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Video The Chronicles of Tom Brady vs Tweedy FT3 + 4 Hour Run Back w Skype call Discussing EVO

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I think Tarkatan vs GM is 6-4 if you use Brady's close klone tech.

If not it's probably 8-2 or some shit lmao. See me vs Zoofs.
Was Brady using the tech in this video? Once again don't really follow the game anymore so I am not up to date on the specific pieces of tech. But if he was that still looks way way worse than 6-4. If it is 6-4, in neutral and when on defense what should Brady have been doing better? What options did he need to use more? Where was he going wrong? These are not sarcastic or rhetorical questions in any way, I am genuinely curious. Also if these things were discussed in the 4 hour video I apologize as I have not gotten around to watching that all yet.


Was Brady using the tech in this video? Once again don't really follow the game anymore so I am not up to date on the specific pieces of tech. But if he was that still looks way way worse than 6-4. If it is 6-4, in neutral and when on defense what should Brady have been doing better? What options did he need to use more? Where was he going wrong? These are not sarcastic or rhetorical questions in any way, I am genuinely curious. Also if these things were discussed in the 4 hour video I apologize as I have not gotten around to watching that all yet.
Brady was. If you set up the klone at point blank vs Alien, untechable throw and F33 becomes essentially a safe launching 50/50.

Brady didn't do a great job of punishing snag and EX flip, which aren't very hard to punish for even Sub Zero if practiced. Both characters have trouble anti airing each other. Alien does win air to airs with jump 2, but Sub's jump 3 is actually pretty good at contending with it. Brady never really used it. Sub's jump 1 will just lose every time.

My rekka meta game was way ahead of Brady's. Of course I know that it was impossible that I actually outplayed him. Without a doubt I did there, though. The first several times I baited a backdash by staggering the second rekka, he did it. Even when he had meter, i'd delay the first rekka perfectly to make the low a true string. Instead of punishing or even recognizing that, he just mashed and got hit. He just had poor execution and a poor understanding of my options, until later in the set.

My opinion on the match up.

I think that the safety of Sub Zero when he's on offense, versus the safety of Alien's mix ups, keeps the match from being too heavily in Alien's favor. Alien can do his 7% overhead flip and be -7, but that runs the risk of getting reversal thrown, or if the Alien player tries to escape, anticipating the throw, they can get hit for that. Sub Zero on the otherhand runs almost no risk once he has Alien in the corner, which only takes 1-2 hits max or one reversal slide on this game.

I feel like D'vorah has the same neutral advantage, while being able to anti air Sub and get out of the corner at a much higher rate. I know the first point will not be felt, because only a select few actually play Alien. Alien has a very hard time anti airing Sub Zero, as a lot of characters do. D'vorah does not. I feel like D'vorah clearly plays this match better than Alien. Not that she's the better character, I just think that she does better vs Sub. Imo even Brady thinks that, it's just an ego thing where you can't lose so many games and put blame on yourself. If Alien vs Sub is truly a 7-3, then tell the community that D'vorah vs Sub is a 9-1 or 8-2. That obviously won't go over smoothly, so lets just both put them at 7-3. :/

I didn't say much in response to Brady saying that it was unwinnable and what not on the stream. Brady has a lot of followers, and the mob was in the full effect. One guy who is a mod in Brady's stream told me that Sub Zero vs Sun God Kotal is a 5-5. Trying to tell an anti Alien crowd why Sub Zero isn't at that big of a disadvantage, while i'm beating their hero, would have just been a waste of time.

Imo if people took me vs Brady out of the equation and actually played the MU from both ends, it'd be known as a 6-4 without question. However, I also know that nothing I say can change that people love Brady, that people hate Alien. I'll just say that I know the match is 6-4 and leave it at that. If you think i'm wrong and that Alien can anti air Sub Zero's jump 1 with standing 1, cool.

Edit: None of this post was directed towards the guy I quoted lol. Sorry man. I'm just speaking in general because I know this post will get tons of hate.


Good video and its good to see someone actually being honest with Brady. Many times in these skype calls he comes in and complains about the game, then inflates his achievements to try to reinforce his arguments that he is a high level player. None of the players ever calls him out. Tweedy was direct and called him out on his lies and his excuses.
Brady was. If you set up the klone at point blank vs Alien, untechable throw and F33 becomes essentially a safe launching 50/50.

Brady didn't do a great job of punishing snag and EX flip, which aren't very hard to punish for even Sub Zero if practiced. Both characters have trouble anti airing each other. Alien does win air to airs with jump 2, but Sub's jump 3 is actually pretty good at contending with it. Brady never really used it. Sub's jump 1 will just lose every time.

My rekka meta game was way ahead of Brady's. Of course I know that it was impossible that I actually outplayed him. Without a doubt I did there, though. The first several times I baited a backdash by staggering the second rekka, he did it. Even when he had meter, i'd delay the first rekka perfectly to make the low a true string. Instead of punishing or even recognizing that, he just mashed and got hit. He just had poor execution and a poor understanding of my options, until later in the set.

My opinion on the match up.

