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Why Travel to Tournaments?


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This is an important read for anyone considering tournament play, or wondering why they should consider it.

For anyone who might have missed them, longtime SRK community veteran Koop has begun writing an excellent series of tournament survival guides (part 1 and part 2). He explains how to travel for major tournaments in great detail. To complement his efforts, this article will explain why traveling to major tournaments is worthwhile.

First of all, Evo is simply an awesome event for people who care about fighting games. It’s hard to describe the unique atmosphere inside that hall. There’s a constant buzz in the air, like sitting in the stands at a pivotal playoff game, surrounded by other equally passionate fans. There’s always something going on – whether it’s a marquee matchup played on the big screen, or news about a recent upset, or floating rumors about certain underrated characters wrecking shop. There’s always someone to talk to and always something to look forward to.

Setting aside the sheer experience of attending Evo, let’s look at the value of participating in a major tournament on that scale. Being surrounded by competitive players for an entire weekend will improve your game, guaranteed.

There’s no question about it – you’ll walk away a better player. Even focusing solely on preliminary matches within your own entry pool, you’ll see things you’ve never seen before and face opponents you’ve never fought before. Every single victory will build your confidence and every loss will teach you something the hard way.

While local tournaments can certainly give you a taste of real pressure, they’ll always be skewed toward the dominant play style of your hometown. Anyone who’s been around this scene long enough will tell you that every major geographic region has its own characteristic approach to fighting games. For instance if you live in SoCal, the strongest local runaway player is usually nowhere near the strongest runaway player nationwide, simply because that particular style isn’t popular in the area.

At a major tournament, all these different styles collide over thousands of matches. It’s no accident that players who have done some traveling in the past tend to survive deeper into their brackets. From pools to top 8, you’re bound to run into a capable proponent of almost every style. It’s difficult to adapt quickly to gameplans you’ve never had to deal with before.

Now i know some of you are thinking, “I play online against opponents worldwide so I’ve seen every style.” Well, not quite. That statement might be true if there was no network latency. Unfortunately, lag transforms online play into a style of its own. Rushdown with lag is different from rushdown live; and so on. Let’s not forget that playing in your living room is an entirely different atmosphere compared to playing against strangers face-to-face at a tournament.

And yet, traveling outside your comfort zone to attend a major tournament will improve your online game as well. It all boils down to the level of competition you’re facing. The average player at Evo is more dedicated than the average player online. The average player at Evo makes a stronger effort to bring their A-game to the floor than the average player online. Combine these two factors and it becomes obvious why there’s nothing like the majors.


Going to off-line tournaments is beyond a great experince. Shit, I've only gone to one, but I feel hooked now. I would go as far as to say that if you're not willing to even try to go to a close tournament... stay online with the rest of the spectators.

In person... 100% guaranteed you'll have a good time. You get to meet new people, improve your game, you're hanging out with a ton of gamers!! How cool is that?!?!

I remember thinking @ ECT while coming back from eating... "damn this is cool. Here comes Shock, AC1984, Tim Static and STORMS... when does this ever happen?"

Fucking awesome. :handsdown:


Going to off-line tournaments is beyond a great experince. Shit, I've only gone to one, but I feel hooked now. I would go as far as to say that if you're not willing to even try to go to a close tournament... stay online with the rest of the spectators.

In person... 100% guaranteed you'll have a good time. You get to meet new people, improve your game, you're hanging out with a ton of gamers!! How cool is that?!?!

I remember thinking @ ECT while coming back from eating... "damn this is cool. Here comes Shock, AC1984, Tim Static and STORMS... when does this ever happen?"

Fucking awesome. :handsdown:
I talked to Iloveu Joe and Sweet Johnny Cage yesterday and they are planning to have ECT3 in Atlantic city!! PArty TimE!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'd love to go but I've never been a huge travel buff plus the fact that I don't drive kind of combines with that even more so...that aside, I'm sure the guy who wrote that article has money so it's easy for him to say...

The average gamer I believe is and would be determined, just think....if we go to the store every weekend to buy the latest games, spend hours upon hours of playing sure it's in our house and area but think about it...we're spending tons and tons of hours putting time into these games. Problem is the average gaming enthusiast doesn't have the time or money (if not both like in my case) to do something like this...why can't some people see this? I'd love to ask the dude who wrote that article that honestly.

If Evo is ever in NYC(any of the 5 boroughs I'll highly consider it) otherwise not happening for me, I personally think Evo should move around year in year out...I hate it how they have it in the same spot, year after year after year...why must it be in vegas? Why can't it be in LA one year, NYC, the next, Chicago the next, Miami the next...etc, etc....Then you'd see more players who different years because it would be around the country as oppose to the same spot every, single year....my opinion of course. I also think it would be more fair to us players who live around the nation by having this event in different spots, it would provide more positive feedback I think and more, newer players year in, year out.


You guys HAD to know how I was going to respond to this kind of thread...

