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Regarding the recent controversy of the Hit Box

I myself, am getting one soon it's already paid for, so now I'm it. However, in recent weeks there have been numerous shenanigans regarding the viability of the Hit Box in competitive Fighting Games. I want to know, what is the MK community's take on the topic?

I am second guessing myself now, with all this negative reception the device is receiving from players/FG communities. Take note, I've been a pad player most of my life, haven't used a Stick and a frequent keyboard user, so I took an incentive to learn something new and went with the Hit Box over a Stick. I've already spent money on it, and now I'm sort of regretting it, because, I'll just get put down, made fun of, lose credibility, will have to deal with legality BS in tournaments, and overall will not be taken seriously.

I don't know, I like the product, I thought it was something for my liking, but I'm thinking now, I should of just gotten an eightarc Stick and learned that instead of opting to learn a Hit Box and dealing with BS that it's causing. I'm just looking for advice. I'll be a novice at both devices (Hit Box/Stick). Any insight will help. I'm confused on what to do.

Especially last night, REO, has supposedly, 'quit' using his Hit Box, is going back to pad. Reason being, he doesn't want to fix it, that is essentially a formal way of saying, I'm quitting it without catching flak from people.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I've only received compliments on my hitboxes, but I made them myself. Nobody has run their mouth, called me cheater, anything crazy like that.

What's funny is nobody ever complained about the keyboarders. They probably just thought they were weird or whatever. Now that REO has used hitbox, everyone's all teary-eyed about it.


no, he didn;t quit it... it just needs to be repaired. This came from REO today.
I've only received compliments on my hitboxes, but I made them myself. Nobody has run their mouth, called me cheater, anything crazy like that.

What's funny is nobody ever complained about the keyboarders. They probably just thought they were weird or whatever. Now that REO has used hitbox, everyone's all teary-eyed about it.
Well I'm not teary eyed. It seems every where I read, go the general perception of it is, that's it provides some GDLK powers apparently that a Stick/Pad can't do, and its deemed unfair. Hence, the giant 'Legality of Hit Box' thread that pooped up after Aris rant not REVIEW on the Hit Box.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the Hit Box, I like it, I bought one and even had it dual modded, but, deep inside, its making me think, should I just avoid all the crap and learn a Stick for my own best interest in the future. That's my central ordeal. I just don't want to spend time learning this device, and than just be ridiculed and discredited for any future efforts I put forth towards my FG 'career'. When I could of just force learned a stick to avoid any hassles. Get what I'm saying?

This isn't a REO thread, he does have relevance, it's about whether or not am I doing myself a disservice or not in the long run by picking up a Hit Box over a Stick.

Well, I hope he repairs it, and not 'quit'. That guy is amazing with it. I have a gut feeling though, he's just going to pad. Lol.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I didn't mean you were teary-eyed, I meant the people that are just now complaining about it when keyboarders have been around for quite some time.

I'd rather not switch back to stick, but I'm a pc gamer so it feels more natural to me. You should do whatever you feel will give you the best performance. I wouldn't let others dictate my play.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I say keep them in. They're nuts, they're totally nuts with the precision and the speed and the buffering and so forth, but if by now the only person to do serious damage with one (I think Reo's it ATM, has anybody else on the big stage moved to Hitbox?) is a guy who was already a complete kombat murdering sociopath to begin with - I mean that in a good way :), you're like what Michael Madsen in Kill Bill would've been like if he hadn't gone all nutty and become a drunken desert bouncer - then they're probably not gonna be that big of a problem.
And at worst, if there is suddenly an abundance of Hitbox Kabal, Liu Kang, Jax, Scorpion, etc., maybe it'll harken some stronger competition and bring it back to the days of pre-patches Kung Lao or Commando Bombtrap Cyrax - if it can maximize the output of a character, and help a player maximize his flexibility, speed, talent, etc. with his chosen fighters, it means you're potentially fighting the best that character can possibly battle, which is in essence the point of competing in the first place.
Bam. Math AND philosophy. Yes. Keep the Hitbox. Some of these things just look too awesome not to serve their purpose.
I didn't mean you were teary-eyed, I meant the people that are just now complaining about it when keyboarders have been around for quite some time.

I'd rather not switch back to stick, but I'm a pc gamer so it feels more natural to me. You should do whatever you feel will give you the best performance. I wouldn't let others dictate my play.
Yup that was my decision on learning it over a Stick. I've been a pad guy and a PC guy/gamer so, pressing down is my thing. It's just, this talk about banning it, unfairness, just makes me want to say F it all. Yes, I'm a bit salty, you can probably tell, because I was eager to learn it, until recent shenanigans.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I'm not going back to stick, so if they ban it, whatever, less players for MK I suppose.

As boxy said, and as I discussed with Shock , if the hitbox does anything, it should bring tournament play to another level.
I hope so too, I like it, it's my type of thing, but from my experience with being involved in gaming, the minority has to struggle always! Trust me.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
Nobody has made fun of me for having a Hitbox.... they usually make fun of me for how bad I play :D

Either way, I know a few top players from SoCal and all of them complimented me and said they wished they had one.


I'm probably gonna sound like a Grade A moron, but what's the difference between a hitbox and a stick?

