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Kitana Kahn?!?!


Jade's line "She seeks only compromise" is really telling, NetherRealm as a realm seemed to previously be written off as a bunch of demons and sorcerers but now they're trying to flesh them out.


Dojo Trainee
Given Kahn is her adoptive father, and Sindel her mother, it makes sense that Kitana would take the "Kahn" (lit., "great warrior"). It may also be a clue to Sindel being in! (...aside from the fact that she already has assets from MKX, that NRS can recycle -- as is their wont).


Not the first time it's been implied Kitana has authority over Baraka (like Sonya telling him that Kitana said he would talk), very interesting that she's refered as Kahn though, as before it could be implied that Kitana as queen of NR resurrected him, but now it looks like she has a position of power on Outworld.

It could be IMO one of these things (only the Kitana mentioned in the intro as we know multiple versions of each character will appear):

- This is the Kitana from the past timeline, before she met Liu Kang, where she was loyal to Shao Kahn and princess of Outworld.

- The Kitana not from the past, not from the current timeline, but from the dimension where Edenia defeats Shao Kahn after Armageddon (the one talked about on her MKX ending) and maybe in doing so she becomes Kahn of Outworld.

It should be 'Kahnum' though, shouldn't it? Since she's a woman. Maybe they're dropping that.
Wasn't "Kahnum" = "Empire" as "Kahn" = "Emperor"?


Shirai Ryu
Maybe the Netherrealm forces raided Outworld and konquered it. So now Kitana is Empress of Outworld and commands the tarkata forces.


It would be Liu Kitana if that was the case.
I did say that though.

Only in the case Liu Kang's name, unlike Kung Lao, is occidentalized (he is based ln Bruce Lee after all) would that be the case, but yeah that was mostly a joke, hence the lols :p