...besides dude, although I don't disagree with what you're saying with offline meetings. You have to ask yourself, will MOST MK players be able to or want to do that? Probably not for various reasons....no time, money etc

I honestly think the best idea is to try to get local tourneys in each area, example...NYC people gathering sometime, NJ peeps, LI peeps like Phil and Rob do regularly, Florida etc, etc...nobody will be going though from Florida to say NYC or Texas you know? lol Besides, online you can meet new people who are interested and bring them to sites like this to learn more :)

Just want to point that out man ;)
Pete(yes, I just learned through the SB that is your name...LOL), bro, I can't take anything you say regarding "agreeing" with people about offline meaning more when you have(and still do) repeatedly turn down offers to come to offline meetings that are well within range for you, specifically when they are RIDICULOUSLY close to you... you're in Staten Island... I can get to you(and have offered to pick you up on past occassions) to bring you to Rob's or you can take a train and be here in under an hour. If you're not going to walk the walk... then please just don't talk.

Yeah, but the point of online play is when you CAN'T meet up with those people offline. Besides, those people aren't always if ever going to be close enough to you to play offline. Sure, everyone would rather play offline, it's just a matter of convenience and accessibility. Not only that, but it costs money to travel, just bringing me back to the convenience part. Not all MK games are ridiculous online, I've gotten as good as I am strictly from playing online in UMK3. Sure, the topic of online play changes when discussing games that have terrible net code. If you're just talking about 3D MK's, then you have a point and I agree. Though even still, not everyone is lucky enough to live close to players who actually play the game you want to play offline and the players are good.
Ty...regarding being lucky enough to play offline... I am lucky to have Rob so close... as well as a few others... but sometimes all it takes is showing one person the game to get them into it.(Ask Rob) Even playing that one person offline all the time and TEACHING them is better than playing 1 million different people online.

Totally agree ^ that's what I'm saying, I can hear where people who hate online are coming from(being as how I've played online) lol but at the same time definitely not pointless. On a side note, games that offer online play=instantly offer more replay value.
Not pointless when the game has good netcode, identical player properties and is actually a good game. If you can hear where the offline players are coming from then instead of valiantly defending online play, come play offline and have fun... you are SO CLOSE to us. It's ridiculous that you don't come to play... keep in mind... you're the self proclaimed "#1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic"... you owe it to yourself to play UMK3(and any other MK you play) offline, and I don't want to hear "I have a life" as an excuse... I'm an engaged man with 2 dogs, 2 birds, a turtle, a rabbit, a full time job, a softball umpire, I play softball 2-3 times a week, a social life and other gaming hobbies, as well as a moderator on 3 different MK forums, I organize/setup/run offline UMK3 and MK2 tournaments, run weekly UMK3 Live Streams(which you've had an OPEN INVITATION to come to every time), play offline at Rob's 2 times a week(sometimes 3 on a rare occassion)... I have a life... but MK is part of my life and unless you make it part of yours then your sig needs a little rearranging.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
You guys HAD to know how I was going to respond to this kind of thread...

Pete(yes, I just learned through the SB that is your name...LOL), bro, I can't take anything you say regarding "agreeing" with people about offline meaning more when you have(and still do) repeatedly turn down offers to come to offline meetings that are well within range for you, specifically when they are RIDICULOUSLY close to you... you're in Staten Island... I can get to you(and have offered to pick you up on past occassions) to bring you to Rob's or you can take a train and be here in under an hour. If you're not going to walk the walk... then please just don't talk.

Ty...regarding being lucky enough to play offline... I am lucky to have Rob so close... as well as a few others... but sometimes all it takes is showing one person the game to get them into it.(Ask Rob) Even playing that one person offline all the time and TEACHING them is better than playing 1 million different people online.

Not pointless when the game has good netcode, identical player properties and is actually a good game. If you can hear where the offline players are coming from then instead of valiantly defending online play, come play offline and have fun... you are SO CLOSE to us. It's ridiculous that you don't come to play... keep in mind... you're the self proclaimed "#1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic"... you owe it to yourself to play UMK3(and any other MK you play) offline, and I don't want to hear "I have a life" as an excuse... I'm an engaged man with 2 dogs, 2 birds, a turtle, a rabbit, a full time job, a softball umpire, I play softball 2-3 times a week, a social life and other gaming hobbie, as well as a moderator on 3 different MK forums, I organize/setup/run offline UMK3 and MK2 tournaments, run weekly UMK3 Live Streams(which you've had an OPEN INVITATION to come to every time), play offline at Rob's 2 times a week(sometimes 3 on a rare occassion)... I have a life... but MK is part of my life and unless you make it part of yours then your sig needs a little rearranging.
Again, Quoted for the Muthafuckin truth.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
You guys HAD to know how I was going to respond to this kind of thread...

