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BREAKING: Erron Black (and others) supposedly Leaked on Reddit

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Some people even say "This is the best that could've happened to NRS", like REALLY?
Have you ever worked on anything? A song? A movie? A drawing? Would you want your work stolen and judged before it being ready to be presented?
This is the realest part of this & if you don't get it you won't get it. People are mad at a corporations advertising release schedule but it doesn't hurt them at all really they will do what they planned without blinking an eye. Who it hurts is the people who put the time, work &, their hearts into making this stuff for you...thats why people who understand this have a problem with this leak & not other speculation & text leaks. .


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I find it really sad, when the people are like: "Yeah! Thank God for the leaks, Fuck NRS!!!!, it's their fault for not giving me what I want."

Their job is not only to show us the content of the game but ,ALSO, to present it in the best way possible.
Even when they do it their way, you see people complaining/joking about the female faces; costumes; hair; voices, etc. And as everyone by now should know, they are still touching up the faces, still fine tuning the voices, etc, so EVEN what they showed originally wasn't final.
I know some of you CHOOSE NOT TO understand (Oh, it's 2 months 'til release), but you know that is the case. So you should understand, besides the schedule, why they'd be reluctant to show someone they feel could be presented better...

Then, there is a huge leak, which supposedly it's what a lot of people wanted from NRS right? But they won't even realize the context of the leak?
We have month(s) old pics of what could be an even older build, and people are like: "OMG, why does Kotal have Liu stance and body type?"; "Frost is bald, WTF?"; "The select screen is wack, they're not even the same proportion". Same people criticizing NRS for not showing their stuff.
The worse is some of this misinformation spreads by word of mouth, and not all will stick long enough to be proven wrong.
You do realize, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE VIEWING THIS?? This is not a build meant to be seen.
Kotal COULD'VE been worked on Liu's body at some point; they could both just started from a default and THEN improved from there; they could've even be trying Kotal's gear in Liu's body model...

Some people even say "This is the best that could've happened to NRS", like REALLY?
Have you ever worked on anything? A song? A movie? A drawing? Would you want your work stolen and judged before it being ready to be presented?
I won't even go into the legal implications and money related, but here's just one example: can you imagine the potential mess with a platform that PAID MONEY TO EXCLUSIVELY REVEAL Noob or Erron???

I know it's not like this text will change their opinions, but these people are showing that NRS are correct in their right to not be ready to show and the people not being ready to see it.
Amen brother, Kotal doesn't even have eyes and people are getting on about his posture. I really think this leak hurt the game
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Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
lol @ that photo, that pretty much sums up how I feelsbout the KK, and how dull they are after the second part of the kast
Alright I gotta say: The fuck are you guys talking about "They deserve it for this lame reveal schedule"?

You got and will get a consistent character reveal/stream once or twice a week! Do you guys fail to see how good that is compared to the way we had to wait in MKX and ESPECIALLY MK9.

Y'all don't remember the stupid Official Website crap in 9?


It has begun
I find it really sad, when the people are like: "Yeah! Thank God for the leaks, Fuck NRS!!!!, it's their fault for not giving me what I want."

Their job is not only to show us the content of the game but ,ALSO, to present it in the best way possible.
Even when they do it their way, you see people complaining/joking about the female faces; costumes; hair; voices, etc. And as everyone by now should know, they are still touching up the faces, still fine tuning the voices, etc, so EVEN what they showed originally wasn't final.
I know some of you CHOOSE NOT TO understand (Oh, it's 2 months 'til release), but you know that is the case. So you should understand, besides the schedule, why they'd be reluctant to show someone they feel could be presented better...

Then, there is a huge leak, which supposedly it's what a lot of people wanted from NRS right? But they won't even realize the context of the leak?
We have month(s) old pics of what could be an even older build, and people are like: "OMG, why does Kotal have Liu stance and body type?"; "Frost is bald, WTF?"; "The select screen is wack, they're not even the same proportion". Same people criticizing NRS for not showing their stuff.
The worse is some of this misinformation spreads by word of mouth, and not all will stick long enough to be proven wrong.
You do realize, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE VIEWING THIS?? This is not a build meant to be seen.
Kotal COULD'VE been worked on Liu's body at some point; they could both just started from a default and THEN improved from there; they could've even be trying Kotal's gear in Liu's body model...

Some people even say "This is the best that could've happened to NRS", like REALLY?
Have you ever worked on anything? A song? A movie? A drawing? Would you want your work stolen and judged before it being ready to be presented?
I won't even go into the legal implications and money related, but here's just one example: can you imagine the potential mess with a platform that PAID MONEY TO EXCLUSIVELY REVEAL Noob or Erron???

I know it's not like this text will change their opinions, but these people are showing that NRS are correct in their right to not be ready to show and the people not being ready to see it.
The other side of this argument is that after the leak, I went ahead and also pre-ordered the game on PC when I've had a PS4 pre-order since december. I can guarantee you that having the roster revealed is going to be a better way to entice people to buy in. I already know people who placed a pre-order only because they found out Noob is in.

Not only that, but at least now we can all enjoy the KK's for what they are, rather than be at each other's throats over who is in, who should be in, who doesn't deserve to be in. We know now.

As for platforms that pay money for exclusive reveals - good, fuck them. Exclusivity in any form is inherently anti-consumer and I will never support it. Or do you want more "OMG SPECIAL GUEST" hype only to find out it's some chump from IGN? Please..

Lord Greyjoy

Alright I gotta say: The fuck are you guys talking about "They deserve it for this lame reveal schedule"?

You got and will get a consistent character reveal/stream once or twice a week! Do you guys fail to see how good that is compared to the way we had to wait in MKX and ESPECIALLY MK9.

