash him on the ground. Costs one bar of both attack and defense meter. Can be double amplified to gain a double armor (cost one extra bar of defense meter)
Amplified 1.1 (during the grab) : Nemesis stomps the opponent on the ground with his foot. Cost one extra bar of attack meter.
Tyrant grab (command grab) : Nemesis grabs the opponent, the player needs to input another command to choose how to extend the grab :
Skullcrusher : Nemesis slams the opponent on the ground and crushes the head of the opponent with his foot. Deals great damage, hard knocks down
Rib breaker : Nemesis punches the opponent into the chest then releases him, allowing for a reset.
Don't feed the beast : Nemesis bites the opponent to the neck, restoring his health.
Amplified : Amplifying the moves will increase the effect of the selected extension.
Skullcrusher : Adds an extra hit that deals more damage
Rib breaker : Deals slightly more damage, greater hit advantage
Don't feed the beast : Nemesis recovers more health, does slightly more damage
Passive ability : When below 50.00 points of health (5%), Nemesis gains a damage boost of 50%
Intros ideas :
Nemesis isn't very talkative (like all the previous MK guests), he only says one thing : « S.T.A.R.S ». But we can still have some funny intros :
JC : What do we have here ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S. !
JC : I only see one star here, and it's me !
JC : You got something for me, beautiful ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Sorry buddy, I already have one on Hollywood Boulevard
JC : What is the thing that you just keep saying ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Oh I got it, that's an acronym !
Skarlet ; Parasited blood...
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Skarlet : I'll take it anyways
JC : Wow, you look like a monster in one of my movies
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Aaaand ACTION !
Kano : Damn you're ugly...
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Kano : Eh, you still look better than Kabal
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S...
Sonya Blade : You want S.T.A.R.S ? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S !
Cassie : Where the fuck are you from ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Cassie : From the stars ? I would have said from an ass
Shao Kahn : I could use someone like you in my army
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Shao Kahn : Ah, I see that you are already smarter than Reptile
Fatalities :
Blow your mind : Nemesis grabs the opponent to the neck, lift him in the air then crushes his legs, breaking them. Nemesis then grabs the head with his hand, takes the pose (like in the photo below). The fatality freezes as the head of the opponent is crushed.
Why Nemesis would be a good option as a guest character ? :
As you know, Resident Evil 2 Remake has just been released and sold 3 million copies worldwide after a week. While Resident Evil 3 Remake is probably already in developement, I think it would be beneficial to both companies to coordinate their efforts by, for exemple, releasing Nemesis in MK11 a month after the official announcement of RE3 Remake.
MK is a series that have trouble to find a good spot on the Japanese fighting scene. It would be a great opportunity from WB to get the rights of Nemesis to gain popularity in Japan, since Resident Evil (in Japan the series is called Biohazard) is very popular there (like in the rest of the world by the way) and increase their player base. And here I am just talking about the marketing potential in Japan, let's not forget that Resident Evil is one of the most well-known video game franchise in the world.
I really think this character has the potential to be a great addition to the roster from a gameplay perspective (like I tried to show earlier), he also suits the horror-themed guest characters Netherrealm likes to release as DLC for their MK games. And, finally, Nemesis has a top tier marketing potential. Ladies and gentlemen from WB and NRS, if you ever read this, please at least think about it.
I'll end this way too long thread (but made with passion
) by thanking WB, the NRS devs and artists for the awesome game they're about to release, you guys rock ! Thanks also to TYM and its awesome community !

The Nemesis-T-Type or simply known as « Nemesis » is the main antagonist and final boss of Resident Evil 3. Nemesis is a special type of B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) created by Umbrella Corporation with the T-virus mixed with a « Nemesis » parasite for military usage. In RE3, Nemesis has been sent to Raccoon City during the zombie outbreak that occured in the city to track down and kill the members of the local special forces group, the S.T.A.R.S.
Nemesis has many abilities in combat, including great strength, he is capable of using heavy weapons, such as a rocket launcher, tentacles which can be used to hurt or infecting people with the T Virus and the ability to create strategies to defeat his opponents.
Moveset :
Here's some ideas of how his moveset would look like :
Since we still don't know yet how the default variations will work in MK11, I will take MKX's variation system as an exemple.
Universal moves :
T-Type charge : Nemesis charges at the opponent
T-Type slam : Nemesis grabs the mid-air opponent and slams him on the ground.
Amplified : Nemesis steps on the skull of the opponent, dealing great damage
Default variations :
#1 : Shooting S.T.A.R.S. - Gains rocket launcher based moves and abilities

