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What's going to be your process once you get your hands on Injustice 2?


Gonna start with the story just like MKX.

Then I'll just head to the lab and start labbing characters, starting with characters I'm interested in and working down. Lab said interested characters until I find a main and then just grind that out. Steadily keep up with TYM to learn combos and see which characters might be for me. It'll probably be a couple weeks before I even go online.


This mean you don't like me?
1. Tutorial
2. Story mode straight through/training with entire cast
3. Training with top 15 possible mains
4. Multiverse
5. Training with top 5 possible mains
6. Arcade ladder
7. Training with top 3 possible mains
8. Multiverse
9. Training with main
10. Hop online
11. Receive death threats



I like to play bad characters
That's some delicious fan mail!

My process has always been the same. Go straight though story mode and get a feel for most of the characters. Then mess around with who I seem to like. Then get bodied online by the flavor of the month characters.


1. Beat story mode.
2. Training mode with Batman, Superman, Deadshot, Dr. Fate, and Green Arrow.
3. Main whichever of the above characters fit me most.
4. Eventually repeat step 2 with Red Hood.

Mr. Freeze

Green Lantern and Grodd Main
A similar thread is already out. Did you search properly?

1) Story Mode.
2) Training mode with Sub Zero and Capn Cold. (I heard that there will be the tag mode, so gonna try this, too) -- POSSIBLE RECORD OF THE COMBOS I MIGHT FIND --
3) Ranked matches to get used to those MUs.
4) Getting to play with my buddies, if they get INJ2, along the way. They already know about this.
5) Exploring the INJ2 game to see if I can unlock all those stuff there.
There is no tag mode. They already addressed on stream a few weeks ago.


Est In Harvey 1989
1. Put the disc in my PS4.
2. Install day 1 patch.
3. Go to tutorial.
4. Start and finish story mode in one sitting.
5. Go to training mode with Joker to see what's stayed, and what's new.
6. Go Online with Joker.
7. Try out out Darksied & Other characters.
8. Stay up all night enjoying the game!


1. Training mode with the Flash to get up to "speed" (heh) on his changes, and find some online gimmicks/steal other's tech
2. Go online
3. ???
4. Boast about my online record on TYM to try and get attention



Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Story mode first to unlock Brainiac. Spend some time online with the chrome dome. Poke around the multiverse and other modes, really explore what I2 has to offer.


-Story mode (to have fun)
-Training (to mess with Victors new moves)
-Practice against the new cast (practice punishing all the new character's specials and understanding their gameplan)
-Make a metal-gear Cyborg outfit


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Hopefully I can get the game early, considering I'll only have one day to play it until the 22nd. Even if I got it today I'd still end up behind everyone. FeelsBadMan


Hot Gyahbage
First thing for me is Tutorial to get comfortable with the new mechs then its.......

1. Training Mode
2. Select Supergirl
3.Select Power Girl premium skin
4. Hnnnng!
5. Lab work
6. Story Mode for unlocks.
7. Online Cancer Mode


Well-Known Member
Do you not plan on playing Bane? Always loved watching your Bane on the GGA streams and other tourneys.
I know I'll be picking him up to help the team with match up xp, there's a chance I could main him if it feels right. But thanks man, I appreciate it, if it turns out that were streaming or something I can bust him out

Peter Quill

You’re No Fun
Won't be online for the first day or two I don't think. Straight to the lab with Aquaman, and then a lot of the new guys, and then lots of offline training. Just fun stuff, and get a lot of awesome gear.

Hopefully some decent armor for Aquaman that gives her a more classic look

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Lab with Ivy and Swamp thing
Lab with Aquaman and make a video about what's changed with him
Stream story mode
Become an online warrior


Searching for an alt.
-have a character crisis
-go to story mode to try several characters
-have a worse character crisis
-training mode
-continue to have character crisis
-buy mk11
-continue to have character crisis in inj2


I'm really into the comic and want to see the rest of the story so I'll be doing that mode first. After that training with green lantern who I mained in the first game.

Although there are so many characters this time around that I like I'm not sure if he'll be my main again.


A similar thread is already out. Did you search properly?

1) Story Mode.
2) Training mode with Sub Zero and Capn Cold. (I heard that there will be the tag mode, so gonna try this, too) -- POSSIBLE RECORD OF THE COMBOS I MIGHT FIND --
3) Ranked matches to get used to those MUs.
4) Getting to play with my buddies, if they get INJ2, along the way. They already know about this.
5) Exploring the INJ2 game to see if I can unlock all those stuff there.
Where did you hear about a tag mode?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Maaan, I didn't know Brainiac was a story mode unlock. I might have to do story mode first, since I want to lab EVERY character. Dammit NRS, y u make me do stuff.