Y'all don't remember the stupid Official Website crap in 9?
The pace is definitely better than before. I remember after MKX Quan Chi's reveal, there was a months long drought of information or something. But I think the complaining is moreso that the reveals, outside of Kombat Kasts, have been weak as balls. Opening up Kano and D'Vorah with a still image is pretty whack. So in the last 1.5 months since the gameplay reveal, we've really just had 3 cool trailers, and that's understandably lame if you consider how close we are to the game coming out. I imagine things will pick up soon, and also people need to chill with the knowledge that they'll know everything in less than eight weeks.


It has begun
Alright I gotta say: The fuck are you guys talking about "They deserve it for this lame reveal schedule"?

You got and will get a consistent character reveal/stream once or twice a week! Do you guys fail to see how good that is compared to the way we had to wait in MKX and ESPECIALLY MK9.

Y'all don't remember the stupid Official Website crap in 9?
The problem is that even with the streams, it's hard to get hyped about anything besides the trailer. I like the effort put into the Kasts, but every time I'm watching one I'm more worried than hype, mainly due to the fact we're still lacking other, crucial info.

Custom variations being ranked/tourney legal being the big one. Why the fuck would I care that Johnny has an actual stunt double or that Jade has a command run if it turns out that these moves are NOT in a preset variation and thus not ranked/tourney legal? Injustice 2 custom ability shit all over again.


I don't agree that NRS "deserved" the leak for "lame" and "weak" marketing. But they should have known better that leaks are inevitable. I mean info for Geras, Sonya, cover art and more stuff leaked before the reveal event.

Kombat Kasts are such a missed opportunity and they should completely get rid of them after MK11 is released or rework them. It's really, really amateurish and boring. They all look bored and unprofessional.

They had enough characters to give us at least 2 reveals every week and then reveal DLC characters before the game release in a big way. They missed all that. Both Kano and D'Vorah deserved better announcements! The fact that they are still waiting to show these two... just wow.

They had a chance to make leaks completely or almost completely useless, but they were not smart enough! Game is releasing in 7 weeks!! WAKE UP NRS!


Dojo Trainee
Fans will always whine and complain, even if there had been 2 characters in a KK. The roster is 28 characters yet somehow Rain not being in, or Smoke / Fujin / a cyborg is enough for people to keep bitching. We are not deserving, but I definitely got more hyped with this leak.

It’s a bit too much sure, but even for Noob or Kotal we are not certain what their main look is and people have to remember this build is old. Characters could look different. That’s why it should’ve stopped at the select screen.

I agree with @Agilaz that now the focus of a kk is strictly to see them in full glory. It takes away the fun of teasing by Boon and others prior though a bit. I already figured that leak was real and while it was fun to hope for a character not mentioned, like how d’vorah crushed every single fake leak, now I will look forward even more to certain reveals.

There are still many surprises and having seen that mk3 kano gear I really want to see him whereas before I was kind of indifferent with having seen him and no new reveal. That’s the thing, no character reveal will be new so it doesn’t matter. I do think for certain people the KK are now even less intriguing and there will be even worse comments.

It is what it is at this point, but for NRS this definitely hurts the deals with magazines and likes of IGN for “exclusive” reveals and such.
I find it really sad, when the people are like: "Yeah! Thank God for the leaks, Fuck NRS!!!!, it's their fault for not giving me what I want."

Some people even say "This is the best that could've happened to NRS", like REALLY?
Have you ever worked on anything? A song? A movie? A drawing? Would you want your work stolen and judged before it being ready to be presented?
I won't even go into the legal implications and money related, but here's just one example: can you imagine the potential mess with a platform that PAID MONEY TO EXCLUSIVELY REVEAL Noob or Erron???

I know it's not like this text will change their opinions, but these people are showing that NRS are correct in their right to not be ready to show and the people not being ready to see it.
You honestly can NOT compare those things. Basic information being leaked/known less than 2 months from release is warranted and needed. Judging early material based off a leak isn't cool....but the two things aren't mutually exclusive. Songs, movies and drawings aren't at all the same in the context, at all. It's also the nature of the business, just look not even a month ago at the Anthem fiasco.

You are right that they weren't ready to show that footage BUT the game should be gold now, the base game is done, that stuff doesn't change 5 weeks out from release- not how it works. So YES, they should be ready to show the full game by now, it's not our faults that they don't.

You are also forgetting a major piece, NRS already leaked this stuff by themselves a month ago....that Steam Leak, which is done internally, told us everything that we saw 2 days ago. The only thing this leak did was show faces ( and 3/4 bodies). We already knew the who's. So just stop.


They deserve it wholeheartedly. Not even two months away and we're just now seeing the first game play of KANO lmao. What a joke. They took an entire week for a mobile Kombat kast. Also a joke. They showed geras and baraka breakdowns multiple times. We still haven't seen in game gameplay for dvorah. If you guys accept this schedule idk what to tell you. There's a fine line between building hype and completely killing it by being annoying with the secrecy. Before the leak I had maybe two characters I even wanted to try. I hadn't pre-ordered and if it wasn't for me being a competitive player I wouldn't have bought it day one. This leak is a major reason I'm going to preorder again. Nrs can go at any pace they want to, but at the same time it's not fair for them to lock a beta behind pre-orders and constantly push for them when we don't even officially have gameplay of a large portion of the roster. Idgaf.

The roster of a fighting game should not be this secret. After the scummy DLC practices NRS has done in the past, I promised myself I would never preorder or buy a season pass from them again until everything is revealed. I have no reason to trust NRS anymore with how terrible MKX's roster was and how stupid all the guest DLC was over characters people were clamoring for. No rain again leaves a very bad taste in my mouth but I will get over that.
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