I think that the safety of Sub Zero when he's on offense, versus the safety of Alien's mix ups, keeps the match from being too heavily in Alien's favor. Alien can do his 7% overhead flip and be -7, but that runs the risk of getting reversal thrown, or if the Alien player tries to escape, anticipating the throw, they can get hit for that. Sub Zero on the otherhand runs almost no risk once he has Alien in the corner, which only takes 1-2 hits max or one reversal slide on this game.

I feel like D'vorah has the same neutral advantage, while being able to anti air Sub and get out of the corner at a much higher rate. I know the first point will not be felt, because only a select few actually play Alien. Alien has a very hard time anti airing Sub Zero, as a lot of characters do. D'vorah does not. I feel like D'vorah clearly plays this match better than Alien. Not that she's the better character, I just think that she does better vs Sub. Imo even Brady thinks that, it's just an ego thing where you can't lose so many games and put blame on yourself. If Alien vs Sub is truly a 7-3, then tell the community that D'vorah vs Sub is a 9-1 or 8-2. That obviously won't go over smoothly, so lets just both put them at 7-3. :/

I didn't say much in response to Brady saying that it was unwinnable and what not on the stream. Brady has a lot of followers, and the mob was in the full effect. One guy who is a mod in Brady's stream told me that Sub Zero vs Sun God Kotal is a 5-5. Trying to tell an anti Alien crowd why Sub Zero isn't at that big of a disadvantage, while i'm beating their hero, would have just been a waste of time.

Imo if people took me vs Brady out of the equation and actually played the MU from both ends, it'd be known as a 6-4 without question. However, I also know that nothing I say can change that people love Brady, that people hate Alien. I'll just say that I know the match is 6-4 and leave it at that. If you think i'm wrong and that Alien can anti air Sub Zero's jump 1 with standing 1, cool.

Edit: None of this post was directed towards the guy I quoted lol. Sorry man. I'm just speaking in general because I know this post will get tons of hate.
It is a 7-3. Your claim to fame is that you are an online warrior trying to win Internet points by calling out Tom Brady. If you think I'm wrong and that you're the man, cool.


It is a 7-3. Your claim to fame is that you are an online warrior trying to win Internet points by calling out Tom Brady. If you think I'm wrong and that you're the man, cool.
He asked me to play in the first place. He said that i'm theory fighting and not playing the match at a high level. I even said several times that i'm not very good at the game. You've got the situation ass backwards and it's definitely not 7-3.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Brady was. If you set up the klone at point blank vs Alien, untechable throw and F33 becomes essentially a safe launching 50/50.

Brady didn't do a great job of punishing snag and EX flip, which aren't very hard to punish for even Sub Zero if practiced. Both characters have trouble anti airing each other. Alien does win air to airs with jump 2, but Sub's jump 3 is actually pretty good at contending with it. Brady never really used it. Sub's jump 1 will just lose every time.

My rekka meta game was way ahead of Brady's. Of course I know that it was impossible that I actually outplayed him. Without a doubt I did there, though. The first several times I baited a backdash by staggering the second rekka, he did it. Even when he had meter, i'd delay the first rekka perfectly to make the low a true string. Instead of punishing or even recognizing that, he just mashed and got hit. He just had poor execution and a poor understanding of my options, until later in the set.

My opinion on the match up.

I think that the safety of Sub Zero when he's on offense, versus the safety of Alien's mix ups, keeps the match from being too heavily in Alien's favor. Alien can do his 7% overhead flip and be -7, but that runs the risk of getting reversal thrown, or if the Alien player tries to escape, anticipating the throw, they can get hit for that. Sub Zero on the otherhand runs almost no risk once he has Alien in the corner, which only takes 1-2 hits max or one reversal slide on this game.

I feel like D'vorah has the same neutral advantage, while being able to anti air Sub and get out of the corner at a much higher rate. I know the first point will not be felt, because only a select few actually play Alien. Alien has a very hard time anti airing Sub Zero, as a lot of characters do. D'vorah does not. I feel like D'vorah clearly plays this match better than Alien. Not that she's the better character, I just think that she does better vs Sub. Imo even Brady thinks that, it's just an ego thing where you can't lose so many games and put blame on yourself. If Alien vs Sub is truly a 7-3, then tell the community that D'vorah vs Sub is a 9-1 or 8-2. That obviously won't go over smoothly, so lets just both put them at 7-3. :/

I didn't say much in response to Brady saying that it was unwinnable and what not on the stream. Brady has a lot of followers, and the mob was in the full effect. One guy who is a mod in Brady's stream told me that Sub Zero vs Sun God Kotal is a 5-5. Trying to tell an anti Alien crowd why Sub Zero isn't at that big of a disadvantage, while i'm beating their hero, would have just been a waste of time.

Imo if people took me vs Brady out of the equation and actually played the MU from both ends, it'd be known as a 6-4 without question. However, I also know that nothing I say can change that people love Brady, that people hate Alien. I'll just say that I know the match is 6-4 and leave it at that. If you think i'm wrong and that Alien can anti air Sub Zero's jump 1 with standing 1, cool.

Edit: None of this post was directed towards the guy I quoted lol. Sorry man. I'm just speaking in general because I know this post will get tons of hate.

