People are kind of missing the mark I feel. This is the first NRS title where you can actually have multiple skins for DLC characters on top of that, you don't just get one, extra you can have five slots for different looks that you can change whenever you want to if you get tired of a look or want to try something different. The DLC characters have fantastic choices for gear options as well and it's not just them, Beetle, Scarecrow and many on the main roster have great, varied looks that truly alter/transform your character.
Not to mention everyone has equal amounts of slots as opposed to playing other NRS titles where Scorpion and Sub-Zero have seven skins and your character has only one skin or two and you better like one of the two or you're just out of luck cause you're never getting skins.
I don't know why people keep talking about the stats for gear as a problem. You literally NEVER have to deal with stats unless you want to play non-competitive mode so that's a non-issue honestly. It would be like complaining about story mode when you don't have to play it to enjoy the competitive aspects of the game.
This is one of the only NRS titles where I actually have more than one-two costumes I actually like for my main and that's because I can actually add the colors and accents/gear I want as opposed to being locked into pre-selected choices that I don't care for at all.
Like I wasn't a fan of the bug eyed face mask for Beetle UNTIL I got the golden tournament shader. The glowing, eye less face mask looks great with the all purple, grey and gold Coloun shader as well.
When I see people's different designs, I feel like everyone has their own distinct looks and you can actually express your own style onto your characters, that type of creative freedom is wonderful.
Like all things, it isn't perfect but if it returns, it will only get better over time.