I'll probably stick to my D-pad. Sonya's kombos are efffed enough without having to deal with learning a stick too.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
At this stage, I think pads suck. I fell in love with my buddies' hitbox...god damn it! Fuck being broke! :facepalm:

I'm probably gonna sound like a Grade A moron, but what's the difference between a hitbox and a stick?

I'll probably stick to my D-pad. Sonya's kombos are efffed enough without having to deal with learning a stick too.

It's basically a keyboard. The learning curve is minimal, if you type on a daily basis then you'll pick it up the basics in about 20 minutes like I did. It's simply 4 directional, so you're not going to accidentally jump around like an idiot with a pad.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
I'm probably gonna sound like a Grade A moron, but what's the difference between a hitbox and a stick?

I'll probably stick to my D-pad. Sonya's kombos are efffed enough without having to deal with learning a stick too.
There is no stick on a hitbox :D The Hitbox only has buttons, even for the movements so it plays like you're using a keyboard, but designed for fighting games.

I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fast typist, learning curve isn't more than a couple of days and it is totally worth it.


At this stage, I think pads suck. I fell in love with my buddies' hitbox...god damn it! Fuck being broke! :facepalm:

It's basically a keyboard. The learning curve is minimal, if you type on a daily basis then you'll pick it up the basics in about 20 minutes like I did.
I feel ya on being broke. I wanted the ultimate Kollector's edition (with the stick) when I shouldn't have been buying MK at all. DAMN YOO NRS FOR MAKING ME NEED THIS GAME!!!! :eek:noffrant: ;)

There is no stick on a hitbox :D The Hitbox only has buttons, even for the movements so it plays like you're using a keyboard, but designed for fighting games.

I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fast typist, learning curve isn't more than a couple of days and it is totally worth it.
I can only type about 50wpm really pushing it at about 1.8% error rate.

:focus: I don't see a problem with it. If it's banned, it's banned. I'm sure MK won't be the only game to lose attendees at tournaments.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I would really like to get one, but am waiting for tournament organizers to give a final word before I spend the money on it.


"Thanks" button abuser.
Nobody has told me what are the exact "unfair advantages" one has when using a hitbox.

I can do exactly everything with my PS3 pad, only that with the hitbox I can use ALL of my fingers and not just my thumbs (they've stop hurting me thanks to the hb). I still do everything manually and there's no "win" button on it.

Seriously, I've never won a HARD match because of my execution. And I don't think anyone at "high level" has. If execution and mindset aren't at an equal level then you're not winning. Easy as that.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
HitBox is cool, a diferent way to play the same game .... and about the polemic, well, that stuff started with REO's Kabal ? IDK, I think even if everyone were using a HitBox in that tourney, REO could win that shit anyway, he is one of the best in the world ..... HitBox can bring figthing games to another level, let's see ......


Dojo Trainee
Nobody has told me what are the exact "unfair advantages" one has when using a hitbox.

I can do exactly everything with my PS3 pad, only that with the hitbox I can use ALL of my fingers and not just my thumbs (they've stop hurting me thanks to the hb). I still do everything manually and there's no "win" button on it.

Seriously, I've never won a HARD match because of my execution. And I don't think anyone at "high level" has. If execution and mindset aren't at an equal level then you're not winning. Easy as that.

Hitboxes make it possible to buffer, with at best allows for faster and easier inputs and at worst can allow you to do things that other input devices can't.


Gaming4Satan Founder

Hitboxes make it possible to buffer, with at best allows for faster and easier inputs and at worst can allow you to do things that other input devices can't.
The back/forward buffering was addresses by Hitbox some time ago

It is no longer possible

Hitboxes make it possible to buffer, with at best allows for faster and easier inputs and at worst can allow you to do things that other input devices can't.
So? Any SOCD issues are fixed in the official Hit Box.

You can do things on Sticks that you can't on pad. Visit SRK, go to Tech Talk, click the Noobie FAQ Sticky, come back and tell me what it says on why you should use a Stick.

EDIT: I don't want this to turn into why Hit Box should be allowed.

I just wanted advice for myself. That, if I plan on continuing playing FGs, I should just give up on Hit Box, because no one accepts it and just force learn a Stick.


Dojo Trainee
The back/forward buffering was addresses by Hitbox some time ago

It is no longer possible
What about up/down for iaFBs? Buffering is the crux of the "unfair advantage" argument, but if it's already been addressed by the manufacturers then there isn't an issue unelss we plan on making seperate leagues based on input devices.


Gaming4Satan Founder
What about up/down for iaFBs? Buffering is the crux of the "unfair advantage" argument, but if it's already been addressed by the manufacturers then there isn't an issue unelss we plan on making seperate leagues based on input devices.
how does up/down buffering help with iafbs?

EDIT: I guess with Kitana it does, but her's aren't nearly as fast as others who can do it.


Sorry, I missed where there's someone considering banning these things.

My opinion, it would be total BS. Hitboxes are cheaper than a lot of good sticks (like AIAB). You can be just as good on a pad or stick as a hitbox.

And in the end, so what if it is the ultimate way to input commands? You already need a console and the MK9 game to play, hitbox would just be something else. Kiinda like boxers have to have helmets and gloves and the right shoes to box, they won't let you in the ring.

There's no reason to ban it that I can see. So I say stick with it. I'm building my own version of one at the moment, and ya part of the reason is that I'm a software engineering and I do think it will help my execution. So what? Caffeine boosts reaction time something like 7%. Are they going to ban coffee for giving an "unfair advantage?"