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Most Cringe Inducing Characters?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This has nothing to do with the quality of the characters, just purely on how some of them can look and sound incredibly lame. This could have anything to do with bizarre in game dialogue, bad costume designs, or even the way their voice sounds.

Take this Firestorm motherfucker for example, mechanically he's very interesting to me. Outside of his garbage D2, he has a very nice set of tools. BUT he looks awful, says horribly cringe things, and his voice is terrible Imo, he's just bleh, they shoulda went with the Ronnie FS.

Same could be said for Red Hood's voice and dialogue (I actually really like Red Hood in the comics), Starfire's horrible dialogue, Robin being an unbearable twat in this game, Wonder Woman being the absolute worst, Green Arrow looking like Joe Dirt, Bane looking like a space marine rather than ya know... Bane.

These are all characters I like and would've been interested in trying to use if it hadn't been for all of that, can any of you guys relate?


Catwoman, a lot about her make her look like she doesn't belong on the roster (literally every character could mop her on a real fight and I don't even like her personality), then she makes the Lannister line with that stupid voice and you're like... dafuq was that? For real?


I like Starfire but a lot of her dialogue makes me not wanna play her lol.

Scarecrow is super damn extra, but Red Hood is awful. The level of needless cringe is astounding. "Outlaws can be heroes too" and "I'm the cure for a sick, sad world" *eye rolling intensifies*

Robin isn't cringe, he's just not likable in any way lol. Firestorm is just what happens when a dorky teenager gets powers so I'm not in love with it, but I fucks with him a little.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I like Starfire but a lot of her dialogue makes me not wanna play her lol.

Scarecrow is super damn extra, but Red Hood is awful. The level of needless cringe is astounding. "Outlaws can be heroes too" and "I'm the cure for a sick, sad world" *eye rolling intensifies*

Robin isn't cringe, he's just not likable in any way lol. Firestorm is just what happens when a dorky teenager gets powers so I'm not in love with it, but I fucks with him a little.
"Should I kill you?- lets take a vote"

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Robin and WW are really disappointing to me because I'm the comics I like WW and Damian a lot. Gg in this game though, they should've at least given WW some depth even though she's a bad guy, like you can at least feel for Superman. And Damian being Robin doesn't even make sense, he's Nightwing in the story. Damian should've had the Nightwing moveset and they should've brought Tim back from the phantom zone as Robin.