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The armor thread


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
hi all, much like other threads ive posted in this section ( reset/safe jump threads) just to any all the information in one thread

this thread will deal with all the armored moved in mk9 (not counting xrays)

as we know there alot of armor in this game,so ill get things started.....(help me fill in any missing/wrong stuff)

baraka: ex blade charge

reptile: ex slide, ex acid hand (projectile armor only)

shang: ex soul steal

cage: ex shadow kick (only for 3/4 of screen), ex nut punch (invin)

kang: ex flying kick, ex bicycle kick

kitana: ex ass dash (not on start up)

cyrax: ex AA throw

sub zero: ex slide

skarlet: ex red dash

freddy: ex sweet dreams

quan chi: ex sky drop

jax: ex dash, ex overhead smash

kabal: ex dash (1 hit armor,armor on start up)

kung: ex tele

sheeva: ex command grab, ex tele stomp(only on way up), ex fireball

scorpion: ex spear, ex takedown

sonya: ex cartwheel, ex arc kick

stryker: ex roll, ex baton sweep

kano: ex kano ball

jade: ex glow, ex staff smash, ex shadow kick

rain: ex roundhouse, ex geyser kick, ex tele

kenshi: ex charge, ex upsword

nightwolf: ex shoulder

radien: ex shocker, ex superman

also spare a thought to the poor souls in mk9 with no ex armor (where they need 3 bars for there armor attack,fair?)

Noob Saibot
Cyber Sub-Zero

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Flipkick isnt armoured but Ex nut punch is invinsible, which is better :D
Ex Ragdoll isnt armoured but Ex AA throw is, so is Cyrax's X-ray

Lt. Boxy Angelman

kitana ex ass dash (not on start up)
Win :D.

EX's with armor = Quan's Woolay Stomp, Sub's Slide, Kung Lao's Teleport, Stryker's Roll (and Baton Sweep, I believe...), Jax's Fist, Kano's Balls (Lmao), Scorpion's Takedown, there's more, but those all come to mind...X-Rays, I'm not sure which ones have what.


I know you missed alot lmao

But off the top of my head:

Jax- enhanced dash punch, enhanced elbow

Kung Lao- enhanced teleport

Kabal- enhanced nomad dash

Rain- enhanced roundhouse

Scorpion- enhanced spear

Jade- enhanced glow

Sheeva- enhanced command grab

Sonya- enhanced cartwheel

Shao Khan- every single normal and special move, basically whenever he wants


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Flipkick isnt armoured but Ex nut punch is invinsible, which is better :D
Ex Ragdoll isnt armoured but Ex AA throw is, so is Cyrax's X-ray
oops my bad,must of just though that from cyrax players sayin there best wakeup option ex rag doll
damn i really though ex flip kick had armour on the 1st flip when jc is red

thanks for the info,will adjust op now


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I know you missed alot lmao

But off the top of my head:

Jax- enhanced dash punch, enhanced elbow

Kung Lao- enhanced teleport

Kabal- enhanced nomad dash

Rain- enhanced roundhouse

Scorpion- enhanced spear

Jade- enhanced glow

Sheeva- enhanced command grab

Sonya- enhanced cartwheel

Shao Khan- every single normal and special move, basically whenever he wants
yea know didnt put alot in op,was just gettin the ball rolling

will add your input to op, thanks

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Shao Khan- every single normal and special move, basically whenever he wants
I dont think I ever raged harder at this game than when I got to the end of Story Mode, and my poor pal Raiden had to learn this the hard way.

No more Shao Kahn. Lol. Gimme Oni Shinnok and Evil Liu Kang Vs Me as MKDA-style dual bosses in the next game.
I'd rather have a handicap fight against two above-average bosses than a one-on-one against a completely buttfuckingly broken one.


I dont think I ever raged harder at this game than when I got to the end of Story Mode, and my poor pal Raiden had to learn this the hard way.

No more Shao Kahn. Lol. Gimme Oni Shinnok and Evil Liu Kang Vs Me as MKDA-style dual bosses in the next game.
I'd rather have a handicap fight against two above-average bosses than a one-on-one against a completely buttfuckingly broken one.

I'm tellin you man, Shao Khan can turn on armor whenever he wants. He's just like, "I don't like this combo." ARMOR ON


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
lads, dont feed the troll above please :stupid: (kozich not foreverking, his posts were thankfully deleted)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
King Kozich said:
if anyone here is a troll its you. you keep trying to act like your good with baraka, ive never even heard of you before

maybe cause im not a xbl warrior like yourself, you attempts at trolling are so poor,spamming every thread u can with non sense is a very poor attempt at humor


Death is my business
yes 1 hit of armor ( and better range ) , it's like a guaranteed way out of the corner , most cyrax players don't use it for that purpose :p


Dojo Trainee
I think every character in the game should have at least one armored move
This just seems like too broad of a generalization to me.

It sounds fine on paper, but I'm sure you can find at least one character who'd be ten times as broken with an armor move. I main Cyber Sub, and I can remember hearing people say that his EX divekick should have armor.

I can safely say that would be broken as all hell.


Gaming4Satan Founder
It's not too general, it's just general enough. How about this for getting specific, a punishable on block armored move.

EX dive kick would be too much with armor, it's not punishable enough. but why not EX slide?

The more I play this game, the more I feel like it rewards intense offense too much (a ton of chip damage + meter gain + frame advantage in a lot of cases) and if each character had one, it would force everyone to play smarter.

how many characters don't have armor? I can only think of 4.

