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The New Year Thread - Your Plans For MK In 2012!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So post-NEC, I find myself as a former regular joe and fan turned dedicated player and perpetual fountain of positive reinforcement for my fellow kombatants, looking forward to the new year, and what goodies its Krypt will hold for me as far as my future as a loyal servant of the cause.
So, while you all give in to the hypnotic whims of my thread and think up your own awesometastic plans/ponderings/goals you are absolutely set on accomplishing in MK9 in the year to come - THE YEAR OF KOMBAT, mark my fucking cardboard words - I shall put forth my list of stuff I really, really, really hope I accomplish before December 21'st gets here and I kick in to "Please, God, don't let the world actually come to an end, I can't be konsumed before I win a major!" panic mode.

LIEUTENANT BOX PRESENTS: My List Of MK Things To Do In 2012/Before I Die.

1. Spend as much time not already allocated to Lady & Baby Box as humanly possible learning the subtle differences and skillful ninja stylings of Human Cyrax and the ultra-defensive, cold-blooded, methodical calculus of Sub-Zero - who, after months of indecision and in spite of the grand enjoyment I get from my favorite Frenchman, Ermac, and the Thunder God, I'm 100% set on picking back up and KEEPING this time as my 1.05 secondary.
I'll definitely be experimenting with a few good fighters I find too fun to pass up, but for now, Cyrax, Cyblax and the Lin Kuei Grand Master are my primary concerns.

2. Convince someone who loves me and isnt as painfully broke as I am to buy me an Asus monitor for Christmas so I can remain on as even playing ground as possible in the event I cant find a living, breathing training partner before my next show(s).
I knew they were the best in the game to have at your disposal, but I had noooooo idea there could be THAT vast of a difference between them. Fucking technology...

3. Find the time/traveling means to make it to VSM.
The central nervous system of MK talent in the US is not even a state away, and my availabilities and possibly my address will be changing in the weeks/months to come, which may make the possibility of getting to frequent the House Of Monsters a lot more likely/manageable. Knowing that there's about a 90% chance I'll learn more in a night in the Valley than I could EVER figure out on my own is too good to pass up.
Fuck, a few drunken deathmatches with [MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] made me realize how terrible a mistake I made in dropping Subby, I can only imagine the doors I'd open after a few sessions in the Stream.
"Yo, Box is less free now than Spongebob when he got hijacked by Plankton and got his brain put in a robot...he's gonna take you to Bikini Bottom and Fatality you with a pineapple, daaaaaaaaaaaamn."
(I can dream, goddammit...)

4. Make it to every major/tournament I can reach without compromising the bills or going broke.
I'm really fucking lucky in that I have a lot of family/friends between here, NY, PA & DE that know of my sudden dive into MK that've already given me their blessing for support if needed to keep my appearances up and get my momentum going...I definitely wont be able to hit as many as Id like (like the Rutgers tourney that Ive gotta work through :( ), but as time goes on and money becomes less tight (thank the Elder Gods for tax refund season :D ), it's definitely gonna be a factor for me AND my lady, who went from "My god, if I have to hear you talk about resets and Clones one more time, I'm gonna stab you" to "well, if they come back to Philly or we can afford Atlanta, I'm coming with you, I wanna have a fun time out too." My head did a double-take flip. Lol. The fellas were too good to me to not wanna jump back in the fray.

5. Learn to occasionally grin and bear the salt-inducing grind that is MK Online.
It may not be the best, it may sometimes make me want to X-Ray myself into a coma, but as it stands, its the only way I'm gonna be able to contend with other people in any manner until I can travel, so as long as my connection remains at average, playable status, I will definitely be frequenting the lobbies (and the Wharf <3 ) more often. God help me...

6. And most importantly of them all...Beat Maxter's Johnny Cage with my Cyrax.
When that day comes, I'll know I've truly risen up a notch or two.

I'm sure there's more...fight all the people I couldn't/had no confidence in battling at NEC, win a Hidden Random Whopper Match, make all the use of my brain that I can in the efforts to legitimize the MK World Heavyweight Championship (I dont even know if thatll end up being the legit name, it just sounds tasty), unleash absolute chaos with [MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] and [MENTION=8741]RTO Toxic[/MENTION], have a dojo session with [MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] the Combo God...I could go on, but I haven't the brain power...I just know I'm hyped as fuck for all the glorious good times that await in the year ahead.