Pete(yes, I just learned through the SB that is your name...LOL), bro, I can't take anything you say regarding "agreeing" with people about offline meaning more when you have(and still do) repeatedly turn down offers to come to offline meetings that are well within range for you, specifically when they are RIDICULOUSLY close to you... you're in Staten Island... I can get to you(and have offered to pick you up on past occassions) to bring you to Rob's or you can take a train and be here in under an hour. If you're not going to walk the walk... then please just don't talk.
With respect I'm a member on here like anyone else so why can't I express my views? lol Besides that's your opinion, LI isn't THAT close to SI...sure we're in the tristate area, but local=close, not 2+hour drive lol....and I already went thru this with you on past occassions, on those particular days I already had plans. Most of the time on weekends I'm out with my friends(not mocking anyone else here) but although I'm not a party animal, I don't want to be in EVERY single weekend either...if there's a tournament say in NYC in SI, BK or something like that THAT'S local...not LI...lol I have relatives that live out there in LI and everytime I go there with family it takes minimal of 2+ hours to get there...with traffic it's more. I hope you understand where I'm coming from Phil ;)

And as an oldschool player myself I feel I can "talk the talk" since I know I can compete, I may not have the luxury of time or money to do so as much as you but if you want to play me(outside of the time on DS way back) then perhaps you guys should arrange something in BK or something....THAT is local for me.

Ty...regarding being lucky enough to play offline... I am lucky to have Rob so close... as well as a few others... but sometimes all it takes is showing one person the game to get them into it.(Ask Rob) Even playing that one person offline all the time and TEACHING them is better than playing 1 million different people online.

Not pointless when the game has good netcode, identical player properties and is actually a good game. If you can hear where the offline players are coming from then instead of valiantly defending online play, come play offline and have fun... you are SO CLOSE to us. It's ridiculous that you don't come to play... keep in mind... you're the self proclaimed "#1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic"... you owe it to yourself to play UMK3(and any other MK you play) offline, and I don't want to hear "I have a life" as an excuse... I'm an engaged man with 2 dogs, 2 birds, a turtle, a rabbit, a full time job, a softball umpire, I play softball 2-3 times a week, a social life and other gaming hobbies, as well as a moderator on 3 different MK forums, I organize/setup/run offline UMK3 and MK2 tournaments, run weekly UMK3 Live Streams(which you've had an OPEN INVITATION to come to every time), play offline at Rob's 2 times a week(sometimes 3 on a rare occassion)... I have a life... but MK is part of my life and unless you make it part of yours then your sig needs a little rearranging.
Ok, it's obvious you don't "know me" as well as you think, if you ever did MEET me in person you'd know why I'm the # MK fanatic...you see, I take it to the next level Phil...I don't just enjoy playing(older MK games exclusively) but EVERY MK game, I can talk MK for hours on end, I'm inked with an MK tat and plan on getting more, I'm intimate with the story, characters, it gets my mind off shit in life, it's something I'm good at and know I am. Am I saying I'm the best ever? Not at all, but I'm what you call the "ultimate overall MK fan" I have the movies, games etc I try my best to collect certain things MK related...where as most MK fans tend to either follow the story(not play competitively) or just play older games like UMK3 and no other MK game nor care for the storyline.

That's why most people who do know me personally dude, say "Pete you're far too obsessed with MK" emphasis on the word "obsessed" ;) MK is a huge part of my life at least right now....are you aware that half the updates on here and other sites I have found myself concerning MK9? So there you go....thing that you don't seem to be seeing here is that being an MK fanatic doesn't mean "just playing offline tourneys or casuals every chance you get" but rather loving the series overall. That's just a choice that players make, majority if you read the EGM Ed Boon article WON'T be able to do so....

I will not be rearranging anything, as that has nothing to do with playing offline....with all due respect Phil. I know I can play ALL MK's competitively, not just one. Secondly, read the above man...you can offer me drives(I appreciate that) but when you offer me time and money then we'll talk, as well as actually being local. Again...LI isn't a 20 minute drive from SI...it's more like 1 hour and half to 2 hours+....

I don't consider that local to where I live. LI isn't even apart of NYC anyway. If I were to host an MK tourney in SI, BK or something like that in NYC in the future would you say you could definitely come?Curious....

Lastly, please don't take the Tom Brady attitude which he gave me that nonsense on MKU with the "if you can't put up then shut up" since I never said I "was the best MK player" but I know darn well I can compete and am a good player in MOST MK games if not all....it's not like I'm putting you guys down by saying "you suck compared to me or anyone else" I never said that, so please don't imply that's what I meant unless I actually said that(which I never did so...)

You should have a bigger beef with people like him not me...he's the one that runs his mouth constantly claming to be "the best in every fighting game ever offline" the only thing I've said at times is this my quote

"I try my best, I like to be competitive and hopefully others can see me as ONE of the best"

There's nothing there that states I'm superior to others or am "the best" because I never said that. With that being said you either understand where I'm coming from or not. I don't wish to fight with you about it though.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Excuses, excuses. I mean, what are you afraid of, really? All we want to do is A. help promote MK and B. help you.

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO LIVE SO CLOSE TO SO MANY MK PLAYERS AND GET ON THE STREAM! I'd kill for that. but seriously, as far as i'm concerned, you scared and will do anything you can to make any excuse to get out of this. AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

I think maybe you should just log out and find somewhere else to post.


Excuses, excuses. I mean, what are you afraid of, really? All we want to do is A. help promote MK and B. help you.