Helter Skelter

I think every character in the game should have at least one armored move
I agree 100% with you on this. These characters should have armor added their moves:

Mileena: EN Neckbite

Sindel: EN Hairwhip

Noob Saibot: EN Teleslam

Sektor: EN Flamethrower or EN Teleupper

Cyber Sub-Zero: EN Teleport (possibly freeze on startup as well for 0% instead of doing damage).

Smoke: Not sure.

Ermac: Not Sure (scared).


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I agree 100% with you on this. These characters should have armor added their moves:

Mileena: EN Neckbite

Sindel: EN Hairwhip

Noob Saibot: EN Teleslam

Sektor: EN Flamethrower or EN Teleupper

Cyber Sub-Zero: EN Teleport (possibly freeze on startup as well for 0% instead of doing damage).

Smoke: Not sure.

Ermac: Not Sure (scared).
yes yes yes!!!

doubt it will happen now at this point,would love armor on en neckbite,it can be punished so it would be fair


Sheeva has armour on her EX Fireball as well.

Question: For the characters like SIndel and CSZ that don't have armour moves, do you think it's fair or not? Maybe im biased, but Mileena is plenty good without having armour on her moves. SZ didn't need armour on his slide, he got it, and it's made him even better.

People say that Sindel should get armour on her cartwheel, but it's her Ex hair grab that needs addressing. It either needs armour, more damage or have massive range. Right now, there is no reason at all to waste a bar on ex hair grab.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I agree 100% with you on this. These characters should have armor added their moves:

Mileena: EN Neckbite

Sindel: EN Hairwhip

Noob Saibot: EN Teleslam

Sektor: EN Flamethrower or EN Teleupper

Cyber Sub-Zero: EN Teleport (possibly freeze on startup as well for 0% instead of doing damage).

Smoke: Not sure.

Ermac: Not Sure (scared).
No way should sektor have armor on teleport uppercut, has to be flamethrower.

Noob saibot already has armor on enhanced up knee (right?)

Cyber Subz should have it on slide

Smoke could have it on teleport punch. So could Ermac. Armor on teleslam/telepush might be too much.

The others I agree with.


Not only Ex Glow..

But For jade you might want to also add that her other armor moves are

- Ex Shadow Kick
- Ex Staff Overhead

Helter Skelter


Mileena: EN Neckbite - Regardless of how good Mileena is unless you're getting Flawless Victories every match, she's going to get knocked down. As it stands she has no good way of getting up off the floor as neither Ball Roll or Teleport Kick are invincible as wakeups (thank God). Paying your way of the floor is something should be encouraged as it makes that particular move relevant and adds another layer of mind games to a fight. The EN version of Neckbite should be minus 3 on block like Skarlet's Red Slide as opposed to minus 11, though.

Sindel: EN Hairwhip - Firstly, Cartwheel is an overhead so that my main real reason for not wanting it to be armored. Secondly, and more importantly her EN Hairwhip is pretty meh. Giving this move armor would allow her to pay her way off the floor, escape pressure and get more anti-airs to restart her zoning game. Seems pretty fair to me.

Noob Saibot: EN Teleslam - I was glad that EN Up Knee wasn't given any armor. Noob, is a zoning character and his main game is keep opponents out (and mixup between low and overhead, projectiles). Certain characters would have earned their way in during the course of the match, and the worse thing would be to get launched back over to other side by and armored move that covers so much space. What Noob really needs is a way to escape pressure and giving EN Teleslam armor would help.

Sektor: EN Flamethrower - No other move would make sense or be fair with armor for Sektor. So this move is the one to use. With all that said, while he has EN Tele Uppercut but that gets between out. EN Flamethrower lets him get of the floor and reset both characters.

Cyber Sub-Zero: EN Teleport (possibly freeze on startup as well for 0% instead of doing damage). - Okay, most people would choose to have EN Slide as the armored move. However, I think the only two things that CSZ could do with is having the bombs freeze every time (that's for another discussion) and his EN Teleport having armor. Most of Cyber Sub Zero's problems involve him being on the other side of the screen getting pelted with projectiles like he's playing R-TYPE. Armor on his Teleport would allow him to get off the floor without having to use a slide or parry. It would also allow him to pay to get closer to his opponents.

I don't know how OP it would be if CSZ's EN Teleport froze during the explosion as opposed to doing direct damage. I think it would make the character even more interesting as long as it did 0% damage and had the same freeze scaling that Sub Zero has. It would also allow Cyber Sub Zero to essentially freeze you in the air (hmmm)

Smoke: Not sure.

Ermac: Not Sure (scared).


Ermac should get armor on Force-life :trollface: I mean, Kenshi has it on his launcher, which is also safe on block.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Not only Ex Glow..

But For jade you might want to also add that her other armor moves are

- Ex Shadow Kick
- Ex Staff Overhead
added to op, thank you with the info

@helter, do u want armor and it to be -3 on block or just one of them? if its one or the other id say give it armor but leave it at -11,just to a least have a 1bar method of gettin out of frame traps etc

i also agree with the moves/reasons u gave for the other chars,but honestly do u think they will ever happen?? not if its fair but if it will happen? im not to sure with the amount of new projects nrs apparently have brewing,but id be happy if it is

@smith nyc, no noob didnt end up gettin that armored upknee....thankfully

ps.dont want this thread to derail into another nerf/buff thread so lets just keep the talk to armor :)