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Dodge rolls for a bar. This changes things.


Rolls might be just as helpful to zoners who would be building meter and rolling out of the corner if they found themselves trapped there, like Kabal with breakers in MK9, no?


Dojo Trainee
Not a huge fan but I'll reserve judgment until I see the the mechanic in the full version.


I like Tekken 8
Hopefully there's no Wonder Woman type characters that do everything without meter. If the roll is even that good. Anyway the game is still very far away


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
why are we assuming people can't react to a projectile? And I said *might*. I never said it was OP, just could possibly be.
Who said they can't?

More importantly, do you know how many "reactable" things even the best players get hit with, simply due to having to look for more than one option or because they've been conditioned to look for something else?

It most likely won't be OP.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
I have a better question that noone has asked..

Can you cancels combos with a roll, blockstrings that have gaps, can you cancel Supergirls beam with a roll into pressure? This gould get stupid people...in a good till its broke kinda way.

Reactions: JDM


"One mind, one blade."
So is it already known if you can throw people out of this roll or punish them at the right time? If they make the rolls like in KOF, then I'll have no problem.


Who said they can't?

More importantly, do you know how many "reactable" things even the best players get hit with, simply due to having to look for more than one option or because they've been conditioned to look for something else?

It most likely won't be OP.
maybe not. But it's possible. That's literally all I was saying.

After the run button I'm pretty scared of any movement option NRS implements.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
if its a universal mechanic.
It won't be. This is a prime ability to be linked to gear. Add "movement" or "teleport" and stuff like that will defiantly be the kind of thing that goes on gear drops. to"customise" how you play.


"Strength isn't everything"
I don't see how it is an offensive move, unless you can string it into unsafe strings to bait armour and punishes, but even at that, it costs a bar. And between, enhanced moves, push block, air breakers, armoured B3 and F3's, two bar armoured B3's and F3's in block strings, AND the clash system, you will have lots more to balance instead of just rolling forward or backwards, oh, and I forgot super moves.

Also, the clash system is paramount, spending a bar on this might cost you the match and put it further out of reach if the opponent can win two clashes in a match.

It isn't like MKX, in which you can just run forward through a footsie game and it only costs a replenish-able free meter, with push block costing two bars, if mindless rush down intensive players want to use it for some sort of offence, let them, there is much more to worry about.
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Imagine the salt of baiting a dodgeroll after a corner knockdown as Bane only to cancel into his autocorrecting grab super to snatch them from behind him.

Also don't worry about this making zoning useless. It costs a bar and you can easily bait folks into rolling into a full combo by mixing up your meatier tools with fast recovery ones or even staggering your offense. Unsafe rolls equate to DEATH in any game where you perform one. Watch any KOF match to prove this. Plus these cost meter. Vortex folks could suck you dry by panicking you with repeated knockdowns into high/low situations only to block and punish your roll with a throw or something.

Believe me...this shit will be DEEP. High level players will abuse reads and drain your meter like mad forcing you into hasty rolls at either the wrong distance, time or moment.
Not gonna lie, the way you broke this down is getting me fucking hyped


It would suck if it's a wake-up option against characters whose entire game lives and dies around their oki game.
I think that's where baiting and making reads comes in, if you're opponent wants to abuse it, then let him hang himself and wait for your moment to destroy his ass......this is what I hope to see though


AUS FGC represent!
I don't think it's broken if it's available to everyone in the game
This is not good thinking. Breakers were avialable to every character in MK9 but were broken for Kabal because he got 4-5 breakers per game. Just because it's a universal mechanic doesn't mean that some characters can't abuse it to the point of being broken more than others.


This is not good thinking. Breakers were avialable to every character in MK9 but were broken for Kabal because he got 4-5 breakers per game. Just because it's a universal mechanic doesn't mean that some characters can't abuse it to the point of being broken more than others.
Yeah i see what you are saying, kinda like with the way Mileena is now with how she breaks so often


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
This is not good thinking. Breakers were avialable to every character in MK9 but were broken for Kabal because he got 4-5 breakers per game. Just because it's a universal mechanic doesn't mean that some characters can't abuse it to the point of being broken more than others.
That's a problem with the character, not the mechanic.


Why does NRS keep tying mechanics that are meterless in other games to meter in theirs? Unless these rolls are CvS2 good (full invul, can be canceled out of to give the moves full invul, etc.) I see no reason to have these rolls require meter.

That said, even with those godlike, meterless rolls, zoning and fundamentals was still strong in CvS2. In fact, the game was turtle heavy until the roll cancels glitch was discovered.
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Filthy Casual
Some people are making it sound like this potentially helps zoners by giving them the option of baiting the roll and then punishing it. I don't buy that idea one bit.

Misusing a tool by doing something unsafe with it is a risk, if not an outright mistake. They have every inclination to be conservative enough to just not use it in risky situations. The presence of this tool is a bonus and absolutely hurts zoning on the whole, because the zoner can't make his opponent use it. He can try to bait them, but that's about it.

Yes, it will be punished sometimes. But after some experience, good players will learn when it makes sense to use it and when it doesn't. I expect it will see more use for corner escapes.

And from what I gather, there is no Run mechanic this time? So I don't really expect zoning to be weaker than it is in MKX, especially since this Roll does cost a bar.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
mb forward dash (roll) seems like a great mechanic with how zoning heavy the first game was they seem to be addressing the problem