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO LIVE SO CLOSE TO SO MANY MK PLAYERS AND GET ON THE STREAM! I'd kill for that. but seriously, as far as i'm concerned, you scared and will do anything you can to make any excuse to get out of this. AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

I think maybe you should just log out and find somewhere else to post.
No need for MKF to post elsewhere... but this IS a problem that needs resolving.... and it will be resolved...

but first and foremost, I unintentionally derailed this thread, so I'm going to moderate myself and move some posts from here to the "Why Attend Tournaments" thread.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Excuses, excuses. I mean, what are you afraid of, really? All we want to do is A. help promote MK and B. help you.

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO LIVE SO CLOSE TO SO MANY MK PLAYERS AND GET ON THE STREAM! I'd kill for that. but seriously, as far as i'm concerned, you scared and will do anything you can to make any excuse to get out of this. AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

I think maybe you should just log out and find somewhere else to post.
Dude, believe what you want but it's not excuses it's facts...lol besides, let me ask you respectfully tim...how many offline sessions have you been to again? I respect the fact that you try to push UMK3 and have these sites here, but what have you done via offline tournaments? I know you went to one recently right in Michigan or somewhere? But besides that....

Afterall it's not like I NEVER had offline casuals, I did hang back in 06 with Pighut, gerchap, wu general, stretchshrimp with MKD and MKT casuals....one of the matches are even on my youtube but we played MANY...where your boy Frank/Red had his chance and didn't show....I don't see you lecturing him on that, but we both know why he didn't come....if he couldn't beat me, pig etc online what chances does he have offline?

If I was so afraid of losing I wouldn't even play online(despite it being not taken seriously) so why are you coming at me with this nonsense again?

Dude, I'm not logging out of nowhere....I don't know what your problem is but you sound bitter for no reason....I'm not scared of anything you should know that being as how you and I played and I remember those fights going in my favor....sorry but you're acting as if I'm some scrub that can't play or something....

How about you travel here since you care that much instead of judging me? Besides, perhaps you don't know but I was invited here by quite a few people....you should be thankful if anything since I don't post as often on the same site that you had issues with...and I'm always trying to help this site with updates and newer players....so what do you want from me?

I don't tell you what to do, so please don't tell me what to do Tim...


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
2 hours is too far away? MaceWind didn't even play anything and he came from Youngstown to Cleveland for the tourney we just had and he had to go back not long after the tournament started. I traveled from my girlfriend's house 2 hours away to participate (I LEFT BEHIND NOOKIE FFS LOL!).

And yeah, Tim hauls ass when it comes to offline gatherings. Who else has their UMK3 cab brought up to every event they can bring it to?


Dude, believe what you want but it's not excuses it's facts...lol besides, let me ask you respectfully tim...how many offline sessions have you been to again? I respect the fact that you try to push UMK3 and have these sites here, but what have you done via offline tournaments? I know you went to one recently right in Michigan or somewhere? But besides that....

Afterall it's not like I NEVER had offline casuals, I did hang back in 06 with Pighut, gerchap, wu general, stretchshrimp with MKD and MKT casuals....one of the matches are even on my youtube but we played MANY...
Dude did you seriously just question Tims dedication??? Dude drove from Ohio to New jersey for ECT2, carts his arcade cab to every tourney he can. And is one of the prime people involved in the MK scene in the midwest as well as on like every Mk site, including now, SRK. Cmon man, get real.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Dude did you seriously just question Tims dedication??? Dude drove from Ohio to New jersey for ECT2, carts his arcade cab to every tourney he can. And is one of the prime people involved in the MK scene in the midwest as well as on like every Mk site, including now, SRK. Cmon man, get real.
No, I questioned his attempts at offline tourneys/casuals ^ I don't question his dedication but in case you don't know by now dude I'm also dedicated to MK(for one I'm on SEVERAL MK sites, I've been to or belong to the competitive ones as well)...and to try to help this site, have you not seen the tons of updates I give to Storms for everyone? If I didn't care would I do that, ask yourself that....

I know about him being involved in supporting UMK3, but you have to realize I don't like it when people who hardly know me(outside of this site) assume I have all the time in the world....no matter who they are. It can be Megan Fox judging me and I'd say the same to her...

But again, I see this as just being biased against me(once again) and one of the reasons why I left MKU....I don't see you questioning guys like Red, tom etc who talk FARRRR more shit then I do...in fact I never do, I only have issues with people who try to judge me. And I won't lie to you dude, I have a serious problem with that.

What have I done that brings you guys to have a problem with me? I try to bring people here, I give you updates, I post here because Storms had told me as well as Krayzie and others that it's about actual MK and not bs drama....what do you want me from?

2 hours is too far away? MaceWind didn't even play anything and he came from Youngstown to Cleveland for the tourney we just had and he had to go back not long after the tournament started. I traveled from my girlfriend's house 2 hours away to participate (I LEFT BEHIND NOOKIE FFS LOL!).

And yeah, Tim hauls ass when it comes to offline gatherings. Who else has their UMK3 cab brought up to every event they can bring it to?
It is when you have important shit to do yes....let's just say I have some personal things going on right now, MK is just one of my few ways of escaping....but ftr I also feel the same about long distant or longer relationships(I give you props for doing so often but I tried that way back, didn't work) but that's another issue for another day lol...