Base moves :
B2 : Nemesis uses his rocket launcher for ranged overhead that hard knocks down
D4 : Nemesis uses his rocket launcher for extra range on his d4, unsafe on block
Special moves:
Straight rocket (BF2 or DB2) : Nemesis shoots a rocket at the opponent, high projectile
Amplified : Shoots an extra rocket to the opponent, hits high. Can only be amplified if the first rocket connects or is blocked.
Up rocket : Nemesis shoots a rocket upwards as an anti air, allowing for a juggle at close distance
Low swing : Nemesis swings his rocket launcher to the legs of the opponent. Hard knocks down
Amplified : Nemesis shoots a rocket to the knocked down opponent sending the opponent back to jump distance
Overhead launcher swing : Nemesis swings his rocket launcher to the opponent, hits overhead,
Amplified : Shoots a straight mid rocket to the knocked down opponent (or the blocking opponent, hits mid if blocked), sending the opponent back at jump distance
#2 – B.O.W. to me : Can summon Hunters and lickers

Hunter slash : A hunter is summoned by Nemesis, the hunter jumps into the arena, hitting overhead, then leaves.
Amplified : The hunter deals extra damage on the opponent while lying on the ground
Hunter trap : Can summon a hunter that stays on the arena for a few seconds, attacking the opponent if the approches him too close, (there is a very small window where you can block the trap), knocks down.
Amplified : The summoned hunter stays a few extra seconds on the arena (smaller window to block the trap). If trapped, the hunter will allow to throw the opponent afar or closer

Licker rush : Summon a licker that crawls through the arena, hitting mid
Amplified : The licker stuns the opponent on hit, allowing for a follow up
#3 – T-00 Mutation : Gains grabs moves and abilities
Tentacle choke : Nemesis grabs the opponent to the throat with his tentacles, choking him and throwing him to the ground.
Amplified : Nemesis uses his tentacles to infect the opponent with the virus, dealing damage over time.
T-00 Charge : Enhanced version of the base special move T-Type charge (replace it, same input). Nemesis charges the opponent, safer than T-type charge
Amplified 1 : (During the charge) Nemesis will grab the opponent instead of hitting him (acts like a command grab) and smash him on the ground. Costs one bar of both attack and defense meter. Can be double amplified to gain a double armor (cost one extra bar of defense meter)
Amplified 1.1 (during the grab) : Nemesis stomps the opponent on the ground with his foot. Cost one extra bar of attack meter.
Tyrant grab (command grab) : Nemesis grabs the opponent, the player needs to input another command to choose how to extend the grab :
Skullcrusher : Nemesis slams the opponent on the ground and crushes the head of the opponent with his foot. Deals great damage, hard knocks down
Rib breaker : Nemesis punches the opponent into the chest then releases him, allowing for a reset.
Don't feed the beast : Nemesis bites the opponent to the neck, restoring his health.
Amplified : Amplifying the moves will increase the effect of the selected extension.
Skullcrusher : Adds an extra hit that deals more damage
Rib breaker : Deals slightly more damage, greater hit advantage
Don't feed the beast : Nemesis recovers more health, does slightly more damage
Passive ability : When below 50.00 points of health (5%), Nemesis gains a damage boost of 50%
Intros ideas :
Nemesis isn't very talkative (like all the previous MK guests), he only says one thing : « S.T.A.R.S ». But we can still have some funny intros :
JC : What do we have here ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S. !
JC : I only see one star here, and it's me !
JC : You got something for me, beautiful ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Sorry buddy, I already have one on Hollywood Boulevard
JC : What is the thing that you just keep saying ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Oh I got it, that's an acronym !
Skarlet ; Parasited blood...
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Skarlet : I'll take it anyways
JC : Wow, you look like a monster in one of my movies
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
JC : Aaaand ACTION !
Kano : Damn you're ugly...
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Kano : Eh, you still look better than Kabal
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S...
Sonya Blade : You want S.T.A.R.S ? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S !
Cassie : Where the fuck are you from ?
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Cassie : From the stars ? I would have said from an ass
Shao Kahn : I could use someone like you in my army
Nemesis : S.T.A.R.S
Shao Kahn : Ah, I see that you are already smarter than Reptile
Fatalities :
Blow your mind : Nemesis grabs the opponent to the neck, lift him in the air then crushes his legs, breaking them. Nemesis then grabs the head with his hand, takes the pose (like in the photo below). The fatality freezes as the head of the opponent is crushed.

Why Nemesis would be a good option as a guest character ? :
As you know, Resident Evil 2 Remake has just been released and sold 3 million copies worldwide after a week. While Resident Evil 3 Remake is probably already in developement, I think it would be beneficial to both companies to coordinate their efforts by, for exemple, releasing Nemesis in MK11 a month after the official announcement of RE3 Remake.
MK is a series that have trouble to find a good spot on the Japanese fighting scene. It would be a great opportunity from WB to get the rights of Nemesis to gain popularity in Japan, since Resident Evil (in Japan the series is called Biohazard) is very popular there (like in the rest of the world by the way) and increase their player base. And here I am just talking about the marketing potential in Japan, let's not forget that Resident Evil is one of the most well-known video game franchise in the world.
I really think this character has the potential to be a great addition to the roster from a gameplay perspective (like I tried to show earlier), he also suits the horror-themed guest characters Netherrealm likes to release as DLC for their MK games. And, finally, Nemesis has a top tier marketing potential. Ladies and gentlemen from WB and NRS, if you ever read this, please at least think about it.
I'll end this way too long thread (but made with passion