I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Now that we know who's the game, I figured we could start speculating what moves they could all have and what kind of gear and variation names they could have. And, of course, what their fatalities, brutalities, intros, and outros could look like.
Since Mileena is my absolute fav I'll use her as an example.
For Mileena, in terms of intros, I would kill for one that resembles her MK9 intro with her dancing or skipping onto the flight line. In fact, I want that sort of personality for her all around. I love the childish, but the insane personality that she had in MK9
They could also have one with her teleporting in from the sky. That could be sick. Or as well as her ball rolling in, maybe she does the ball roll in and then a sick handstand and an acrobatic flip of some kind.
I think for an outro she could have one where she throws her sais at the camera and it goes slow-mo. That's a very neat and simple one.
Or if she has her mask on all the time she could have an outro where she seductively walks towards the camera then rips off the mask, going in for a bite, then it goes slow-mo as her jaw stretches open. I feel like that would be very dope, very true to the character. Bonus points if she grabs the camera as if it's a person for that personal creepy factor.
There's a lot of interesting ways they could take her character in terms of showing off her personality. Which is something they've made it clear they are taking very seriously for this game Showing off these character's personalities in a way they haven't done before.
I don't know what kind of specific moves or variations she could have, but I know for a fact that if one isn't named "Let's Dance" I'm gonna be upset! Haha, of course now that we can name variations ourselves that's possible.
I know I want a lot of acrobatics in her moves. Crazy flips. Crazy stabs. Crazy...everything. I want her to be quick, crazy, a lil' sexy, but a lot of fun. I feel like that's always been her character and it would be awesome to see how it works out in MK11.
Skins: I want a skin that resembles her Deception/Armaggedon/MK9 Alternate. I'm sure her mask/hair and sais will be gear so we'll be able to give her a veil (hopefully one that's just a lil' transparent so you can just barely see her teeth through it.) but I loved the big open sleeves of that and thought it looked dope. I love the long veil and the ponytail is a definite fav.
Obviously, they can cover up a bit of her skin so it's a least a little more practical in terms of staying up lol. No toilet paper skins though of course.
And of course I want MK3 skins for all the female ninjas as well. Compared to the MK2 klassic female costume I think MK3 just outsold. I love the lace up the middle and I prefer the top bun to the bob hairstyle.
But all-in-all, I just want more unique skins for Mileena this time around. I feel like she got shafted in MKX because two of her skins were practically identical. I want her personality to really shine this time around.
What are your thoughts? I wanna know what you guys think the roster could end up looking like. There are a few characters I'm particularly interested in seeing besides Mileena of course. Noob, Frost, Jacqui, and the newbies all seem super interesting to me and I'm hype to see how they reimagined them for this new installment! Feel free to speculate and let everyone know your hopes for the characters we know will be in MK11!
What kind of skins/gear/moves do you want to see? Let's hear your ideas for some dope intros/outros/fatalities and what would you name the character's variations?

Get creative!
Since Mileena is my absolute fav I'll use her as an example.

For Mileena, in terms of intros, I would kill for one that resembles her MK9 intro with her dancing or skipping onto the flight line. In fact, I want that sort of personality for her all around. I love the childish, but the insane personality that she had in MK9
They could also have one with her teleporting in from the sky. That could be sick. Or as well as her ball rolling in, maybe she does the ball roll in and then a sick handstand and an acrobatic flip of some kind.

I think for an outro she could have one where she throws her sais at the camera and it goes slow-mo. That's a very neat and simple one.
Or if she has her mask on all the time she could have an outro where she seductively walks towards the camera then rips off the mask, going in for a bite, then it goes slow-mo as her jaw stretches open. I feel like that would be very dope, very true to the character. Bonus points if she grabs the camera as if it's a person for that personal creepy factor.
There's a lot of interesting ways they could take her character in terms of showing off her personality. Which is something they've made it clear they are taking very seriously for this game Showing off these character's personalities in a way they haven't done before.

I don't know what kind of specific moves or variations she could have, but I know for a fact that if one isn't named "Let's Dance" I'm gonna be upset! Haha, of course now that we can name variations ourselves that's possible.
I know I want a lot of acrobatics in her moves. Crazy flips. Crazy stabs. Crazy...everything. I want her to be quick, crazy, a lil' sexy, but a lot of fun. I feel like that's always been her character and it would be awesome to see how it works out in MK11.

Skins: I want a skin that resembles her Deception/Armaggedon/MK9 Alternate. I'm sure her mask/hair and sais will be gear so we'll be able to give her a veil (hopefully one that's just a lil' transparent so you can just barely see her teeth through it.) but I loved the big open sleeves of that and thought it looked dope. I love the long veil and the ponytail is a definite fav.

Obviously, they can cover up a bit of her skin so it's a least a little more practical in terms of staying up lol. No toilet paper skins though of course.
And of course I want MK3 skins for all the female ninjas as well. Compared to the MK2 klassic female costume I think MK3 just outsold. I love the lace up the middle and I prefer the top bun to the bob hairstyle.
But all-in-all, I just want more unique skins for Mileena this time around. I feel like she got shafted in MKX because two of her skins were practically identical. I want her personality to really shine this time around.

What are your thoughts? I wanna know what you guys think the roster could end up looking like. There are a few characters I'm particularly interested in seeing besides Mileena of course. Noob, Frost, Jacqui, and the newbies all seem super interesting to me and I'm hype to see how they reimagined them for this new installment! Feel free to speculate and let everyone know your hopes for the characters we know will be in MK11!
What kind of skins/gear/moves do you want to see? Let's hear your ideas for some dope intros/outros/fatalities and what would you name the character's variations?

Get creative!