I appreciate you guys feeling the need to defend Tim but I'm sure he can answer for himself, which I'm sure he will.

I wouldn't ask normally because I'm aware but my point is if someone can question me, then I'll question them right back lol. I mean it's not a crime right? I have no problem so much with someone questioning me, but judging me...different story. He obviously has the time and money to do so, that's great but I'm not so fortunate...that's what I'm trying to say(why some people don't get this I don't know)

Again, that's why I stated MAJORITY of MK players despite if you're good or not, can't travel for personal reasons whether money, time, other things more important etc


Shadow Priest
TBH If a tournament isn't in my state, I find it pretty pointless to drive to another state. Now if you already have plans on traveling then that's another story. Just going way out to play game. Kinda stupid if you ask me.


MKF. If MKE raised money for you to show up to a tournament, would you do it? Just wondering. We encourage tournament-play here, and I am sure we could do anything possible if travel becomes difficult for you. 2 hours is not much, specially if people are offering you a ride, just some food for thought.

No offense, but meeting people once for offline casuals, specially the people you met doesnt mean much more than, "I met some facebook friends one time." You met Noel, and some other 3D MK players. These dudes are casual players who in my eyes will never understand competitive-play. I believe you know more about that then they do. I really hope you make it to one of these events. Once you become more affiliated with the fighting game scene, you wont want to go back... lol

I wish you the best. :top:

And remember, if you are a true fan, you would support UMK3 and show up to a tournament! :p

Do it man, you will love it.

TBH If a tournament isn't in my state, I find it pretty pointless to drive to another state. Now if you already have plans on traveling then that's another story. Just going way out to play game. Kinda stupid if you ask me.
There are tournaments all over the world. You don't have to travel that far to find competition.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
A lot of people here probably have more important things than video games than even you do. There's people who are dead broke compared to you, lol. They can still make these offline events. Why can't you? People even offer to come get you because of your driving situation.

It really doesn't make sense, especially if you're calling yourself the #1 MK fan and a high level MK player but can't even make it to ONE MK-related event.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
MKF. If MKE raised money for you to show up to a tournament, would you do it? Just wondering. We encourage tournament-play here, and I am sure we could do anything possible if travel becomes difficult for you. 2 hours is not much, specially if people are offering you a ride, just some food for thought.

No offense, but meeting people once for offline casuals, specially the people you met doesnt mean much more than, "I met some facebook friends one time." You met Noel, and some other 3D MK players. These dudes are casual players who in my eyes will never understand competitive-play. I believe you know more about that then they do. I really hope you make it to one of these events. Once you become more affiliated with the fighting game scene, you wont want to go back... lol

I wish you the best. :top:

And remember, if you are a true fan, you would support UMK3 and show up to a tournament! :p

Do it man, you will love it.

There are tournaments all over the world. You don't have to travel that far to find competition.
Point is it's not like I "never went to meet anyone from MK site" if not for MKO I never would have done that which I did have fun and keep in mind, giving all the hype for MKD we were most likely the only case of an offline meeting of that game lol which is kind of sad...but whatever, we all know the 3D MK's vs. 2D in terms of popularity anyway.

But was just saying, you should know I was also the one guy who brought my N64 to play MKT....the place we went to/met didn't have N64's, just current consoles...but they allowed me to bring it. I think that should count for something at least(if I didn't care about classic MK the one time so far I've hung out offline with people) I was willing to bring my N64 and MKT because I wanted to get some matches in with them....:)

But remember, I will always be a true fan regardless ;) because of my support and dedication to the MK series as whole...remember, if not for fans like myself there would be NO MK games still being made as well as those who buy every game ;)

It's like Boon said dude and every developer, it takes millions to make these games now days..if they don't get back similar amount then no more games will be made for us to enjoy in general.

Oh, dude concerning the raising money thing...not necessary lol for one I feel weird having people that hardly know me pay for me, I have that issue with my friends spotting me for things at times in general. I'm not the type of person to take advantage of others. I'm far from the richest guy on earth lol I'm just a middle income family guy, but that's ok.

A lot of people here probably have more important things than video games than even you do. There's people who are dead broke compared to you, lol. They can still make these offline events. Why can't you? People even offer to come get you because of your driving situation.

It really doesn't make sense, especially if you're calling yourself the #1 MK fan and a high level MK player but can't even make it to ONE MK-related event.
Maybe, maybe not....we all have time to play MK regardless though if it's online or offline lol but I'm definitely not rich or anything. I'm just a middle income guy, and now days especially with the economy to crap that's not that great lol.

I still don't get why you guys are question the "Fan thing" being a fanatic has nothing to do with travelling all over the world to tourneys....never has, never will...

Now if I was saying I'm the best player in the world, dude I can see but I never said that....lol I feel like I'm being interviewed by media and being severly misquoted....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Take the drive man...it's way more worth it than just sitting at home.


Pete.... all any of us ever wanted from you was for you to be part of this scene... and part of it for real... and to be your friends... not just some online buddies.. but honest, REAL friends... and that has been offered to you and extended to you COUNTLESS times.

