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My Injustice 2 "Pre-Launch Character Hype" tier list


Captain Cold smell like trash wasted slot char, When I saw Him doing the ice puddle, I saw an instant epic fail. So in popularity and gameplay He's already declared trash. LOL. And Yes. I will not pick any other epic fail char again. Firestorm or Gorilla Grodd for me.
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Regina George of discord
I'm only hype for Wonder Woman, Cheetah, Poison Ivy and Catwoman.
Specially for Wonder Woman since I am VERY curious to see her new moveset.


11 11 11 11
I like this

S- Aquaman, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Scarecrow, Green Arrow, Bane
A- Joker, Deadshot, Swamp Thing, Atrocitus, Gorilla Grodd, Batman, Robin
B- Poison Ivy, Dr fate, Darkseid, Catwoman, Supergirl, Black Adam, Brainiac, Cyborg
C- Harley Quinn, Cheetah, Green Lantern, Captain Cold, Flash, Black Canary, WW

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
S: Black Canary, Dr. Fate, Atrocitus, Darkseid

A: Cheetah, Swamp Thing, Supergirl (only for PG skin honestly), Ivy, Robin, Harley, Brainiac

B: Cold, Deadshot, BlAdam

C: Rest of the cast

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Catwoman in S?I dk about that . But Darkseid,Fate,Ivy,Swamp Thing,Scarecrow,Deadshot,& Robin seem like the most anticipated characters


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Captain Cold smell like trash wasted slot char, When I saw Him doing the ice puddle, I saw an instant epic fail. So in popularity and gameplay He's already declared trash. LOL. And Yes. I will not pick any other epic fail char again. Firestorm or Gorilla Grodd for me.
Captain Cold's voice acting and one liners never disappoint.


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
S - Deadshot, Firestorm, Darkseid
A - Dr. Fate, Cpt Cold, Ivy, any other zoning/trap characters I've missed
B - Joker & GL (My 2 Igua mains returning), Robin, Reverse Flash, Atrocitus (Cool characters in general)
C - Everyone else
F - Rushdown characters that aren't in my B Tier.

Zoning is back! #ZoningAcademy