YOUR TURN, FOLKS! What are your goals for the coming year in Kombat?
Win a major? Teach yourself to Square Wave to work? Get your friends to start going "DAAAAAAMN" so you don't have to be the only one in on the joke?
Tell your tales, amigos. What's the plan?

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
Yo Boxy, I just got off work and I'm WAY too fucking tired to read this entire thing but I will tomorrow......... but

is that fucking JTHM in your sig??????/// fsfgdfisdghlkfd<3

oh, and it'd be nice to win a tournament or two :)
get accepted to SCAD or GSU, make some mullah
acquire cars

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
5. Learn to occasionally grin and bear the salt-inducing grind that is MK Online.
It may not be the best, it may sometimes make me want to X-Ray myself into a coma, but as it stands, its the only way I'm gonna be able to contend with other people in any manner until I can travel, so as long as my connection remains at average, playable status, I will definitely be frequenting the lobbies (and the Wharf <3 ) more often. God help me...
You and me both. Oh man, MK Online makes me feel like Morton salt has relocated their factory to my living room. I'll give you an add though, we should play some games!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You and me both. Oh man, MK Online makes me feel like Morton salt has relocated their factory to my living room. I'll give you an add though, we should play some games!
Absolutely, my friend :D. Evidently, Subby is a LOT more cooperative with me online than Cyrax, so now I finally have an excuse to put in some time and improve my less-than-pretty record.

is that fucking JTHM in your sig??????/// fsfgdfisdghlkfd<3
^^ Dude, I could go on for days about my pal, Nny.
Nailbunny = on my list of things I want to get tattooed. Love me my JTHM, I got the Z? collector's book with all the comics & such...when I used to draw, I would sketch scenes from the comics, my favorite was from when he killed that creepy copycat, when he was walking up the stairs & said "I don't like myself much," complete with the sign that said, "IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT DEAD YET :)"

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Pray somewhere near me has a local tourney... just so I can test my skills offline. Nashville, area or Louisville/Lexington.

Just to see if I really want to learn more, or if i'm satisfied playing online.
If St. Louis has a tourney... I want to comb 16bits beard. seductively... no homo... just seems like the manly thing to do after I get assed by Kitana.

I want to meet one ... just ONE high level player that can sit there and say hey... try these things... see how it works for you. Instead of the constant "SPaMMER... COMBO SPAMMEr... I WILL RAPE YOUR FAMILY" stuff I get on xbox live.

Meet [MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION].... give box a beer.... high five everyone at a tourney.


I wanna smoke a bowl with perfect legend. Play some basketball with ed boon. Win a tourny and spend all the money on wyclef kush. Win EVO and waste all the money on plastic surgery to make me look like kabal. And perfect my Freddy krueger.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Pray somewhere near me has a local tourney... just so I can test my skills offline. Nashville, area or Louisville/Lexington.

Just to see if I really want to learn more, or if i'm satisfied playing online.
If St. Louis has a tourney... I want to comb 16bits beard. seductively... no homo... just seems like the manly thing to do after I get assed by Kitana.

I want to meet one ... just ONE high level player that can sit there and say hey... try these things... see how it works for you. Instead of the constant "SPaMMER... COMBO SPAMMEr... I WILL RAPE YOUR FAMILY" stuff I get on xbox live.

Meet [MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION].... give box a beer.... high five everyone at a tourney.
Crash w/the southern hospitality :D.
Dude, now that I think about it, you and me have been on ends of random debates for like ever.
But I always dig arguing Cyrax points with you given that you always make it a sane, logical back and forth. Rare in the case of the mustard.
And now it's even better. We're playing for the same below 32 degrees side. :moonwalk:.
Talk about a fucking future shock realizing how insane some of the cast is without a Net to catch them in.
Sindel? Jesus friggin' christmas and cocoa puffs...the Queen was on me like a spider monkey.

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
^^ Dude, I could go on for days about my pal, Nny.
Nailbunny = on my list of things I want to get tattooed. Love me my JTHM, I got the Z? collector's book with all the comics & such...when I used to draw, I would sketch scenes from the comics, my favorite was from when he killed that creepy copycat, when he was walking up the stairs & said "I don't like myself much," complete with the sign that said, "IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT DEAD YET :)"
Yea dude that's what I read too, and it was so fucking sick. That would be an awesome tattoo too. I love the part with God xD he's just chillin in a fucking recliner. I died. I haven't sketched seriously in awhile though, maybe I'll do some stuff today