This is not an MKF witch hunt.... nor was it me picking on you or bashing you. I have tried several times, in vain, to extend a hand of friendship, offer you the opportunity to make MK a little more local for you(where Rob and I live on LI is literally just over the Queens/Nassau Border), and countless other people(before you made it clear through numerous excuses) have wanted YOU to be part of their LIVES. Don't you get that?

I am not biased in my view of you. I actually spent quite some time defending you and saying "MKF is a good guy". All of that defending, in vain because every time I extend the hand of friendship, all I'm doing is extending it to a hot stove... so enough with me getting burned... and it was time to say something.

You want to know why I feel the way I do? Why people question you when you speak regarding offline vs. online? Why people question your name being MKF(and it's meaning), when it's clearly a self proclaimed title(and very arguable at that)? Why people don't(in your opinion) question Bill(Tom Brady) or Frank(Red Saleen/MK Vids)? It's all going to get answered... and more.

I'm going to do something that nobody has been willing to do(that I know of) because, regardless of what anyone else thinks, I do NOT dislike you, I do respect you, and because of that, I am going to be HONEST with you...not disrespectful, but HONEST.

I'm also going to tell you that I want you to ask questions... if you're not sure of why someone said what they said, or the meaning behind it...ASK. I want you to ask when someone says something you felt was off kilter and you want to know why. This is going to get cleared up once and for all.

Why do I (Phil) feel the way I do about this situation?

I've said it before, and I will say it again. Pete, I am not the only person who has extended the hand of friendship to you, only to have it swatted away numerous times with what one could only continue to call "lame" excuses. We have wanted you to be part of an offline scene, have offered you rides(I know I have multiple times, and I know Rob has offered to pick you up as well). We have wanted you to be our friend and comrade in MK Arms. You have made it clear, through your actions alone, that you have no desire for that.... and I, for one, am tired of getting slapped in the face everytime I offer my friendship to you.

I also feel this way because for some odd reason, you call yourself the #1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic... as if having a MK tatoo, comic books, playing all the games, knowing the story, etc.. everything you do(which I do not deny that you do), is somehow more important, and more deserving of the title "#1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic" than someone who owns a MK cab(Tim, Summoning, Red Saleen, MK3Fan), people who travel the 2+ hours or more(Tim, Summoning, 9.95, Dark_Rob, LI Joe, SweetJohnnyCage, Storms, AC1984...and many more) to play not only in tournaments, but CASUALS as well. How does any of our dedication make any of us any less of an MKF than you are? I traveled to Maryland with Shock and Kaldragon to pick up a UMK3 machine that is at Summoning's house... I don't even own the machine, yet my dedication and fanaticism led me to make this trip to help get that machine and be part of the entire experience with good friends and have good fun... and somehow, I'm less of an MKF than you are? Tim hauls his machine to numerous tournaments, lets people he doesn't know play on his personal property, pays for shipping, competes in tournaments, travels to out of state tourneys... knows as much about MK Lore as you do.... and he is somehow LESS of an MKF than you are? To be honest, it's quite insulting that you call yourself "The #1 Mortal Kombat Fanatic" when it's quite evident that there are others around you who are not only as dedicated and obsessed with MK, but possibly even more qualified to hold that "title"... maybe they even do a little bit more than you do for MK.

I feel the way I do because I have spent HUNDREDS of dollars, and HUNDREDS of hours making phone calls, setting up tournaments, buying equipment, going to tournaments, running tournaments, staying at hotels, traveling to other states, and meeting with like-minded people who do the same thing and have the same goals and desires... these people are also my friends. Rob, Summoning and Shock will all be at my Wedding in a year. If Tim lived close enough(or if he wants to come), he'll be there too... that's what this offline scene has done... it's created strong bonds and lifelong friendships. Why do you not want in on that? I am a little bit resentful too... I've done, as well as Tim, Shock, Summoning, and Dark Rob...along with LI Joe, SweetJohnnyCage, Storms, Krayzie Bone, and countless others SO MUCH for the MK Community. Do you honestly believe that after the horror show that was MKDA-MKA, and recently the abortion that was MKDC, that MK wasn't on it's last legs? MKDC COULDN'T EVEN SAVE MIDWAY! I know the fanboy in you is kicking in, but resist the urge to fall victim to it and see this for what it is. Ed Boon, and MK are capable of doing wrong! It's true...(now breathe...LOL). But the reason I'm resentful is because someone like you, and you are only one man in a sea of so many who feel and do the same that you do, makes MK look as bad as it does by blindly supporting Ed Buffoon and his band of merry men, and support online play over offline play. Do not say that you don't, because simply put, you haven't shown up to anything anyone in tri-state has offered to get you to in nearly 4 years(2006 is what you last quoted as being your casual get together). You are an online player, and that's fine, but understand...that does NOTHING BUT HURT THE IMAGE of Mortal Kombat. Did you ever think that you'd be doing that kind of damage to the game and series you love so much? So yeah, I'm a little resentful because of players like you who, without even realizing it, inadvertently do counterproductive things to the work I, and others have done over the course of years...and players like you who can ruin it over the span of a game's shelf life.

