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Potential new stages!

There are 13 stages we've seen so far with two potential ones: the Rooftop (Ed Boon twitter tease) and the Jinsei cave / treasure room with the dragon. That would make 15 and 6 left.

So out of these only the first one Wastelands - is seen at a closeup that is battle like and I cannot imagine it not being a stage. The second that is probably a stage is D'Vorah's lair, just has to be. You know Kronika will have a final battle stage with the hour glass and will it probably won't look like these last two images, it's happening.

The Elder Gods I don't think so since it is not really a battle stage, just where Raiden will go from time to time to talk and summon Cetrion. The gardens would be great, but I just don't see that happening since we have never really had a stage that peaceful in MK before. It would be nice for a change though and I think many people would appreciate it. It seems to be a place where they go maybe to seek advice or train, the latter is my hope since a training arena like that would actually be worth it. MK9 was okay, but MKX's was dreaful.

The Sky Temple in the back is also seen in the menu and judging from MKX that could give it more of a chance to be an actual stage. Maybe with the new angle they could show the forest on the left of the stage and the gate and temple to the right. Maybe a new take on the Living Forest?

Netherrealm Armageddon is seen quite a lot throughout the trailer and might be in some form a stage, since in MKX we saw a lot outside of Sky Temple with Raiden and Fujin as well as some kids battling the revenants and demons.

The Outworld mesa and Black Dragon / Kano warehouse I really hope are just cutscenes and not actual stages. We already have a snowy earth stage and the hangar as well as the desert command for quite boring scenery, but they could be. We've seen Kahn's Colliseum, Baraka's Kamp, Shinnok's Cathedral, Black Dragon Club, Desert Command, the Hangar all featured in the trailer, which are all playable stages.

Thoughts? :)
Two Things:

I want to say D'vorah's Nest looks similar to that unknown stage in the Behind The Scenes trailer but I'd need a side by side comparison to be sure.

Maybe it's the Sky but that stage where the Scorpions fight reminds me of the new stage that has the Nethership in the back.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I want this to be our Training/Practice Area. It would be dope.

The Special Forces Theme has to go in MK11. Everything on MKX was focused on SF and as much as I love Cassie, Jacqui and Sonya as characters we need change. Maybe have it divided amongst the clans.
MK Universe Factions/Clans:

  • Lin Kuei.
  • Elder Gods.
  • Shirai Ryu.
  • Black Dragon.
  • Red Dragon.
  • The Brotherhood of Shadow.
  • Special Forces.
  • White Lotus Society.
I'd like them to focus on more than one. Have a training arena specific to your chosen faction:
Elder God's, WLS, SF, BOS, Black Dragon, Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei ect.

But moreso I'm talking about the storyline being focused on more factions than just Special Forces, it might be nice to have light painted on more than just SF characters.

I'm very happy so far, I still want Smoke, Rain, Cyrax and Reptile but I love who we got so far:

  • My girl Cassie(Definitely Pocket if not main),
  • Sonya (I love the in your face style),
  • Scarlet(cool but not my style),
  • Jade ( looks great for Zoning so maybe for pocket MU's)
Still waiting for more to come.