Could be a meter burn on his parry
No, the meter burn on his parry just adds some additional gunshots to it and looks to push the opponent to full screen in the mid.
Can anyone verify how his trait works? Looking at the multiverse game play videos, to me it seems like a sort of recka (not sure it that's how you spell it). Seems that once u initiate it you have a certain amount of frames to follow up into trait-unque strings, cancel, or quick shot. Can someone verify this or correct me on this? If not I guess I'll find out at 3.
As for his trait, there is no cooldown or build up for it. It is always available, but once activated you can't move. It also doesn't seem to cancel out on its own so you can stay in that stance indefinitely. You either have to perform a move or cancel out of it. There 5 sub heading under his Character Power and 4 of those contain strings. The first 4 strings listed in these are the same. The last string in each is the only one that's different and even they all begin with 332 and a unique ender. For the most part, it looks like his trait is intended to help zone a little as he has a pretty quick gunshot out of it or simply to extend/finish combos as his trait can be canceled into quickly. For example:
F23, 4, 332 MB is an 11 hit 1-bar combo. The MB of the 332 is an actual string called Bullet Storm from his trait.
I know a lot of this information can be gained by just looking at the video showing his move list, but hopefully this adds some information you guys were looking for prior to the stream.