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The Kombat Tomb Podcast - Episode 5 with Michelangelo!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Evidently, Michaelangelo was my favorite Ninja Turtle. To listen I go...

LEGEND: How do you feel about the concept of creating a legitimate, recognized, sponsored, to-be-defended-at-big-shows-by-reputable-kombatants, Mortal Kombat Championship Belt? With contendership matches/mini-tournaments, rules and such, a well-thought-out attempt to establish a regularly defended championship? Impractical flash in the pan idea, or unique and possibly-awesome concept that could give the MK community a new dynamic that no other fighting game (to the best of my knowledge) has to its credit?


First off just want to give a shoutout to K7, 16-Bit, and Slips for the great podcast they run! Now on to the questions for PL:

1. PL, Tom Brady has said that you think SZ is S-tier in this current version of the patch and that he only loses 2 matchups (Raiden, Lao), why do you believe that? What about his tough matchups against Kabal, Jax, Kitana, Reptile, etc? Can you go in-depth for these matchups?

2. Will we expect you to come back to MK9 at Final Round? If not Final Round, when will we expect your next tournament appearance?

3. Does the constant "trolling" from the NY MK Scene, ever create a strong enough incentive to come back to Mortal Kombat and show why you're the EVO Champion?

4. What are your thoughts on the current state of the game right now? Do you think MK needs something of a global rivalry (like a US vs. EU) to make the scene grow larger in terms of global popularitiy (similar to how SF has US vs. Japan)?

5. If you had the choice right now, which player in the MK community do you most want to play against?

6. Do you personally think that MK9 needs an UMK9 and if so, why?

7. Lastly, this is just for trolling but thoughts on Noobe lol


Grapple > Footsies
We need more viewer questions people! Remember no holds barred, ask some juicy stuff. This IS the MK Evo champion!