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The Injustice 2 GOALS, Predictions and Hype Thread


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
I did not play IJ1 seriously at all, so my goal is to really git gud this time.

I am admittedly a super casual player, so I'm not aiming to get THAT high. But it'd be fun to feel more confident online.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I'll make everyone hate me and continue to have some of the worst pop offs at majors.
You should pop off by awkward dancing doing The Running Man, The Robot, or The Carlton.


Chimpanzee that!
While i likely won't be able to travel, I did just move to a new city with a strong fgc and nrs community so my main goal is making it out and being a regular at the locals. Might try streaming a bit more regularly as well but we'll see.

And unlock whatever gear I need in order to play as og Jay Garrick
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Revenant Zero

Death Comes
I will attend more local tournaments and major tournaments to level up
I will learn more than just one character
I will learn fundamentals and patience in a match


In a relationship with Killer Frost
I want to get a solid group of 5-6+ players in Seattle to actively play and practice this game with.


Possibly over-ambitious, but I'd like to have at least an intermediate level of knowledge on playing every single character in the game, for match-up reasons if nothing else.


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
My new years resolution was to know how to play at least 10 characters in I2. In all the fighting games I've played, I stick to a main and have a couple pockets. I'll still have a main for tournaments, but I want to be proficient with 9 other characters for casuals and to help with matchup knowledge. I've learned the hard way that nothing helps knowing how to beat a character than knowing how to play that character.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.

I will lvl up my gaming and shortcomings to new heights by asking for help & giving as much help has I possibly can back to those that want it and need it.

I will try to contribute.

I will help start up a local in my city or at least convince enough Smash players to try injustice. Some seemed pretty hyped for it.

I will try help those in need to go to majors if I can. Or at the very least be their practice partner.

I will stick with Atrocitus & Bane no matter what happens.

I will try my best to go to Canada Cup for Injustice & Tekken 7 regardless if I'm terribly bad or really good. Other tournaments and locals too in Canada if I can.

Hopefully next year if life takes it easy on me I will travel. Not this year but maybe next.

I will finally teach my son the ways of fighting games. He's ready.


The blade of osh-tekk is stale.
Play more than one character so I don't get fucked by bad matchups.
Expose a certain player who will go unnamed as a massive scrub.
Block a cross-up.

My main will get his mids nerfed to highs.
My main is gonna suck.
I'm gonna suck.
Still gonna talk shit.

Everything about injustice
Making the AI characters win against people I can't beat
Story mode


Paitent Padawan
I'd like to be able to play consistantly at higher levels of difficulty. i.e. Above medium.

Maybe get confident enough to play on-line

Yeah. I know. Lame goals, but their mine for now. Nice thing about goals...you can always make new ones if you achieve your current ones.