Alien rapes sub zero
Mileena rapes sub zero

Both when midscreen, both are in trouble when they're cornered. I think you're downplaying how easy it is for alien.

The whole 'it takes one hit to get cornered' is more on your mistakes than the sub player, you have every advantage midscreen to control the situation. The only way characters like these would get cornered by sub is they either back themselves up by zoning too long (Mileena), or they make a big enough mistake to open themselves up.

Also, on the topic of anti airs, Sub can't, but isn't alien able to just u3?
Last edited:


fear the moobs
People who actually play this game, can someone give me an estimate of a matchup number here? It looks terrible

EDIT: Just heard you guys say 7-3 in the video. It looks worse than that to me haha
8-2 IMO
this edit is the greatest thing i've ever listened to


Alien rapes sub zero
Mileena rapes sub zero

Both when midscreen, both are in trouble when they're cornered. I think you're downplaying how easy it is for alien.

The whole 'it takes one hit to get cornered' is more on your mistakes than the sub player, you have every advantage midscreen to control the situation. The only way characters like these would get cornered by sub is they either back themselves up by zoning too long (Mileena), or they make a big enough mistake to open themselves up.

Also, on the topic of anti airs, Sub can't, but isn't alien able to just u3?
U3 works but it's much easier said than done. U3 is a great move on paper for non-Acidic variations, but it has points where it whiffs, that will often be the point where you react and anti air someone. It's like telling a Kung Jin player to just anti air every time with U1. That's a read, not a reaction. I mean can't Sub Zero just walk forward and trip guard Alien with standing 1? Neither of these things are comparable to Mileena's roll, at all.

Alien wins the neutral, that's why he wins the match. That doesn't mean that safe 50/50s vs non-safe 50/50s, once someone is outplayed one time, doesn't matter. If Sub had to outplay Alien 5-7 times to get the corner, it would totally be unwinnable. That's not how this game works, though. When I hit Sub I can guess wrong and get punished or reversal thrown/hit one time, which leads to the corner. When I hit Sub I can guess wrong and get reversal slid one time, which leads to the corner. Stop acting like Alien ever getting hit is a 100% avoidable mistake that involves no chance.

Mileena doesn't have as many problems once cornered, as Alien.

The match is 6-4. Comparing how Mileena does vs how Alien does is a fairy tale. Not saying Mileena is better than Alien, I just think(pretty much know) that Alien has more problems vs Sub specifically than Mileena/D'vorah.


The problem is that none of Alien's problems in this match are felt, because there are very few Alien players. 99% of Alien players are either casual or pick him up shortly and say "man this character is so easy".

If you dive into the MU you'll see that Alien's problems with anti airs, getting out of the corner, and risk/reward, are not that of a 7-3 match up.

Of course if you follow Tom's stream, are a mod in it, don't want to be on his bad side, hate Alien yourself, you'll imply that U3 is the same as Mileena's roll. Your agenda does not make that correct.

One guy told me to standing 1 a cross over Sub Zero jump 1. Do you guys know what the success rate of that is? It's impossible, zero percent. Doesn't even work. If anyone can do it i'll paypal you $20. But i'm wrong. Alien's U3 is the same as Mileena's roll. I'm just a downplayer.

Last post in this thread. Lab the MU yourself. I don't care if you're Foxy or a shithead from Tom's stream. If you think it's 7-3, you're wrong. That's it.


I just got around to listening to this. First of all, thanks @Tom Brady for the props and I do agree with you to a degree about the difference in EU/NA. However, I don't believe it has to do with a difference in skill as much as it's the difference in character/player variation. If we were to both go to Evo right now, you would probably do a lot better than me, because you are used to playing the US players and the characters they use. Given the time to play those players for a considerable amount of time, I would do better than I would going in now. Arguing about who's better isn't even worth the discussion imo, because it's impossible to compare in this situation. You'll always be the grandmaster in my eyes.
Tweedy was talking shit to Tom for winning as alien against sub-zero. What a fucking idiot. Tom is a great player and he standardized a lot of the strategy for the character.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Midscreen is so fucking free for Alien, if you get cornered it involves Alien getting outplayed in a situation that Alien has every conceivable advantage. That's why human error can't affect the MU number. It's like if someone lost due to dropping a combo and went around claiming it changed the matchup. When Alien gets cornered it's never Alien's fault, always the player. It's not like Reptile or Jax where Sub can just bully you until they have eventually have their back to the wall. Like I said, I can't give it a number due to lack of XP, but it's pretty horrible. It feels different than any of Sub's other 4-6s, that's for sure.
Midscreen is so fucking free for Alien, if you get cornered it involves Alien getting outplayed in a situation that Alien has every conceivable advantage. That's why human error can't affect the MU number. It's like if someone lost due to dropping a combo and went around claiming it changed the matchup. When Alien gets cornered it's never Alien's fault, always the player. It's not like Reptile or Jax where Sub can just bully you until they have eventually have their back to the wall. Like I said, I can't give it a number due to lack of XP, but it's pretty horrible. It feels different than any of Sub's other 4-6s, that's for sure.
Curious what are Sub zero s 4-6?