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New Sacred Godlike Kung Lao Tech by FOREVER KING


FOREVER KING has just found out some new ground breaking technology with Kung Lao. Only a few know, but they have been sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone. But I promise you that this is new technology which I am a first hand witness of watching myself crushing many of people hopes of going a round with me with.

Trust me, NRS will be focusing on patching Kung Lao so quick they just forget all about patching Jax and Cyrax. They will say this new amazing tech is just way too good. Don't believe me? How do you think I'm ranked so high? Why do you think everyone is scared to take my Microsoft Point Challenge!?!?

Because they know that with this new ground breaking technology that the "KING" has figured out, that they might as well not even attempt to play me. It makes pre-patch Kung Lao from when the game first came out look like child's play. This new tech is so sacred and broken, that the person using it will make it look like they're opponent is trying to fight them with their TV off. It is just that ground breaking and just that ridiculously hype

What could this new secret amazing godlike tech be? Find out at NEC! You will never look at Kung Lao the same



We shall see! :)


the special effects
FOREVER KING has just found out some new ground breaking technology with Kung Lao. Only a few know, but they have been sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone. But I promise you that this new technology which I am a first hand witness of watching myself crushing many of people hopes of going a round with me with.

Don't believe me? How do you think I'm ranked so high? Why do you think everyone is scared to take my Microsoft Point Challenge!?!? Trust me, NRS will be focusing on patching Kung Lao so quick they just forget all about patching Jax and Cyrax. They will say this new amazing tech just way too good.

Because they know that with this new ground breaking technology that the "KING" has figured out, that they might as well not even attempt to play me. It makes pre-patch Kung Lao from when the game first came out look like child's play. This new tech is so sacred and broken, that the person using it will make it look like they're opponent is trying to fight them with their TV off. It is just that ground breaking and just that ridiculously hype

What could this new secret amazing godlike tech be? Find out at NEC!
lost me there


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I don't know what's more hilarious about this thread, the title or the fact that Forever King talks in third person lol!

And Forever King we gotta play some casuals at NEC man I want to see if I can beat your Kung Lao offline... I doubt I can but I will try dammit!


Teleport spamming won't work offline King....
Just kidding, Your kung lao is solid, but I'm not sure if you're trolling or not.....


All these new tech threads are making me want to shoot myself in the head. NEC may be hype because of it, but at this point I'm wanting people to just stop talking about it and do it at NEC.


Come On Die Young
it's random xray

i may or may not know something with a certain character that im saving for NEC. it could be something cheap and matchup-changing that i've told no one about, and i could be totally bullshitting you.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Fuck man, I'm gonna have to watch the entire god damn stream at this point! You people and your tech! :jerkoff:

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You hold down the top buttons & Select at the Kombat Kode screen, and he turns into Cyber Kung Lao, with a Net, a Homing Ice Rocket, and a Fatality where he Teleports to the moon and Divekicks you into the Earth so fiercely, that it explodes, and leaves only CKL floating while striking a badass kung fu pose.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
You hold down the top buttons & Select at the Kombat Kode screen, and he turns into Cyber Kung Lao, with a Net, a Homing Ice Rocket, and a Fatality where he Teleports to the moon and Divekicks you into the Earth so fiercely, that it explodes, and leaves only CKL floating while striking a badass kung fu pose.
Nah man. It's the buddist palm.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk


Search "CaseyJones" for active profile.
You hold down the top buttons & Select at the Kombat Kode screen, and he turns into Cyber Kung Lao, with a Net, a Homing Ice Rocket, and a Fatality where he Teleports to the moon and Divekicks you into the Earth so fiercely, that it explodes, and leaves only CKL floating while striking a badass kung fu pose.
^ lol

You know online when the game is going good then suddenly goes bad when your opponent is loosing or getting comboed like a madman? Well this is called "jiggling the wires", they jiggle the wires and it makes you lag so you loose.

KING figured out how to do this offline.