More to come...


But remember, I will always be a true fan regardless ;) because of my support and dedication to the MK series as whole...remember, if not for fans like myself there would be NO MK games still being made as well as those who buy every game ;)
Absolutely false! How DARE YOU!?! I drive my ass to different states, I make sure MK gets to tournaments, gets on the stream at tournaments... I have worked my ASS off to keep MK alive during the days when players like YOU tried to put the final stake in its already dying heart with games like MKDA, MKD, MKA, and MKDC! PLAYERS LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON MORE MK GAMES ARE BEING MADE? Are you kidding me? I am sorry Pete, but you need to take a step back bro... you need to realize that the work that Shock did for the last 15 years... the work I've done for over 2 years... making people aware that MK has been competative since MK2 and keeping it in the minds of players like YOU who remember when MK was actually good... so that people like YOU demanded another game that would actually be good. I have NO NEED for MK9... I have MK2 and UMK3... I don't need another "good" MK because I hold GREATNESS in my hands every day. It's players like YOU who need "good" because all you've done all these years is support the BAD stuff and encourage Buffoon and Co. to create more BAD and make MK look even worse... I'm sorry.. but the people it's the players like Shock, myself, Tim, Rob, Summoning, Joe, John, Bone, Storms...etc.. we're the ones who made MK9 happen... not you fans like you.

Sorry.. but that did piss me off... and you needed to know why.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Way I see it you're confusing "hand of friendship by offering to get me" with common respect. Which I've always given you, it's not like I've ever put you down or tried to tell you what to do have I? Nope...

So with that being said all I ever wanted or asked for in return is the same respect....it's not difficult. I appreciate you offering to be my ride etc at times but I don't get it, if I turn you down you take it personally? Why? It just means I can't because of plans made prior or I simply don't have the time.

But that aside, like I said I'm also dealing with personal issues right now....which I won't get into but all I can ask you to do is to respect my wishes....unless I talk trash or put you guys down or try to tell you what to do(which I haven't, nobody has a right to judge me)

If I can make it down the line to any of these future events I'll be sure to let you know but keep in mind, I was invited here by for the most part people who hardly showed up to offline showings and by Storms especially....

Some of you guys seem to have this mentality like "if you don't want to travel all over, then don't come here" so you're pretty much excluding everyone else...which isn't right.

Well again, Red had his chance few years ago to play ME in person when he lived in LI, so again that's pure hypocrisy on his part and Pig hut, gerchap will even back me on that one...I don't really care if he has a arcade cab(that just means he's got more money then me, big deal) it's not like he shows up to every offline MK tourney...or casuals whatever. But whatever, I'm actually happy he didn't show up because A. he would only make lame excuses as to why we kicked his ass and Two, he's got a shitty attitude and I don't want to be around people who think they're better then others...

How am I ruining MK? By supporting it? nonsense....you have a very onetracked mind Phil with "what your definition of an MK fan" is...no offense.

Absolutely false! How DARE YOU!?! I drive my ass to different states, I make sure MK gets to tournaments, gets on the stream at tournaments... I have worked my ASS off to keep MK alive during the days when players like YOU tried to put the final stake in its already dying heart with games like MKDA, MKD, MKA, and MKDC! PLAYERS LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON MORE MK GAMES ARE BEING MADE? Are you kidding me? I am sorry Pete, but you need to take a step back bro... you need to realize that the work that Shock did for the last 15 years... the work I've done for over 2 years... making people aware that MK has been competative since MK2 and keeping it in the minds of players like YOU who remember when MK was actually good... so that people like YOU demanded another game that would actually be good. I have NO NEED for MK9... I have MK2 and UMK3... I don't need another "good" MK because I hold GREATNESS in my hands every day. It's players like YOU who need "good" because all you've done all these years is support the BAD stuff and encourage Buffoon and Co. to create more BAD and make MK look even worse... I'm sorry.. but the people it's the players like Shock, myself, Tim, Rob, Summoning, Joe, John, Bone, Storms...etc.. we're the ones who made MK9 happen... not you fans like you.

Sorry.. but that did piss me off... and you needed to know why.
Beg to differ Phil...greatly. How Dare I? no, no...how dare you and others out there for judging me as an MK fan(sorry but really now? you're getting upset over this?) With all due respect dude....It's a game man...you don't know anything about me much less what I do or what personal issues I'm going thru right now, so YES I will say that and keep firm to that. My father has had health issues at times with diabetes, I'm seeking a better job atm and need more money, I'm dealing with anxiety issues which are a burden so please don't assume anything about me....thank you. Like I've said, all you KNOW is that I like MK....

IF we don't BUY MK games, then there WON'T BE MK GAMES MADE. Period! I've worked in retail and know how business works, it's common sense man. If you don't sell a product and gain back that amount, you will fail at any profit....

Don't believe me? Ask Boon lol go right ahead...I'll link you to his twitter...and let me know what he tells you. Dude, I support EVERY MK so stop with this players like me nonsense....if players like ME didn't exist you wouldn't have your MK....remember that. Hell, have you done everything in your power to ask Boon, MK team questions on MKO past podkasts?I have, I asked about patches...did you? I asked about better online play and gameplay, did you?

So don't presume to tell me what I do and don't do again, I've been an MK fan since MK1-present and unlike fake fans I don't turn my back on the series during it's downs, but I stick with it during the ups, downs and mediocre times...THAT'S WHAT BEING A TRUE FAN IS ALL ABOUT!!!

Same ordeal with teams, I'm a huge Yankee fan but unlike most fake fans I won't just LIKE THEM WHEN THEY WIN! I like them WHEN THEY LOSE, WIN OR STRUGGLE TOO!!


Now you can play and enjoy your UMK3 phil, by all means but please don't dare presume to make false assumptions about me and my support for MK. I've supported MK on TONS of other sites besides just this one, if I didn't care I wouldn't waste my time doing so now would I? No....

Look, dude there's no need to get upset over this...I can agree to disagree with you on some things and respect how you feel...I only ask the same in return....deal?


Pete, I also feel the way I do because you talk about "local" like it means the same thing to a MK player as it does a SF player. You could walk outside and yell, "Who wants to play SF?" and you'll find someone, just at random, who plays. MK is, as you know, a much smaller and tight-knit group, and "Local" is a very relative term. Do you have any clue how many players would love to be in the situation you're in? You're smack in the MIDDLE of western LI and NJ... the 2 hottest places for UMK3 IN THE COUNTRY!!! This is the EPICENTER OF MORTAL KOMBAT and you willingly walk away from it! It confuses all of us. You are within a 1 hour drive(that people have offered to drive you) from me, Rob, Summoning, and Shock. At any given time, LI Maverick, LI Joe, SweetJohnnyCage, and AC1984 could be any one or all of these gatherings for casuals...and you willingly say no to this? You say I don't know you, Pete...that because I don't know you, that I don't know your reasons why you say no all the time. Pete, that is not my fault... I have offered my friendship so many times... I was willing to chill with you, to pick you up, to play UMK3, etc. I wanted to get to know you...I gave you every opportunity... and you turned them all down. Don't put that on me... now the excuses can no longer be "you don't know me outside the forum"... you're right, but that's not my fault...and the excuses, as far as I'm concerned, are simply excuses. And that is because you have never given me the chance to understand them beyond a forum setting.

What is it that so concerns you about coming to chill and play?

Do you have low self esteem and think that we'll ridicule you mercilessly?(this happens to all of us anyway!)
Do you have some kind of social anxiety disorder and you're concerned about people seeing it?
Are you hideously disfigured and think that will change what anyone thinks of your MK skill and dedication?

Make me understand why anyone where, who has offered friendship, is not worthy of your friendship.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I had added some more personal things concerning myself in my previous post that you probably missed ^ I don't wish to fight with you so I'll be calmer now...

I'm not walking away from anything Phil, I've just have (currently) more important things on my plate atm....does it kill me not to go? Sure, but at the end of the day I have to remind myself of certain priorities that need my attention first and foremost...if I abandon them for something like this(as much as I love MK, I already put far too much time into MK as a hobby) then what kind of person does that make me? And no I'm not talking about the whole "video game loser" gig....but rather my character of abadoning more important things in life I currently need to attend to.

Once I get those things straightened out, then like I said earlier I will let you guys know...I promise. But just want to correct you on one thing, Shock ever offered and I don't know who summoning is? Maybe he went by another name when he asked me? I know he's an UMK player but Shock actually banned me from umk3 for defending myself against "losers obsessed with me from elsewhere" so why would I even accept that from him if I may ask? Shock hates me....

Look, why can still be friends/and or respect one another on here for the time being but I don't want you to think that just because I can't make it that means I'm dissing you. I'm honestly a very nice, silly guy if you knew me personally..I can get friends who know me to say the same if they came here I assure you. ;)

I can only ask you to understand my reasons for turning you down whether I have plans already or something simply more important to deal with...whatever the case may be Phil. You can believe whatever you wish, I'm not going to force anything on to you.

lol, concerning your last post...I may not be the most cocky, arrogant or confident guy in the world but I also don't have low self esteem...one thing you should probably know from me by now is I speak my mind, have my opinions and at times don't care what people think. That's not to be confused for me not being a nice guy, I'm very nice, down but I'm the type of person that doesn't bother anyone else unless I'm being bothered first.

Well, I'm currently dealing with anxiety(not MK anxiety lol) but generally speaking over a few things I'm currently involved in of late with a few things....

lol, I'm not disfigured or anything..the only thing directly that some people think is odd about me is how I sound, other then that.

I'm always up for making new friends but I honestly believe that some people on MKU and on here who I won't say have been falsly read about me and hate me for it....thanks to certain haters elsewhere(who hate me for stupid reasons I might add such as beating them in online MK) which as you know can't be taken THAT serious anyway so there I 100% agree with you...but you know how some people are with fighters and FPS's, some people take it wayyy too seriously....

But anyway yeah I'm done for now I don't want to go off topic any further with other things.