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Meter Building from Damage


Hi, I was reading up on another thread that was arguing for/against Cyrax's reset (which is not meant to be argued in this thread) which got me to thinking. How much damage must one take to get a bar of meter? I tried searching for it, but didn't find something (although I can't say I tried very hard) so I tried to test it out, and it "appears" to be around 40%, but I didn't do it with combos, I just uppercutted someone 4-5 times and they received a full bar.
Does anyone know for sure how much meter is built per damage taken? Or if the scaling of damage in combos, scales the meter building? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Hi, I was reading up on another thread that was arguing for/against Cyrax's reset (which is not meant to be argued in this thread) which got me to thinking. How much damage must one take to get a bar of meter? I tried searching for it, but didn't find something (although I can't say I tried very hard) so I tried to test it out, and it "appears" to be around 40%, but I didn't do it with combos, I just uppercutted someone 4-5 times and they received a full bar.
Does anyone know for sure how much meter is built per damage taken? Or if the scaling of damage in combos, scales the meter building? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
99% sure everyone builds meter at a different pace, so it'd depend on the character in question.

Good question, actually, some good numbers on the meter-building rates, etc., would definitely come in handy.


99% sure everyone builds meter at a different pace, so it'd depend on the character in question.

Good question, actually, some good numbers on the meter-building rates, etc., would definitely come in handy.
Interesting, okay, so it looks like I'm going uppercutting this holiday to figure out a "general rule" of damage to meter.


Really depends on the combo damage and then number of hits. Everyone's uppercut has the same value, so you won't find any difference there. I've done a little bit of testing on this actually. I took two combos that did the same damage, but one had more hits to them. The combo with more hits built more meter for the opponent. It is noted however, that I did each combo 5 times and 5 times was what it took to build a full bar. It's just the combo with less hits built just enough meter for a full bar, while the combo with more didn't need the last hit to build a full bar.

Not to mention, just because 2 different combos do 30% doesn't mean that they'll reduce the exact same health. IE. SZ's 212 slide and 224 slide do the same %. You look at the health bar though, 224 slide does like a speck of extra damage.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Interesting, okay, so it looks like I'm going uppercutting this holiday to figure out a "general rule" of damage to meter.
D2's for Christmas? I think so :D.

"Timmy, what'd you get this year?"
"I'm not sure...I opened the box and woke up in the emergency room with my jaw wired shut. And I keep hearing these weird voices...sounds like one of them is saying "WOOLAY!" and the other is saying "SCOOBIYA!"
"Timmy, what the fuck does Wooly Scooby Doo have to do with Christmas?"


Really depends on the combo damage and then number of hits. Everyone's uppercut has the same value, so you won't find any difference there. I've done a little bit of testing on this actually. I took two combos that did the same damage, but one had more hits to them. The combo with more hits built more meter for the opponent. It is noted however, that I did each combo 5 times and 5 times was what it took to build a full bar. It's just the combo with less hits built just enough meter for a full bar, while the combo with more didn't need the last hit to build a full bar.

Not to mention, just because 2 different combos do 30% doesn't mean that they'll reduce the exact same health. IE. SZ's 212 slide and 224 slide do the same %. You look at the health bar though, 224 slide does like a speck of extra damage.
What was the damage of the combo that you performed? And did you perform it against different characters? And I think the speck of difference is because this game rounds percentage shown to a whole number, even though it doesn't round the actual damage. Thanks for the info!


What was the damage of the combo that you performed? And did you perform it against different characters? And I think the speck of difference is because this game rounds percentage shown to a whole number, even though it doesn't round the actual damage. Thanks for the info!
I can't remember, i was using JC against some random character (I highly doubt the character taking damage will gain meter differently from other characters).

I remember one combo was F4, 11, 11, 44 nut punch. I think the other combo was F4, 1, 1, 1, 44 nut punch. I also tested F4, 2, 2, 2, 44 nutpunch. Obviously that last combo did more damage and gave more meter.


Dojo Trainee
Pretty sure that it all depends on who you are fighting and what combos they are doing. I don't think there's any set percentage ratio. For instance, I know Sektor has a 54% combo that only gives the opponent 1 bar, but if you do a similarly damaging X-Ray combo you give 1 and a half bars.


Put down the controller and run!
50% of your live is one bar ............your whole live is two bars.......do the mat:coffee: