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General/Other - Tanya Tanya Wishful & Logical Changes

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Dragon Nag makes me sad now.
She didn't get the universal change of a safe armor move. 4% decrease in midscreen combos, 8% in the corner. F4 still says its special cancelable. And even though they said they address the issue with teleport cancel, I still cannot b3 after it.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Dragon Nag makes me sad now.
She didn't get the universal change of a safe armor move. 4% decrease in midscreen combos, 8% in the corner. F4 still says its special cancelable. And even though they said they address the issue with teleport cancel, I still cannot b3 after it.
Uhm yet the armored naginata move has super range so they cant run away your wakeup, its very very good though


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Drag nag damage was a HUGE part of her.
Yes it was and its not good but corner meterless damage is still fine and that variation is still very dominant. Faster teleports help a lot to connect 112 tp and pogo thing and so, yet midscreen damage could be nerfed less... At least these are my online experience since the patch release lol


Yes it was and its not good but corner meterless damage is still fine and that variation is still very dominant. Faster teleports help a lot to connect 112 tp and pogo thing and so, yet midscreen damage could be nerfed less... At least these are my online experience since the patch release lol
Yeah she should get her combo damage back.

Vak Phoenix

It is funny to me that all of you grown men get baited by annoying and delusional rats. Look i am all and all being funny and sassy, but there is a huge line where you cross and turn that into annoying.

Calling yourself a best tanya or whatever does not make it true, actually it highlights on your huge insecurity, because you have to keep reminding you and obviously everyone else that you are the best tanya, which my dear child you are not. Because you have no offline results like some of us.

Regardless, i know that you want to get my attention, messaging me everywhere, inviting me everywhere, making fake accounts to contact me and the bash me. Please just back off, and this is your final warning.

Regarding the Tanya changes, she is very good all around and to touch on what @GGA Jeremiah said about OH, i dont think that she really needs that, hence the ia drill. She already fights kind of similarly to Kitana before this patch. Right now i am very busy and graduating from my university this friday and as i said in my other threads. Ill update everything by next week! And thank you for checking and commenting on my content, means a lot!


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
It is funny to me that all of you grown men get baited by annoying and delusional rats. Look i am all and all being funny and sassy, but there is a huge line where you cross and turn that into annoying.

Calling yourself a best tanya or whatever does not make it true, actually it highlights on your huge insecurity, because you have to keep reminding you and obviously everyone else that you are the best tanya, which my dear child you are not. Because you have no offline results like some of us.

Regardless, i know that you want to get my attention, messaging me everywhere, inviting me everywhere, making fake accounts to contact me and the bash me. Please just back off, and this is your final warning.

Regarding the Tanya changes, she is very good all around and to touch on what @GGA Jeremiah said about OH, i dont think that she really needs that, hence the ia drill. She already fights kind of similarly to Kitana before this patch. Right now i am very busy and graduating from my university this friday and as i said in my other threads. Ill update everything by next week! And thank you for checking and commenting on my content, means a lot!
I am really happy with Tanya's current situation except the damage nerf, but she can be considered very good now


It is funny to me that all of you grown men get baited by annoying and delusional rats. Look i am all and all being funny and sassy, but there is a huge line where you cross and turn that into annoying.

Calling yourself a best tanya or whatever does not make it true, actually it highlights on your huge insecurity, because you have to keep reminding you and obviously everyone else that you are the best tanya, which my dear child you are not. Because you have no offline results like some of us.

Regardless, i know that you want to get my attention, messaging me everywhere, inviting me everywhere, making fake accounts to contact me and the bash me. Please just back off, and this is your final warning.

Regarding the Tanya changes, she is very good all around and to touch on what @GGA Jeremiah said about OH, i dont think that she really needs that, hence the ia drill. She already fights kind of similarly to Kitana before this patch. Right now i am very busy and graduating from my university this friday and as i said in my other threads. Ill update everything by next week! And thank you for checking and commenting on my content, means a lot!
Yeah, I seriously doubt people are making fake accounts to bash you. Come on now.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
@EdenianWarrior Dragon Naginata's damage was a pretty big blow, ut let's be honest, it was off of an OH instant air lol. However the damage nerf did have too much scaling IMO, 51% Now does like 43% In the corner, so now I really have to see other changes I'll hve to be doing to slay as the best Tanya in the world :)


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
@EdenianWarrior Dragon Naginata's damage was a pretty big blow, ut let's be honest, it was off of an OH instant air lol. However the damage nerf did have too much scaling IMO, 51% Now does like 43% In the corner, so now I really have to see other changes I'll hve to be doing to slay as the best Tanya in the world :)
Keep up those awesome streams on twitch please.. I enjoy them a lot lol
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@EdenianWarrior Dragon Naginata's damage was a pretty big blow, ut let's be honest, it was off of an OH instant air lol. However the damage nerf did have too much scaling IMO, 51% Now does like 43% In the corner, so now I really have to see other changes I'll hve to be doing to slay as the best Tanya in the world :)
It really was a low blow. Hopefully they will fix it. If not, I think a damage increase on Pyromancer combos would be pretty fair because I think she should have one variation that deals great combo damage. What do you think??
It is funny to me that all of you grown men get baited by annoying and delusional rats. Look i am all and all being funny and sassy, but there is a huge line where you cross and turn that into annoying.

Calling yourself a best tanya or whatever does not make it true, actually it highlights on your huge insecurity, because you have to keep reminding you and obviously everyone else that you are the best tanya, which my dear child you are not. Because you have no offline results like some of us.

Regardless, i know that you want to get my attention, messaging me everywhere, inviting me everywhere, making fake accounts to contact me and the bash me. Please just back off, and this is your final warning.

Regarding the Tanya changes, she is very good all around and to touch on what @GGA Jeremiah said about OH, i dont think that she really needs that, hence the ia drill. She already fights kind of similarly to Kitana before this patch. Right now i am very busy and graduating from my university this friday and as i said in my other threads. Ill update everything by next week! And thank you for checking and commenting on my content, means a lot!
I played against my first actual human with Pyro Tanya yesterday, after 1 full week in the lab. I have to say Pyro Tanya is as good as I thought she was gonna be. She probably doesn't need a splat OH. I think we will be ok with low or throw for now. I wonder how Pyro compares to Kitana now who seems to have absolutely everything and that splat OH that I want.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
No one ever talks about f3 cancel into low... or even f3 cancel into throw (Which is basically unblockable, because they think you are going for a mixup. You guys can't forget about one of the fastest moves in the game... her drill.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Mostly cause its reactable. The grab is sneaky though.

Interesting news about DN. Hate doing those crazy ass pogo combos but want that mediocre damage? Ex tele after a string instead does the same damage and is 1000x easier to execute.


24xxf tele pogos jip 2u3 rc 3xxex tele jikxx f tele njp rc b23xxdb4 does 33%


24xx ex f tele njp rc 4 b32xxdb4 does 33% lol.


Mostly cause its reactable. The grab is sneaky though.

Interesting news about DN. Hate doing those crazy ass pogo combos but want that mediocre damage? Ex tele after a string instead does the same damage and is 1000x easier to execute.


24xxf tele pogos jip 2u3 rc 3xxex tele jikxx f tele njp rc b23xxdb4 does 33%


24xx ex f tele njp rc 4 b32xxdb4 does 33% lol.
I want a small combo buff for Pyro, and Naginata's damage back.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
Mostly cause its reactable. The grab is sneaky though.

Interesting news about DN. Hate doing those crazy ass pogo combos but want that mediocre damage? Ex tele after a string instead does the same damage and is 1000x easier to execute.


24xxf tele pogos jip 2u3 rc 3xxex tele jikxx f tele njp rc b23xxdb4 does 33%


24xx ex f tele njp rc 4 b32xxdb4 does 33% lol.
I found out that if you only do 1 pogo damage will be slightly better so there's that lol